what idea was espoused with the webster hayne debates

. In coming to the consideration of the next great question, what ought to be the future policy of the government in relation to the public lands? The answer is Daniel Webster, one of the greatest orators in US Senate history, a successful attorney and Senator from Massachusetts and a complex and enigmatic man. Webster stood in favor of Connecticut's proposal that the federal government should stop surveying western land and sell the land it had already surveyed to boost it's revenue and strengthen it's authority. In January 1830, a debate on the nature of sovereignty in the American federal union occurred in the United States Senate between Senators Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Robert Hayne of South Carolina. Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819) | Case, Significance & Summary. Daniel webster, in a dramatic speech, showed the. All of these ideas, however, are only parts of the main point. Most assuredly, I need not say I differ with him, altogether and most widely, on that point. . The debate can be seen as a precursor to the debate that became . But the topic which became the leading feature of the whole debate and gave it an undying interest was that of nullification, in which Hayne and Webster came forth as chief antagonists. Webster-Hayne debate - Wikipedia TEST: THE WESTWARD MOVEMENT Flashcards | Quizlet The Webster-Hayne Debate | Overview, Issues & Significance - Study The gentleman, therefore, only follows out his own principles; he does no more than arrive at the natural conclusions of his own doctrines; he only announces the true results of that creed, which he has adopted himself, and would persuade others to adopt, when he thus declares that South Carolina has no interest in a public work in Ohio. Nullification, Webster maintained, was a political absurdity. U.S. Senate: The Most Famous Senate Speech She has worked as a university writing consultant for over three years. Noah grew a vineyard, got drunk on wine and lay naked. Finally, sir, the honorable gentleman says, that the states will only interfere, by their power, to preserve the Constitution. Is it the creature of the state legislatures, or the creature of the people? The Union to be preserved, while it suits local and temporary purposes to preserve it; and to be sundered whenever it shall be found to thwart such purposes. We met it as a practical question of obligation and duty. This is a delicate and sensitive point, in southern feeling; and of late years it has always been touched, and generally with effect, whenever the object has been to unite the whole South against northern men, or northern measures. It makes but little difference, in my estimation, whether Congress or the Supreme Court, are invested with this power. foote wanted to stop surveying lands until they could sell the ones already looked at Webster-Hayne debate - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia No hanging over the abyss of disunion, no weighing of the chances, no doubting as to what the Constitution was worth, no placing of liberty before Union, but "liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable." Northern states intended to strengthen the federal government, binding the states in the union under one supreme law, and eradicating the use of slave labor in the rapidly growing nation. The growing support for nullification was quite obvious during the days of the Jackson Administration, as events such as the Webster-Hayne Debate, Tariff of 1832, Order of Nullification, and Worcester v. Georgia all made the tension grow between the North and the South. The Significance of the Frontier in American Histo South Carolinas Ordinance of Nullification. . What they said I believe; fully and sincerely believe, that the Union of the states is essential to the prosperity and safety of the states. I will yield to no gentleman here in sincere attachment to the Union,but it is a Union founded on the Constitution, and not such a Union as that gentleman would give us, that is dear to my heart. Sir, I have had some opportunities of making comparisons between the condition of the free Negroes of the North and the slaves of the South, and the comparison has left not only an indelible impression of the superior advantages of the latter, but has gone far to reconcile me to slavery itself. If the federal government, in all or any of its departments, are to prescribe the limits of its own authority; and the states are bound to submit to the decision, and are not to be allowed to examine and decide for themselves, when the barriers of the Constitution shall be overleaped, this is practically a government without limitation of powers; the states are at once reduced to mere petty corporations, and the people are entirely at your mercy. The debate continued, in some ways not being fully settled until the completion of the Civil War affirmed the power of the federal government to preserve the Union over the sovereignty of the states to leave it. While the debaters argued about slavery, the economy, protection tariffs, and western land, the real implication was the meaning of the United States Constitution. The United States' democratic process was evolving and its leaders were putting the newly ratified Constitution into practice. 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There yet remains to be performed, Mr. President, by far the most grave and important duty, which I feel to be devolved on me, by this occasion. We who come here, as agents and representatives of these narrow-minded and selfish men of New England, consider ourselves as bound to regard, with equal eye, the good of the whole, in whatever is within our power of legislation. . We see its consequences at this moment, and we shall never cease to see them, perhaps, while the Ohio shall flow. Foote Idea To Limit The Sale Of Public Lands In The West To New Settlers. The gentleman takes alarm at the sound. Help if you can :) please and ty By the time it ended nine days later, the focus had shifted to the vastly more cosmic concerns of slavery and the nature of the federal Union. . Webster-Hayne Debates, 1830 - Bill of Rights Institute . Sheidley, Harlow W. "The Wester-Hayne Debate: Recasting New England's