how many vietnam vets die each day

Why cant you be just a proud Veteran. It does not store any personal data. I served 2 tours late 1966 to late July 1968, TET and the rest as an infantry platoon sgt Also served in Korea 1963 and considered a Korean war vet as that war has never ended. I have VSM on my DD215 which deleted the AFEM on my DD214. drafted in 1966, Vietnam 1967-68 with the 1st infantry 75!!!! Fact: Everyone who served during the Vietnam War are classified as Vietnam Era Vets. More than 300,000 Veterans were wounded during the Vietnam War. So it only makes sense that for those very few of the 9+ million in the service during those years so be able to distinguish themselves. When I opened my mouth and started talking about Nam, Id get this response, We dont talk about Nam .In my opinion we should tell everyone about our combat experience. I don't know about you guys, but it kind of gives me the chills. Vietnam War Veterans, and honoring all who served: Memorial Day 2021 Vietnam Vet_combat. There he was wearing my dress uniform jacket SSG, CIB, BS three rows of ribbons 8 years service, 10 overseas hash marks and he had 3 very underage teeny boppers girls smoking weed telling them war stories and bragging about his combat exploits. Should you have a question or comment about this article, then scroll down to the comment section below to leave your response. I submit, we should use the same standard for Vietnam. Sgt. This battle resulted in the loss of 13 Marines (10 in combat, 3 were left behind and executed by the Khmer Rouge, 2 Navy Corpsmen, and 3 Air Force pilots. Based on data through September 30, 2020, VetPop2020 provides a projection of the Veteran population at each fiscal year end from 2020 to 2050. eventually i commented that i had flown into dong ha on resupply missions , having become bored with my mates work on merchant ships that spent long weeks at da nang. 997 soldiers997 soldiers were killed on their first day in Vietnam . The exact percentage of surviving Vietnam War veterans is not known, but it is estimated to be around 25% of the total number of veterans who served during the war. A few days later I was in fatigues on a C-123 to Da Nang, and a month later driving Hai Van Pass to Phu Bai with 3rdRRU Mobile Det (ASA). Heres my article about Canadians who fought in Vietnam: BAM! Ive often wondered how many of us are left. Splitting out the numbers of combat and era vets are separate questions. when we carried peaches and beer, no problem. three years on and off in vietnam . Their lives should be given importance. I was in 1st Battalion 26 th Infantry HMP 1st Infantry Division in 68 November 68 to January 69. We havent forgotten that time of our lives, and remember full well, that most of these ERA Vets joined these other branches in a desperate attempt to avoid service in Vietnam. All opinions graciously welcomed. So, here well dive a little bit deeper into how many Vietnam veterans are estimated to still be alive based on various approximations and predictions. We all had a job to do. According to the American War Library, as of February 28, 2019, it is estimated that approximately 610,000 Americans who served in land forces during the Vietnam War or in air missions over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are still alive to this day. Im glad you made it back! And your comment about Agent Orange shows that you have no understanding of how the chemical poisoned everyone who set foot in Vietnam. we had a building where the company stored our property. Peter: 67N2F, 119th AHC 68-69. There are questions like this that are hard to answere as being true boots on ground. We are not ashamed of our service or the fact we killed and had friends die, far more than we care to remember. maybe, maybe not. How many Vietnam veterans died from Agent Orange? If you have any doubts, take a closer look at your DD-214. I KNOW MY STATS BECAUSE I WAS THE LONGEST SERVING MEMBER (20 YRS) on the New Jersey Agent Orange Commission, including four years as Chairman. ******************************************************* I agree with the rest of your post, and so did the Army. There are 500,000 Korean War veterans still living, but about 600 of those die every day, according to the Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation. Dave, Far as Im concerned, they are all Vietnam Vets and this devisiness should STOP! How Many Vietnam War Veterans Are Still Alive? Findings are made available to the public in an Annual Report. 