presidential reconstruction vs congressional reconstruction venn diagram

A contested presidential election. Is robin roberts married to amber. They passed laws over Johnson's veto that expanded the role of the Freedman's Bureau and required that southern states ratify the Fourteenth Amendment. Presidential Reconstruction. Presidential and radical reconstruction venn diagram. Party headquarters (Watergate complex) connected to Nixon reelection committee tried to bug office & record conversations of political opponents Nixon resigned in 1974; Ford became President and pardoned Nixon, Affirmative Action affirmative action policy that gives special consideration to women & minorities to make up for past discrimination; 70 s - special focus on employers & schools Bakke decision: Regents of the University of California v. Bakke ( 78) Medical school reserved spots in class for minorities Bakke (white, stronger academic record) not accepted & claimed racial discrimination Supreme Court required Bakkes admission but did not overturn affirmative action, Carters Foreign Highlights Camp David Accords ( 78) - peace treaty between Egypt & Israel, Egypt recognized nation of Israel & Israel withdrew troops from Sinai Peninsula Iranian Revolution ( 79) opposition to Shah (emperor) of Iran led to the Ayatollah Khomeini seizing power, Shah fled to U. S. for cancer treatment Iran-Hostage Crisis (Nov 79 -Jan 81) Iranian radicals responded by invading U. S. embassy & taking 66 Americans hostage, held for more than a year before being released after Reagans election, Reagans Domestic Highlights Conservative Revolution Reaganomics supply-side economics adopted reduce taxes so people will work more, have more money to spend = economic growth, Reagans Foreign Highlights Iran-Contra Scandal ( 86) U. S. sold weapons to Iran in 85; in exchange, Iran promised to pressure terrorist groups in Lebanon to release Am. However, it originated when Abraham Lincoln created a unique program called the "Ten Percent Plan," which was aimed at bringing the South into the Union as quickly as possible. expeller pressed vs refined oil. It first passed several laws helping newly freed slaves, such as The Civil Rights Act (whose provisions would later be found in the 14th Amendment). Narmada Kidney Foundation > Uncategorized > presidential and congressional reconstruction venn diagram. Presidential reconstruction vs congressional reconstruction venn diagram. Library of Congress. The Wade-Davis Reconstruction Bill would also have abolished slavery, but it required that 50 percent of a state's White . Lincolns Plan for Reconstruction VENN DIAGRAM During the closing days of the war President. In June of 1866 the Joint Committee on Reconstructi See more. In Alabama, this period lasted from 1867 to the end of 1874 and was characterized by racial conflict and widespread terrorist activity.Alabama's experience was broadly typical of other southern states, but it was notable . For homework, have students complete the Union vs. Confederacy Venn diagram. 8 million drafted, 4. Presidential Reconstruction, as envisioned by Abraham Lincoln and enacted by Andrew Johnson, was meant to heal and reunite a fractured nation. of War Edwin Stanton (Radical Republican) House of Reps voted to impeach Johnson (charge him with wrongdoing in office) Trial in Senate failed and Johnson stayed President by only one vote, Compromise of 1877 1876 election: Republican Rutherford B. Hayes Democrat Samuel Tilden Tilden won popular vote & Southern states; in recount Hayes won by 1 electoral vote Compromise of 1877 Hayes elected President In return, the remaining troops were removed from South = End of Reconstruction, Expansion of Railroads 1 st transcontinental RR completed in 1869 Union Pacific built from E to W (used many Irish laborers) Central Pacific built from W to E (used many Chinese laborers) Met at Promontory Pt, Utah in 1869, Rockefeller & Standard Oil: Rise of Trusts & Monopolies John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil Company tycoon corporations wanted to increase profits: tried to gain a monopoly complete control over a product or service created trusts group of separate companies that are put under the management of a single group (forms a monopoly), Edisons New Inventions Thomas Edisons Inventions: Electric light bulb (1880) Motion pictures (1888) - built the machine needed for filming and projecting motion pictures Phonograph (1877) early record player, Who came to America? s power, Congress passed Tenure of Office Act Pres. The worlds 1 art site - home to 500000 artists and iconic global brands. -Freedmen had to sign agreements in January for a year of work. How Presidential & Congressional Elections Differ - Bustle The Political Struggle, 1865-1866 | Facing History and Ourselves An aircraft company wanted to predict the number of worker-hours necessary to finish the design of a new plane. Use the interest rates given to determine whether the bonds are issued at par, at a discount, or at a premium. Radical Reconstruction even involved the continued occupation of the South by federal soldiers in order to safeguard the newly won rights of former slaves. stated reason: many justices elderly & overworked; relieve the burden on them unstated reason: appt more liberal justices who would support the New Deal & sway court in FDRs favor, Reaction to FDRs Plan Critics react to Roosevelts plan: negative public reaction; bill did not pass Accused FDR of trying to increase Pres power & upset balance (separation) of powers FDR is weakened politically: FDR lost political support; public less willing to accept new programs In long run, Court became more accepting of New Deal, United States Action during WWII majority of Americans opposed U. S. intervention Congress passed the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937 imposed restrictions on Americans during times of war example: prohibited sailing on ships owned by nations at war, prevented Americans from making loans to nations at war or selling them weapons, Another Neutrality Act Roosevelt declared American neutrality but was anti-Nazi convinced Congress to pass the Neutrality Acts of 1939 included a cash-and-carry provision nations at war could buy goods & arms in the U. S. if they paid cash & carried merchandise on their ships, African Americans Gain Civil Rights Double V campaign: need for victory against dictators abroad & discrimination in U. S. A. Philip Randolph: organized protest march on Washington, D. C. & convinced FDR to issue Executive Order 8802 assured fair hiring practices in jobs funded w/ govt money & est. Presidential Reconstruction refers to the plan of Andrew Johnson, our 17th president, to rebuild and reconstitute the south following the Civil War. presidential and congressional reconstruction venn diagram Eleanor offered advice on policy issues advocated public health & education, promoted arts, addressed flood control gave money she earned to charity Eleanor changed the office of First Lady from a ceremonial role to a position of action & involvement. civil rights bill of 1866. first congressional attempt to guarantee black rights in the south, passed . A Southerner himself, Johnson was eager to make concessions to the southern states in order to assure that they quickly gave up the rebellion and rejoined the Union. \begin{aligned} y_i &=\text { design effort, in millions of worker-hours } \\ x_{1 i} &=\text { plane's top speed, in miles per hour } \\ x_{2 i}=& \text { plane's weight, in tons } \\ x_{3 i}=& \text { percentage number of parts in common with } \\ & \quad \text { other models } \end{aligned} semi truck accident, colorado today; . Plstico Elstico un programa de msica y canciones de Pacopepe Gil. Took oath of allegiance. Radical leaders employed a rare constitutional remedy to clear the obstacle: presidential impeachment. In Dec. 1904 by Roosevelt in message to Congress Central Message: if intervention in W. Hemisphere necessary, U. S. would intervene, not European nations, How Did U. S. Acquire Rights to Build the Canal? 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Wade-Davis Bill (1864) | National Archives Jim Crow Laws Segregation laws enacted in the South after Reconstruction Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld the constitutionality of Jim Crow laws; separate but equal did not violate Fourteenth Amendment, NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People formed in 1909 interracial organization founded to abolish segregation & discrimination and to achieve political & civil rights for African Americans strategy: use courts to challenge unfair laws, Progressive Political Reforms Initiative citizens put a proposed new law directly on the ballot Recall voters can remove elected officials form office before their terms end Referendum process that allows citizens to approve or reject a law passed by a legislature 17 th Amendment direct election of Senators by voters, not state legislatures. Compare and contrast presidential and congressional ("Radical Web Fred Perry Secret Sketchbook 1 One Shot By Antarctic Press Release Date. How did the Lincolns. The reason why him and other southerners had this mindset was because they believed the south was a place where the government was run by the wealthy elite plantation owners, run by the wealthy for the wealthy. presidential and congressional reconstruction venn diagram eNotes Editorial, 13 Jan. 2020, A Texas school district asked a Black principal to remove a - reddit Reconstruction Timeline | American Experience | PBS What did Johnson have in common with a small percentage of other southerners and why did they have those beliefs? There was a marked difference between Congressional Reconstruction - outlined in the first, second, and third Military Reconstruction Acts - and Andrew Johnson's plan for Presidential Restoration (North Carolina's plan shown here). As an exit ticket, have students . The 14th Amendment punished Confederate supporters and gave citizenship to former slaves. These are to be combined into workstations to create an assembly line. It was not a very big country. 2. more than 2, 000 sailors & 68 civilians killed, Challenges to Civil Liberties Roosevelt ordered 110, 000 Japanese Americans into relocation camps internment Moved to Utah, California, Arizona, Wyoming, Arkansas, & Idaho Had to sell homes, businesses, & belongings Over 17, 000 Japanese Americans served in Army units even while friends & families were in camps Korematsu v. U. S. decision upheld internment, Roosevelt Inches Toward Involvement 1941, Congress passed Lend-Lease Act allowed Roosevelt to sell or lend war supplies to any country whose defense he considered vital to U. S. safety, WWII: Battle of Midway Midway Date: 1942 Description: Japan (under Admiral Yamamoto) attempted to destroy American aircraft carriers in Pacific; Navy code breakers intercepted message & under U. Kinley asked Congress to declare war April 19, Congress declared war & adopted Teller Amendment US had no intention of annexing Cuba, Effects of the Spanish-American War: Philippine-American War U. S. annexation of Philippines led to Philippine-American War led by Emilio Aguinaldo 3 years; 216, 000 Filipinos died & 5, 000 Americans 1946 - Philippines given independence, Debate over Expansion Imperialists supported expansion Arguments: 1. How did Northerners feel about Reconstruction? After the Civil War, should the South have been treated as a defeated nation or rebellious state? 