Sectionalism", Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 179899, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=WebsterHayne_debate&oldid=1135315190, This page was last edited on 23 January 2023, at 22:54. . This feeling, always carefully kept alive, and maintained at too intense a heat to admit discrimination or reflection, is a lever of great power in our political machine. . Benton was rising in renown as the advocate not only of Western settlers but of a new theory that the public lands should be given away instead of sold to them. They will also better understand the debate's political context. But, sir, we will pass over all this. Robert Young Hayne | American politician | Britannica The Webster-Hayne Debate between New Hampshire Senator Daniel Webster and South Carolina Senator Robert Young Hayne highlighted the sectional nature of the controversy. . Foot calling for the temporary suspension of further land surveying until land already on the market was sold (to effectively stop the introduction of new lands onto the market). A state will be restrained by a sincere love of the Union. What idea was espoused with the Webster-Hayne debates? His speech was indeed a powerful one of its eloquence and personality. The Webster-Hayne Debate: An Inquiry into the Nature of Union by Stefan . Sir, an immense national treasury would be a fund for corruption. Speech of Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina, January 25, 1830. . . And who are its enemies? An equally. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Speech of Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina, January 27, 1830. . Neither side can be said to have 'won' the debate, but Webster's articulation of the Union solidified for many the role of the federal government. Webster spoke in favor of the proposed pause of federal surveyance of western land, representing the North's interest in selling the western land, which had already been surveyed. Post-Civil War, as the nation rebuilt and reconciled the balance between federal and state government, federal law became the supreme law of the land, just as Webster desired. In contrasting the state of Ohio with Kentucky, for the purpose of pointing out the superiority of the former, and of attributing that superiority to the existence of slavery, in the one state, and its absence in the other, I thought I could discern the very spirit of the Missouri question[1] intruded into this debate, for objects best known to the gentleman himself. I said, only, that it was highly wise and useful in legislating for the northwestern country, while it was yet a wilderness, to prohibit the introduction of slaves: and added, that I presumed, in the neighboring state of Kentucky, there was no reflecting and intelligent gentleman, who would doubt, that if the same prohibition had been extended, at the same early period, over that commonwealth, her strength and population would, at this day, have been far greater than they are. 136 lessons . But, sir, the task has been forced upon me, and I proceed right onward to the performance of my duty; be the consequences what they may, the responsibility is with those who have imposed upon me this necessity. While the Union lasts, we have high, exciting, gratifying prospects spread out before us, for us and our children. It would be equally fatal to the sovereignty and independence of the states. Daniel Webster stood as a ready and formidable opponent from the north who, at different stages in his career, represented both the states of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. . Daniel Webster argued against nullification (the idea that states could disobey federal laws) arguing in favor of a strong federal government which would bind the states together under the Constitution. It would enable Congress and the Executive to exercise a control over states, as well as over great interests in the country, nay, even over corporations and individualsutterly destructive of the purity, and fatal to the duration of our institutions. Webster-Hayne Debate 1830, an unplanned series of speeches in the Senate, during which Robert Hayne of South Carolina interpreted the Constitution as little more than a treaty between sovereign states, and Daniel Webster expressed the concept of the United States as one nation. During the course of the debates, the senators touched on pressing political issues of the daythe tariff, Western lands, internal improvementsbecause behind these and others were two very different understandings of the origin and nature of the American Union. we find the most opposite and irreconcilable opinions between the two parties which I have before described. But, the simple expression of this sentiment has led the gentleman, not only into a labored defense of slavery, in the abstract, and on principle, but, also, into a warm accusation against me, as having attacked the system of domestic slavery, now existing in the Southern states. I now proceed to show that it is perfectly safe, and will practically have no effect but to keep the federal government within the limits of the Constitution, and prevent those unwarrantable assumptions of power, which cannot fail to impair the rights of the states, and finally destroy the Union itself. The significance of Daniel Webster's argument went far beyond the immediate proposal at hand. It is only by a strict adherence to the limitations imposed by the Constitution on the federal government, that this system works well, and can answer the great ends for which it was instituted. Sir, I will not stop at the border; I will carry the war into the enemys territory, and not consent to lay down my arms, until I shall have obtained indemnity for the past, and security for the future.