2500 to 3000 US Air Force troops stationed in Guam, Thailand, and other countries that were involved in the Vietnam War effort. I saw the edge of the dirt, the jungle growth, the nearby trees, while I heard the world explode. His Engineer company was tasked to fight as Infantry, and they did. Around 2.7 million troops were stationed in Vietnam either on land, within its airspace, or in its waters. Somewhat confusing. No one paid any attention to them and this non-controversy continues. My Company was A Co, 5th Trans Bn, 101st Abn. What was the life expectancy of a helicopter door gunner in Vietnam? If you want to learn more about the Vietnam War and its Warriors, then subscribe to this blog and get notified by email or your feed reader every time a new story, picture, video or changes occur on this website the button is located at the top right of this page. If true, 390 VN vets die a day. I am a solid 10. Sobering Statistics Concerning Vietnam Vets As of April 2016 . Does receiving a few mortar rounds inside the wire of our compound count? Aside from that, I have always doubted any fact stated by the NY Times; although the federal government is no better. (How Convenient), Hi. Perhaps the reason for guys is that there were times we had to drink out of bomb craters that were in areas sprayed with Agent Orange. He was carrying a BAR, killed fighting an infantry action, and the desk jockeys decided he did not meet requirements for a CIB. I have one, but I fought a ferocious battle at FSB Gold at the beginning of Operation Junction II March 21, 1967, the artillery guys in Vietnam were every bit an infantryman as well, they suffered mortar & rocket attacks, enemy probes and attacks They were lucky in some ways that they did not have to crawl through the shit every day. Serving in combat waters. Combat was what we did. He received every military combat award for valor available from the U.S. Army, as well as French and Belgian awards for heroism. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that 530 Vietnam veterans die every day. Army Reserve: 189,500 Thats what we did in Vietnam we left and am glad we did. A veteran who served in the Vietnam War would be in their early 70s to late 90s today, depending on their birth year. In the article, the writer quotes Patrick S. Brady of Vietnam Veterans of Americas magazine. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The average number of Vietnam War veterans who die each day is 390 deaths. David, please do not compare this to Merchant Seaman in WWII who braved the many packs of Submarines etc as that is how so many died in WWII. It was hot that day; the mosquitoes were going through my mind, and the sun was again brilliant. With an estimated 6 million Vietnam Veterans currently living in the U.S. or abroad, VA remains dedicated to serving all Veterans of the Vietnam Era., All troops were sent home in April 1973. Combat veterans will share their experiences with other veterans especially combat veterans (CIB). ONLY Vietnam Vets are separated into two categories. Thank you. How many veterans die each day? it really did not matter, every officer had a masters license. Phill Coleman, who surfaced in the very early days of the Internet, and has been profiting from veterans (first Vietnam, now all) for years. Melathion was 96% pure. no disrespect here. From what my son in law says (Apache gunship pilot) they also flew a tremendous number of combat hours everyday, And I know from what few stories he did tell (hes now deceased) they often had mortar rounds incoming. I PULL GUARD DUTY THE FIRST NIGHT ANY ONE EVERY STAYED THERE. Very helpful for this Viet Nam vet, at 73 and a little long in the tooth I I find that my understanding of the time I spent in Viet Nam comes into sharper focus as time goes by and the reality of what happened and what I did to participate makes me proud especially because I volunteered for Viet Nam at the age of 17. to believe, losing nearly 711,000 between '95 and '00. The insistence to include Vietnam-ErA vets with those who served in-country results in a ridiculous skew to any meaningful stats. So yes, we did indeed see combatoften. These numbers were not included since these service members were far removed from combat experience and did not spend any amount of time in harms way. i sailed with some in vn at the end of the work lives. Combat Veteran means being awarded a CIB. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Like you I am sick of ERA Veterans claiming to be in country. at DaNang If we came in they set up tents to sleep in and had a big blivet bag for a shower. Music That Moves the Military. The third cancer was the charm as it was declared Presumptively caused by Agent Orange in 2021. Pop, POP POP. i went to dong ha several times. Those experiences vs the ones of the rear echelons are grossly different. I was a REMF but was on my 4th pair of boots. I know . Over 8.7 million Americans served in the Armed Forces during the Vietnam era from 1964 to 1973 (1). the average combat vet in Nam was 240 days. But often, it does. Did your foot ever touch the ground? After 20 some years of filing claims and multiple appeals (DAV advocate,) have given up on the VA. Do I count as a real Vietnam vet? State-Level Veteran Suicide Data: 2020 Update My left