mike bridges powerlifter

Nothing worked. [/quote] So in a desperate effort, I rolled to my left and the fucking pin pulled all the way out. I couldn't sleep on the flight. The one thing that keeps Lee from the world record total is a poor deadlift. How about a total of 2105 lb at 181lb body weight. Just lift it! (BUT he's not alone, there will be some very angry WOMEN TOO on this! The rule said small jump of 2.5 kg would nullify a third and that is how I lost the bid for my 10th world championship.Lou: Tell us about your most memorable world championship.Larry: That would be my first in 1971 against John Kanter. How about a man who can squat 892.9lb; bench press around 580lb and deadlift in the 800s. [quote=Brian Mc][quote=Travis Werner]I really hope the IPF overlooks this and lets the record stand. The 20kg TPB used to be approved by the IPF, until they didn't pay the licensing fee, so there are undoubtedly some IPF World record which have been set using a TPB. There was no money meets back then.Lou: What motivated you back then?Larry: A strong desire to be the best and win all the time at anything. Squat: 395kg/870lb Powerlifting had one federation, one national champion, Gaynor said. Consider this 2008 American Physiological Society study, which found that the benefits of steroids in powerlifters can last several years beyond when the drugs leave their body. We can still make new gains and new PR's well into our master careers but we have to listen to what our bodies are telling us more. Las Vegas, NV. I went 760, 810, 832. Everyone there knows you did your best to make the meet as perfect as it could be, in EVERY aspect. I've never really changed anything. The bar used was the correct weight & configuration. Deadlift: 365kg/804.69lb. This happened to Mike Bridges. USAPL, was it "modified rules" which were in effect this time? BUT, as a lifter at the meet who is not capable of setting world records, I was very happy when I learned that we would be using a Texas Power Bar. Then the bar hit the supporting brace below the bench on the left side. No official word has come down from the IPF or USAPL. if i were running the damned thing, i'd be double checking EVERYTHING. Some have tested and non-tested divisions; others randomly test a minimum of 10 percent of their lifters; and the rest the majority, in fact dont test at all. Hahahahah!!! I didn't know exactly what they were but I knew there would be some kind of difference between the bars. to the meet director - sorry this sounded so strong. Where are my safety guys screaming about that? Larry Pacifico is widely regarded as one of the greatest powerlifters of all time. Will Democrats Rally Behind President Biden In 2024? When you squat 800 pounds, every joint in your body needs to be optimally aligned. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Was I right! No excuses! Note: During the BFCM sales period all sales are final.Thus, no returns will accepted. [quote=Anonymous] well yeah they were legal when they kept the sponsorship fee up. All rights reserved. 123-pound squat data was a dwarf and indeed hoisted 639 pounds. This Make your morning email scroll and coffee stronger. Ted did 705lb., a record! I am aware of the wrong bar that was shipped because I warmed up with it in the warm up room. [quote=Travis Werner]I really hope the IPF overlooks this and lets the record stand. Mike was the superlative powerlifter. The fact that Teds total may have been low does not depreciate the astronomical effort he has left us with. 1. TPB makers stood to gain by keeping the sponsorship fee up, after all, it's a BUSINESS. Also known ad Dr. Squat. Trying to figure this out with the same type hip replacement as Rickey Crain. Just the fact that the TPB is 45lbs makes it not meet all requirements for use. It went all the way down except for about half an inch. [/quote] And there were no bench shirts until 1984, so his bench was raw as they say nowadays. I must have said 5 pounds which was a 2.5kg jump[MCJ2]. As for everyone saying ivanko bars are shit because they are so whippy you have to remember they were actually designed for weightlifting. Mike entered his first power lifting competition in 1976 and broke a world record in his very first competition. I stayed there for three days. Theyre close enough in the lighter classes, but the heavier guys are differentiated in such a way, for example, that an IPF lifter could be up to 23 pounds heavier than a Raw Unity competitor in an equal weight class. People need to have a reality check, as if Harold thought ..hey, let me sabotage this meet and give them a non-approved bar. I'm fine Jesse! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. That's when Bridges competed in the ADFPA (American Drug Free Powerlifting Association). 1983 Mens Senior Nationals way to go!!! So I wiped the blood off with my coat and pushed the pin back down my finger. Mike Bridges (Birth date: february 1, 1957). thanks Jeff Mumaw. When you talk about bench pressing, I have to enter Teds name for he is the only other person to do what I have done , bench press in excess of 700lb. I recall weighing less after a meet back in those days. That's total that maybe one other lifter has approached. 80's Power Lifting Stars - NECKBERG Mike gave it hus all and was a supporter of the sumo-style deadlift and is one of the first to use it effectively. With respect to direct lat work, you will neither find it in the detailed 1982 article by Ron Fernando, disclosing, I was there, front row at the USF SunDome in Tampa covering the contest for The Tampa Tribune when Jeff, Dave was 7 years my elder and my teen years weightlifting idol. We are not EliteFitness.com. 711 still weighs 711 on a Texas Power Bar or an Ivanko! This is powerlifting not Olympic weightlifting no need for some Broz type of nonsense. Mike's lifts are pending on the IPF website. Mike won the second most prestigious national powerlifting in 1977 when he won the Junior National Powerlifting Championships. I bought it in the park and it was the "official hat of the team" and part of the money I payed was toward the license fee the hat company payed the baseball organization. Bench: 280kg/617.29lb Just start learning the gear/rule variations. He has proved that you dont have to be a giant to do record poundages! How is this the USAPL shooting themselves in the foot? How about a total of 2105 lb at 181lb body weight. We assumed that the manufacturer sent us the approved/correct bars. wouldnt u think for a comp that big, that everything would be above board, regardless of what you think the rules should be? How about dougs billing squat 985lb. Mike is going to get robbed because it's an IPF rule, tpb isn't approved equipment and so he's getting american records. mark. I hope this does not come true. 1983Mens Senior Nationals how long did u have the bar before you opened it? Ed did one bodybuilding show as a teenager but he did not like the idea of losing weight, he wanted to become as big as possible. Bridges' squat of 711 pounds, bench of 512 pounds, and total of 1,896 pounds are all new 198 class World Records. they're listed as pending cause someone turned in teh record forms and until ipf looks into this, they're pending. I envied Larry for having such good training partners and a coach like Bob Matz. I realize that rules are rules but, don't shoot the horse because the jockey was overweight. i still want to be muscular also. And it's still very hard for me to write after all these years. the fault is with USAPL and its referees (IPF ones) and its meet director, who should have KNOWN better than to hold a MEN's NATIONALS and that women's record breaker event WITHOUT THE PROPER BARS. Privacy Policy. My middle finger and both the fingers on each side were caught. Powerlifting legend Mike Bridges deadlifts ~617 lb | barbell Strength is like a glass, said lifting coach Brett Jones, who is considered one of the best trainers in the country. on USA SOIL! The author and famed Mike Bridges are shown in a light moment at the 1982 World Powerlifting Championships in Munich. But when you can squat 1000 anytime you fell like it, who cares about a poor deadlift. Bridges weighed just 173 pounds, but at the 1983 U.S. Powerlifting Federations (USPF) national championships, he bench pressed, squatted and dead lifted1 a combined 2,011 pounds. Larry would drive from Dayton to Toledo for four years using a simple 5-3-1 system. In football, the drugs can help a fullback break through what would have been a tackle; in baseball, they can help a pitcher take a 95 mph fastball to 98 mph (and also help him recover between starts). They took me to Grandview Hospital where a doctor friend of the family met us. The problem was discovered on Thursday. I wonder how it would feel to have a 700+ pound bar slide down your back. Try Squatting with all that weight with a smooth middle! Of