[4] It is with unfeigned reluctance that I enter upon the performance of this part of my duty. Union, of itself, is considered by the disciples of this school as hardly a good. Every scheme or contrivance by which rulers are able to procure the command of money by means unknown to, unseen or unfelt by, the people, destroys this security. Most people of the time supported a small central government and strong state governments, so the federal government was much weaker than you might have expected. The senator from Massachusetts, in denouncing what he is pleased to call the Carolina doctrine,[5] has attempted to throw ridicule upon the idea that a state has any constitutional remedy by the exercise of its sovereign authority against a gross, palpable, and deliberate violation of the Constitution. He called it an idle or a ridiculous notion, or something to that effect; and added, that it would make the Union a mere rope of sand. They attack nobody, and menace nobody. The United States, under the Constitution and federal government, was a single, unified nation, not a coalition of sovereign states. Democratic Party Platform 1860 (Breckinridge Facti (Southern) Democratic Party Platform Committee. . . 1. emigration the movement of people from one place to another 2. immigration a situation in which resources are being used up at a faster rate than they can be replenished 3. migration the leaving of one's homeland to settle in a new place 4. overpopulation the movement of people to a new country 5. sustainable development a situation in which the birth rate is not sufficient to replace the . In 1830, the federal government collected few taxes and had two primary sources of revenue. An undefinable dread now went abroad that men were planning against the peace of the nation, that the Union was in danger; and citizens looked more closely after its safety and welfare. And now, Mr. President, let me run the honorable gentlemans doctrine a little into its practical application. I am a Unionist, and in this sense a national Republican. It was motivated by a dispute over the continued sale of western lands, an important source of revenue for the federal government. Next, the Union was held up to view in all its strength, symmetry, and integrity, reposing in the ark of the Constitution, no longer an experiment, as in the days when Hamilton and Jefferson contended for shaping its course, but ordained and established by and for the people, to secure the blessings of liberty to all posterity. We look upon the states, not as separated, but as united. South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification 1832 | Crisis, Cause & Issues. He had allowed himself but a single night from eve to morn to prepare for a critical and crowning occasion. Hayne entered the U.S. Senate in 1823 and soon became prominent as a spokesman for the South and for the . . To them, the more money the central government made, the stronger it became and the more it took rights away from the states to govern themselves. These verses recount the first occurrence of slavery. . Well, you're not alone. On January 19, 1830, Hayne attacked the Foot Resolution and labeled the Northeasterners as selfish and unprincipled for their support of protectionism and conservative land policies. Allow me to say, as a preliminary remark, that I call this the South Carolina doctrine, only because the gentleman himself has so denominated it. The Webster-Hayne Debate: Defining Nationhood in the Early American Prejudice Not Natural: The American Colonization "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? What idea was espoused with the Webster-Hayne debates? Gloomy and downcast of late, Massachusetts men walked the avenue as though the fife and drum were before them. These irreconcilable views of national supremacy and state sovereignty framed the constitutional struggle that led to Civil War thirty years later. But, according to the gentlemans reading, the object of the Constitution was to consolidate the government, and the means would seem to be, the promotion of injustice, causing domestic discord, and depriving the states and the people of the blessings of liberty forever. He joined Hayne in using this opportunity to try to detach the West from the East, and restore the old cooperation of the West and the South against New England. Judiciary Act of 1801 | Overview, History & Significance, General Ulysses S. Grant Takes Charge: His Strategic Plan for Ending the War. It is to state, and to defend, what I conceive to be the true principles of the Constitution under which we are here assembled. I wish to see no new powers drawn to the general government; but I confess I rejoice in whatever tends to strengthen the bond that unites us, and encourages the hope that our Union may be perpetual. . The debate, which took place between January 19th and January 27th, 1830, encapsulated the major issues facing the newly founded United States in the 1820s and 1830s; the balance of power between the federal and state governments, the development of the democratic process, and the growing tension between Northern and Southern states. First, New England was vindicated. .Readers will finish the book with a clear idea of the reason Webster's "Reply" became so influential in its own day. Speech of Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, January 20, 1830. . Mr. Hayne having rejoined to Mr. Webster, especially on the constitutional question. . Between January and May 1830, twenty-one of the forty-eight senators delivered a staggering sixty-five speeches on the nature of the Union. Webster's argument that the constitution should stand as a powerful uniting force between the states rather than a treaty between sovereign states held as a key concept in America's ideas about the federal government. Speech of Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, January 26 and 27, 1830. I understand the honorable gentleman from South Carolina to maintain, that it is a right of the state legislatures to interfere, whenever, in their judgment, this government transcends its constitutional limits, and to arrest the operation of its laws. Webster-Hayne Debate - Federalism in America - CSF . . - Definition and Uses, Public Speaking: Assignment 1 - Informative Speech, Public Speaking: Assignment 3 - Special Occasion Speech, The Role of Probability Distributions, Random Numbers & the Computer in Simulations, The Monte Carlo Simulation: Scope & Common Applications, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, The methods by which the federal government earned its revenue, The federal government's surveying and selling of land west of the Mississippi River, The issue of slavery, which was beginning to divide the Northern and Southern states, The balance of power between federal and state governments. When they shall become dissatisfied with this