which statement about public relations is correct

A member shall: Safeguard the confidences and privacy rights of present, former, and prospective clients and employees. This indicates a broad marketplace narrowing to the group of actual customers. Businesses communicate information to gain desired results. Under the traditional publicity model, PR professionals seek to create media coverage for a client, product, or event. In light of the improved public health conditions in San . For example, the tobacco industry offers a good case study of the migration from advertising to PR. Social media has accelerated the speed at which information about a crisis can spread; the viral affect of social networks such as Twitter means that stakeholders can break news faster than traditional media, which makes managing a crisis harder. This is not a flight of fancy. For the theory to work, it does not matter if the other is Democrats, Republicans, frat bros, Mexican people, snobby professors or slacker college students. PRSA is committed to ethical practices. Corporations engage in PR combat all the time, though they often try to work undetected. We acquire and responsibly use specialized knowledge and experience. We are faithful to those we represent, while honoring our obligation to serve the public interest. The new PR-oriented model of branding focuses on the overall image of the company rather than on the specific merits of the product. Public service announcements like the one that shows your brain and your brain on drugs.. This renaming helped New York City eliminate tons of sewage by shipping it to states that allowed biosolids (Stauber & Rampton, 1995). All this combines to create a sense of mystery and an emotional anticipation for the products release. This statement presents the core values of PRSA members and, more broadly, of the public relations profession. Work 37.5 hours per week and commit to a minimum of 375 hours for the duration of the internship. Public relations professionals are in charge of a wide range of communication activities that may include increasing brand visibility and awareness, planning events, and creating content. At the time of his trip, Franklin was an international celebrity, and the fashionable society of Paris celebrated his arrival; his choice of a symbolic American-style fur cap immediately inspired a new style of womens wigs. Tobacco company Philip Morris started underwriting cultural institutions and causes as diverse as the Joffrey Ballet, the Smithsonian, environmental awareness, and health concerns. We serve the public interest by acting as responsible advocates for those we represent. Before delving into a discussion about the future of advertising, it might help to survey the history of the field. When people crash, that, sadly, is news. An effective public relations program continues over months or even years. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. The history of the public relations field is often misunderstood. One of the more infamous examples of their campaign was a heavily reported account by a Kuwaiti girl testifying that Iraqi troops had dumped babies out of incubators in Kuwaiti hospitals. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the way how a corporation manages a balance among its economic, social, and environmental responsibilities so it can produce a positive impact on society. correct incorrect. Act in the best interests of the client or employer, even subordinating the members personal interests. There are sections on content marketing and other forms of persuasion. The term public affairs is also used by government agencies to describe their public relations activities and by many corporations as an umbrella term to describe multiple public relation activities. Favorable reviews of the shows generated positive press for Marlboro. They can be a quick response to a crisis or emerging issue, or they can stem from a long-term strategy tied in with other marketing efforts. Public Relations Society of America Inc. The level of public trust PRSA members seek, as we serve the public good, means we have taken on a special obligation to operate ethically. Mass media professionals craft messages to help sell products by raising awareness and pushing people to make actual purchase decisions, but in the network society and the age of targeted marketing, the ability to reach individual consumers who fit precise sets of characteristics is incredible. Responding to concerns, informing, and motivating and organizations current employees or members. This strategy served tobacco companies well up through the 1980s. A company will pay money to compensate a public figure, spokesperson, or influencer to use its logo or products. It is important to ensure that the information across all channels is accurate and as complementary as possible. They launched a PR campaign to change the image of diamonds from a luxury good into an accessible and essential aspect of American life. D. Public relations deals only with the activities designed to sell a product or service. PR is also the process of managing your organization's brand and communications especially in times of crisis. Together, communication managers and technicians play a vital role in relationship building and the management of a brand. What you call love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons. Don Draper, fictional advertising executive from the AMC seriesMad Men. We adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in advancing the interests of those we represent and in communicating with the public. Firms need to show that they are working toward positive resolutions to deflect the negative publicity. A sponsorshipis when a company pays to support an event or a mass media production in exchange for having its brand promoted alongside the activity or content. Politics has also embraced branding. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. In the early 1990s, for example, car company Saturn marketed its automobiles not as a means of transportation but as a form of culture. Government propaganda is a good example of this model. New technologies such as blogs have enabled virtually anyone to participate in the news gathering process, meaning that public relations practitioners must work with both . To build trust with the public by avoiding or ending situations that put ones personal or professional interests in conflict with societys interests. Marketings four Ps often described as product, price, place and promotion (or position) encompass much more than making messages to support brands and products. :), INTRODUCTION OF PUBLIC RELATIONSThrough proactive and reactive engagemen. The basic definition of advertising is a message or group of messages designed with three intentions: to raise awareness in the population about brands, products and services; to encourage consumers to make purchases; and, ultimately, to inspire people to advocate for their favorite brands. Both product placement and sponsorship decisions are based on a sharedtargetmarket. a- The most common publicity-based tool is the news We provide objective counsel to those we represent. To protect the privacy rights of clients, organizations, and individuals by safeguarding confidential information. This credibility gap can be overcome, however, when PR professionals using good promotional strategies step in. By facilitating a back-and-forth discussion that results in mutual understanding and an agreement that respects the wishes of both parties, this PR model is often practiced in town hall meetings and other public forums in which the public has a real effect on the results. Professional communicators tailor messages in relation to the advertising funnel or purchase funnel, as shown in the image on the left. Consumer behavior is about as unpredictable as other forms of human behavior. Handling unfavorable publicity means being honest with consumers and putting public interest first. The new name, Xe Services, was the result of a large-scale PR campaign to distance the company from associations with civilian violence (Associated Press, 2009). In an age of digital communication, it is cheap and easy to develop detailed, professional messages employing a variety of media types that PR pros can try to spread around the world instantaneously. Disclose promptly any existing or potential conflict of interest to affected clients or organizations. By acquiring a major solar company, BP became the world leader in solar production and in 2005 announced it would invest $8 billion in alternative energy over the following 10 years. He thinks that other people are going to feel the need to go out and buy up all of the bread and milk, so, aware of the threat and concerned about their behavior, he goes out and buys bread and milk. This video from Kate Finley, chief executive officer of Belle Communications, explains what it is like to work at a public relations agency. It is important to map out potential negative scenarios and have a PR plan for each one. Media relations uses one the press. This explains why negative news gets so much more attention than positive news. The profit in BTL marketing comes from reaching large audiences with tailored messages at specific times in relation to their previous purchasing and shopping behaviors. Branding has been used to great effect in recent elections. In 1953, studies showing the detrimental health effects of smoking caused a drop in cigarette sales. PRSA Member Statement of Professional Values This statement presents the core values of PRSA members and, more broadly, of the public relations profession. We often presume that we know how individuals from other groups will think because we have seen messages in the media and we presume to know how the other will respond. Professional agents seek media coverage for a client, product, or event. Some of them also deal with crisis communication and help to salvage a brands integrity and reputation during a negative event. After considering all of these factors, practitioners are better educated to select the best type of campaign. The company teamed up with Greenpeace and other environmental groups to promote green issues and increase its natural image. D. In addition to businesses, advertising is used by many types of organizations. The aim is to persuade the public, investors, partners, employees, and otherstakeholdersto maintain a certain point of view about the company and its leadership, products, or political decisions. Audiences varies; not just customers (examples: media, internal employees), Earned media: Publicity achieved through pitching or convincing journalists to cover your client or organization, Focused on drawing attention to the product through strategic placement and imagery, Component of marketing (falls under the umbrella of marketing efforts), Paid media: companies have to pay for advertisement creation, In 1982, Johnson & Johnsons Tylenol medication commanded 35% of the US over-the-counter analgesic. The persuasive communication model, or the two-way asymmetric, works to persuade a specific audience to adopt a certain behavior or point of view. Sometimes it helps us to understand an element of mass media if we discuss when it all goes wrong. Which of the following statements about public relations is not correct? tool. (Recall that legacy media has been defined previously in this text to refer to platforms in existence before the transition to digital.) In a sense, governmental propaganda is PR, but the client is a country. This process can involve devising specific communication techniques and selecting the forms of media that suit the message best. Public relations emphasizes cultivating relationships between an organization or individual and key publics for the purpose of managing the clients image. Politicians communicate with their constituents and make their message known using PR strategies. Protecting the integrity and reputation of an organization is important, but putting public interest ahead of the organizations interest is key to gaining consumer trust and loyalty. We can say with a degree of certainty that some people are directly influenced by some ads some of the time, and we can say that many people are indirectly influenced by ads almost all of the time. Regulations prohibiting radio and TV cigarette advertisements had an enormous effect on sales. Conversely, dont blow minor incidents out of proportion or allow others to do so. Social media sites have also encouraged branding techniques by allowing users to create profiles of themselves that they use to communicate their core values. We are accountable for our actions. Roosevelts personal tone and his familiarity with the medium of radio helped the Fireside Chats become an important promotional tool for his administration and its programs. Whether you're looking for a new position or a new employee, start your search on the PRSA Jobcenter. These chats aimed to justify many New Deal policies, and they helped the president bypass the press and speak directly to the people. A companyis a business entitythat produces several types of product, whereas a brandis a term used to label a specific product or a limited family of products. Click here for more information on what you can expect in a public relations career. The ultimateobjectiveof PR is to retain goodwill as well as create it; the procedure to follow to achieve this is to first do good and then take credit for it.

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which statement about public relations is correct

which statement about public relations is correct