course, it would be nave to assume that some lifters at tested events werent using PEDs. Reports have surfaced that the IPF will take those records from Bridges due to the fact that Texas Power Bars were used at the event instead of IPF approved equipment. It will be a **** shame if Mike is stripped of these records. Thats huge, because more muscle gives these athletes more power to perform with. John Gamble! Jim. Why?? Records should not have to be sacrificed because of this. One official got yelled at for asking about the bar while my boyfriend was checking his rack height later on thursday. Good luck to all of them. I don't care if this was your first nationals and you came in last, you still shouldn't have to lift with the wrong equipment. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Guess we will never know for sure since neither one of us heard it first hand. Wouldn't it still be a Masters National USAPL record? It's about $'s! they're listed as pending cause someone turned in teh record forms and until ipf looks into this, they're pending. Its a shame his feats arent hailed about today. My training poundage started climbing again and I felt more and more like busting it in the gym again. And squating without center knurling??? Mike was in powerlifting from the first days of the IPF in the early 1970s. Mike Bridges Training - Starting Strength Ron Collins who would mostly lift at 181 and you were mostly a 198 and there was a lot of talk of a match between you.Larry: Yes, it would be at 198, but never happened.Lou: You won nine worlds starting in 1971, it ended at Wisconsin in 1980. Thu Oct 13, 2016. He said, "I will be in a minute." Deadlift: 320kg/705.48lb, Lee Moran (Birth date: may 17, 1955 Died july 15, 1999). I started training at Bob Matzs gym in Toledo, Ohio, with George Crawford and Milt McKenzie, but. What really happened that day that allowed Mark Dimiduk to win the 1980 SR nationals and that would select the 1980 world team members.Larry: On a second attempt deadlift I wanted a 5 kg jump. You can train as hard as ever; but there will be a time that you have to allow more recovery time. The bar used was the correct weight & configuration. Terry Todd isn't merely the United States' first national powerlifting champion (in 1964 and '65), he was also the first man to total 1,600, 1,700, 1,800, and 1,900 pounds. My team was also lifting, including Eric Stuber, Mac Richards, John Topsoglou, and several others. It was a beautiful day to drive, but once we got 50 miles away, Mac said we needed to pull over. Collectively, the disparities in competition averages and world records between tested and non-tested powerlifters are about what most studies say they should be. When he first saw Vince hecould tell he had dropped down to 198,then he saw me all bulked up and ready for battle. Dan has benched 400lb in his class when most men in his class were approaching the 600lb barrier . For example, 7 sets x 3 reps at a lower percentage (50-60%) of . Bodybuilding and physique-training provide exposure to the powerlifting exercises but not the technique. Training DVD's Looking back, I have seen all the best lifters of the past 50 years. lift on, stay young, and live to enjoy it! Arnold Schwarzenegger (3). not screwing up in front of the WORLD. The squat racks used at that meet were illegal as they could possibly get accoding to mandates of the IPF. The best in the sport can, with perfect form, hoist more than a few times their bodyweight in iron. Ivanko bars are awfulthey are outrageously whippy and the non-standard knarling makes setting up for the deadlift quite confusing. Steroids split us into two federations. Over time, more groups broke off from both the USPF and drug-free federation, splintering the sport further. What has Dan done for the game? He bench pressed well over 400, squatter more than 700 and deadlifted close to that. DUMB, the man had spanking new Ivanko weights and ER rack on the platform, to think that the bar was his underminding the rules is plain stupid. Dan, like Ed and Fred Hatfield, has proven that the little man is in! Giant to appreciate his size. While they were undoubtedly unbeatable, they were untested for the most part. Mike Bridges (Powerlifter) Inger Blikra (Powerlifter) Subrata Dutta . and the Squat at an astonishing amount of 804 lbs. Full-Body Workouts - C.S. Sloan - Blogger They called Mel the king of the bench press. not screwing up in front