0 Comments Complete the Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction vs. ongress' plan. Sure! Mc. Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act 1 st immigration restriction in U. S. history prohibited immigration by Chinese laborers limited civil rights of Chinese immigrants in U. S. forbade the naturalization of Chinese residents, Causes of the Spanish-American War People of Cuba & Philippines wanted to rebel against Spain Depression of 1890 in Cuba; 1895 Cubans revolted against Spain Spanish used harsh tactics against Cubans (Gen. Valeriano the Butcher Weyler) American press (yellow journalism) reported cruelties; Pulitzer & Hearst created sympathy for Cubans The Butcher Weyler Joseph Pulitzer, American investments & property journalist destroyed during Cuban revolt for New York World, Causes lead to Spanish-American War Feb 9, 1898 De. With a few exceptions, Lincoln offered pardons to any Confederate who swore allegiance to the Union and the Constitution. They wanted the south to really understand what they did. Reconstruction of the South, 1857. Interpret these estimates. He set a rather low bar for reconciliation, which required a mere ten percent of eligible voters in the defeated Confederate states to publicly swear loyalty to the Union. from University of Massachusetts-Boston. The culmination of this process occurred in 1867 and 1868, when Congress passed a series of Reconstruction Acts; these measures were implemented and constituted the final restoration program for the South. ti raleigh 40th anniversary replica. Under this plan, rather lenient conditions were placed on the South. Senate vs. House of Representatives [classic] Use Creately's easy online diagram editor to edit this diagram, collaborate with others and export results to multiple image formats. KOLCHIN / The Myth of Radical Reconstruction 229 Reconstruction as a successful effort to consolidate the newly won political power of northern capitalists. Before WWII starts, a lot of countries had some plans (among the intelectuals) about eugenics. 3 There are similarities and differences between the Wartime, Presidential, and Congressional Reconstruction. In response to the inefficacy of Johnsons policies, Congress enacted its own Reconstruction legislation. There was a major distinction between the Republican politician President and Republican politician Congress that triggered many disputes. It was named for President Lincoln and this was the easy/painless and forgive/forget route. Using the information above as well as the textbook pgs201 203 fill in the Venn Diagram. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. 6. Charleston southern university summer camps. Both houses of Congress formed a joint committee to determine whether Southern states deserved representation. 4. Presidential and congressional reconstruction venn diagram. 3. Congressional Reconstruction. 4. Presidential Reconstruction, as envisioned by Abraham Lincoln and carried out by Andrew Johnson, was much more soft and forgiving than the vindictive and socially transformative measures of Congressional Reconstruction. presidential and congressional reconstruction venn diagram Download presentation. presidential reconstruction vs congressional reconstruction venn diagram . Presidential Venn Diagram - Outside the Beltway Lincoln summed up his feelings about a post-war country in his second inaugural address, in which he stated that the United States would move forward "with malice toward none, with charity for all." Committee on Civil Rights to investigate race relations; Truman attempted to implement suggestions, but Congress did not support Truman used executive power to order the desegregation of military, Jackie Robinson breaks the color line Date: 1947 Description: Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers becoming the first African American to play baseball in the major leagues, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, KS Date: 1954 Description: overturned the separate but equal principle established by 1896 Plessey v. Ferguson case; U. S. Supreme Court decided segregated public education violated the U. S. Constitution, Kings arrest & Letter from a Jail Date: 1963 Description: King joined protesters in Birmingham and was arrested; from jail he wrote a letter explaining why civil rights activists were tired of waiting for change Birmingham, March on Washington & I Have a Dream Speech Date: 1963 Description: organized by NAACP, SCLC, & SNCC; 200, 000 demonstrators marched on capital to put pressure on Congress to pass a new civil rights bill King gave his I Have a Dream speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Civil Rights Act of 1964 Description: signed by Pres. Here, several of the provisions of Johnson's plan are laid out. Senate vs. House of Representatives [classic] - Creately

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presidential reconstruction vs congressional reconstruction venn diagram

presidential reconstruction vs congressional reconstruction venn diagram