distribution, they can alter it. Before his term as a U.S. senator, Hayne had served as a state senator, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, South Carolina's Speaker of the House, and Attorney General of South Carolina. Webster-Hayne debate - Wikisource, the free online library Sir, when gentlemen speak of the effects of a common fund, belonging to all the states, as having a tendency to consolidation, what do they mean? Then, in January of 1830, a senator from Connecticut introduced a proposal to the Senate stating that the federal government should stop surveying the lands west of the Mississippi River. If they mean merely this, then, no doubt, the public lands as well as everything else in which we have a common interest, tends to consolidation; and to this species of consolidation every true American ought to be attached; it is neither more nor less than strengthening the Union itself. Webster and the North treated it as binding the states together as a single union. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Well, let's look at the various parts. I hold it to be a popular government, erected by the people; those who administer it responsible to the people; and itself capable of being amended and modified, just as the people may choose it should be. Create your account, 15 chapters | This absurdity (for it seems no less) arises from a misconception as to the origin of this government and its true character. Enveloping all of these changes was an ever-growing tension over the economy, as southern states firmly defended slavery and northern states advocated for a more industrial, slave-free market. . The Commercial Greatness of the United States, Special Message to Congress (Tyler Doctrine), Estranged Labour and The Communist Manifesto, State of the Union Address Part II (1848). I would strengthen the ties that hold us together. South Carolinas Declaration of the Causes of Sece Distribution of the Slave Population by State. . In fact, Webster's definition of the Constitution as for the People, by the People, and answerable to the People would go on to form one of the most enduring ideas about American democracy. Hayne began the debate by speaking out against a proposal by the northern states which suggested that the federal government should stop its surveyance of land west of the Mississippi and shift its focus to selling the land it had already surveyed. . Hayne maintained that the states retained the authority to nullify federal law, Webster that federal law expressed the will of the American people and could not be nullified by a minority of the people in a state. All of these contentious topics were touched upon in Webster and Hayne's nine day long debate. Lincoln-Douglas Debates History & Significance | What Was the Lincoln-Douglas Debate? Those who are in favor of consolidation; who are constantly stealing power from the states and adding strength to the federal government; who, assuming an unwarrantable jurisdiction over the states and the people, undertake to regulate the whole industry and capital of the country. In all the efforts that have been made by South Carolina to resist the unconstitutional laws which Congress has extended over them, she has kept steadily in view the preservation of the Union, by the only means by which she believes it can be long preserveda firm, manly, and steady resistance against usurpation. . It is only regarded as a possible means of good; or on the other hand, as a possible means of evil. Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. Southern states advocated for strong, sovereign state governments, a small federal government, the western expansion of the agricultural economy, and with it, the maintenance of the institution of slavery. . Pet Banks History & Effects | What are Pet Banks? - Women's Rights Facts & Significance, Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points: Definition, Speech & Summary, Fireside Chats: Definition & Significance, JFK's New Frontier: Definition, Speech & Program. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. I regard domestic slavery as one of the greatest of evils, both moral and political. The Webster-Hayne debate laid out key issues faced by the Senate in the 1820s and 1830s. . . But his calm, unperturbed manner reassured them in an instant. Sir, when arraigned before the bar of public opinion, on this charge of slavery, we can stand up with conscious rectitude, plead not guilty, and put ourselves upon God and our country. In our contemplation, Carolina and Ohio are parts of the same country; states, united under the same general government, having interests, common, associated, intermingled. He was dressed with scrupulous care, in a blue coat with metal buttons, a buff vest rounding over his full abdomen, and his neck encircled with a white cravat. In many respects, his speech betrays the mentality of Massachusetts conservatives seeking to regain national leadership and advance their particular ideas about the nation. Well, the southern states were infuriated. Most are forgettable, to put it charitably. . I propose to consider it, and to compare it with the Constitution. When the gentleman says the Constitution is a compact between the states, he uses language exactly applicable to the old Confederation. The arena selected for a first impression was the Senate, where the arch-heretic himself presided and guided the onset with his eye. a. an explanation of natural events that is well supported by scientific evidence b. a set of rules for ethical conduct during an experiment c. a statement that describes how natural events happen d. a possible answer to a scientific question The honorable gentleman from Massachusetts [Senator Daniel Webster] has gone out of his way to pass a high eulogium on the state of Ohio. . . Battle of Fort Sumter in the Civil War | Who Won the Battle of Fort Sumter? The idea of a strong federal government The ability of the people to revolt against an unfair government The theory that the states' may vote against unfair laws The role of the president in commanding the government 2 See answers Advertisement holesstanham Answer:

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what idea was espoused with the webster hayne debates

what idea was espoused with the webster hayne debates