of the WORLD. Let's hope they get confirmed soon. In my opinion, it's a horrible situation all the way around. Every so often an athlete shows an exceptional talent in his sport that baffles the mind. Although he seldom works them, he has pressed 300lb from behind the neck and military pressed 325lb. Ivanko bars are awfulthey are outrageously whippy and the non-standard knarling makes setting up for the deadlift quite confusing. I was completely drained. USAPL Powerlifter Champion Mike Bridges Wins 5th Pan-Am - Benzinga Pacificos best competition lifts are an 832-pound squat, 592-pound bench press (without a bench shirt), a 771-pound deadlift, and a 2061-pound total. ive seen a little on his training also here it goes. Mike broke his prior world record by 87 lb. Squat: 410kg/903lb He was and is the strongest man under 200 pounds I ever saw. Mike Bridges - ProKinetics : ProKinetics liane blyn, jessica o donnellyeah that's a group to want to have after you to slap you upside the head! Records should not have to be sacrificed because of this. I weighed 150 pounds back then.Lou: When you moved to Dayton what was your occupation? Ivanko bars are awfulthey are outrageously whippy and the non-standard knarling makes setting up for the deadlift quite confusing. While I was there, in came a man from Texas who got his hand ground up in a meat grinder. John has totaled just around 2300! Now that I know the whole story from Harold I feel bad about the situation and my earlier comments. View Profile View Forum Posts . Thats what makes powerlifting such a great sport. In total, the lifters at Raw Unity put up about 17.44 percent more weight than the lifters at the USAPL competition and 3.46 percent more than those at the IPF meet. Mike Bridges - 755 lb Deadlift @ 181 lbs (342.5 @ 82.5 kgs) I drove it back over my head, I guess to keep it from tearing my pec worse, and to keep the bar from sinking in my chest. I hope it wasnt 45lbs cos USAPL/IPF rules stipulate metric measures I'm sure if anything does happen like records being reversed, the people who are invloved will only use this as motivation to exceed their previous lifts. fed ex, several people with bars in ATTENDANCE who could have had fed ex deliver them, there's NO EXCUSE in this day and age. Thread Tools. ivanko bars suck. Joe "The Lad" Ladnier Mississippi Monster, Free Shipping with a $69 qualifying order. Best Lifts: Second, the guys that want to do drugs and get around a test can and will. On the other end of the spectrum, USA Powerlifting (USAPL) vehemently tests lifters, and its slogan is Americas choice for drug-free strength sport.. Dr. Fred Hatfield (october 21, 1942 Died may 14, 2017). For more information, please see our What did this meet director think? some even fresh from factory seem unduly "slick"! 600lb bench and a deadlift of 815 for a world record total of 2400 pounds. The point is the TPB is not approved and does not even meet all the requirements to be approved. Power bodybuilding requires you to re-learn technique and reach new movement standards. THEN AND NOW | Westside Barbell Why should IPF bend rules for 1 fed in its group rather than for another.(and since they only do that for rus or ukrwellthere's your answer). Hewon nine consecutive IPF World Powerlifting Championships from 1971-1979 (198-pound to 242-pound weight classes) and set 54 world records during his powerlifting career. The meet director did the best he could given the circumstances and the pass given with the equipment presented for inspection. Lou: You had a lot of lifters come stay with you such as Mike Bridges who you said was the strongest man under 200 pounds. Mike, congrats on your lifting. Best Lifts: When we discovered the mistake we did the best we could and used the bar that was available. His total outdid his closest competiton by some 150lb. IPF Hall of Fame Inductees | International Powerlifting Federation Wiki oh yeah and IPF who gets the SPONSOR FUNDING EVERY YEAR for keeping them APPROVED. Benchpress: 705.5 pounds (320kg) [quote=TheGymMuse] If this is your first visit, be sure to For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Show me where the IPF as said anything? I dont drug test at Raw Unity for a couple reasons, said Eric Talmant, who organizes and competes in Raw Unity, an event considered by some to be the Super Bowl of American raw powerlifting.

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mike bridges powerlifter