leg hurt like HELLFIRE! Yes, there are fuckyou lizards. Likewise, drafted Sep 66, Vietnam Aug 67-Aug 68, and Im 75. David, please do not compare this to Merchant Seaman in WWII who braved the many packs of Submarines etc as thgatr uis hgow many died in WWIU, Sorry my spell check went nuts The U.S. military has estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died. What Was It Like To Hump The Boonies in Vietnam? Luck of the draw my twin that received a silver star got the luck of the draw made it home. Was back at LZ Bayonet the last part of my tour after being medevaced off of Professional and in the hospital at Chu Lai. Mean 69 maybe? Hometown: Detroit, Michigan. But I guess I knew where I was if we were at a base. Oliver Stone. I served in the 101st airborne infantry battalion in 1968, the time of the Tet Offensive. Later, and Welcome Home to all Vietnam Veterans!!! Im sorry I did. Thousands of sorties departed from Thailand, Guam, and from aircraft carriers at sea to kill MIGS, bomb factories and bridges, and generally create havoc. it eas a very loud high pitched, not human and the sound was fuck you. The definition of Combat Veteran is NOT if you have a CIB. How Many Vietnam Veterans Are Still Alive? - The New York Times Approx 58,000 in Vietnam. Dear Mr. Hutson Jr This is a controversial post. That means bullets where flying at me and I killed people in combat. The book by Hal Moore & Joe Galloway We were soldiers once, and young describe what many of us experienced. At 73 years, I plan on beating that date. There were 7 RoyalThai Air Force bases used during the war, from 1961-1975, three closed between 1972 to 1973. How Many Veterans Commit Suicide A Day? - Veteran Warrior Outreach Our side would have collapsed without you. Apparently, its been agreed upon that 800,000 Vietnam veterans had passed away by the year 2000. SP5 Mark Kuzinski 86.6K 296 151 53 53 0 Vietnam veterans are dying at the rate of 390 deaths each day. Estimating the number of suicides among Vietnam veterans Unconfirmed reports that 50,000 or more Vietnam veterans have committed suicide give the impression that these veterans are at exceedingly high risk of suicide compared with other veterans and nonveterans of the same age. We had a 10,000 gal balloon full of gas while we watched for someone shooting at us or placing a bomb on the bottom of our boat. The remaining 6.5 million were serving either at-home or abroad but not in Vietnam. Bob Kerrey. Im going with 2.9 and saying the person who wrote 9.2 has the seing disease whereas they see everything in reverse. Unless they kept track by service or SSN, how many Vietnam Veterans are there ? We had it good compared to grunts..tdy pay, flight pay, combat pay plus side gigs. Whether you were sprayed or not makes no difference, and YOU ARE NOT required to prove anything other than being present in Vietnam. These numbers are probably as good as any well ever find and are from 2019 and 2021 respectively. it is pointless to debate whether a supply corporal was a veteran. Got a nice break the last 5 months, got to drive a bird colonel around Chu Lai as he delivered classified info all over the base !!!!! Waiting for a slight pause in the clamor in my ear, I decided to escape towards the cover of the Bush. He got a letter from his wife telling him she was divorcing him and marrying his best friend. TRUE, yes more may have had a mortar or rocket land in the vicinity, or heard a sniper round shot, but the manpower rule is 1 out of 7 10 is an actual seek out and engage the enemy, tip of the spear veteran. I have always rounded up to 3,000,000 served in Vietnam..and I read someplace where of that number, only 10% were actually in combat. He objected, and was assigned as an interpreter attached to the American Embassy in Sweden. I WOULD SURVIVE! I to served two tours 67-68 and 69-70,first with 1st of 8th cav. I have had stage III melanoma, stage III squamous cell throat cancer and now stage II bladder cancer. How many ww2 vets left 2021? The Truth About 22 Veteran Suicides A Day - Task & Purpose I meant any one that stepped foot in many US MILITARY PERSONNELL served in Afghanistan from the start to when the last GI got on the last plane/helicopter out. After Vietnam I hitchhiked for about 12 years. I stomped the gas and the engine roared- the truck jumped forward and bounced crazily and so did, garbing the steering tightly. My husband was one of those 191st Assault Helicopter Co. Bounty Hunter door gunners. My body was throne backwards into the seat and rebounded forwards; bent over at a 90-degree angle from my waist. There is no definitive answer to this question as the number of World War 2 veterans who die each day varies depending on the specific situation. i do not remember the moss but the went on quite a while. The now call them Vietnam era veterans. Vince. Of the 2.7 million men and women who served in land forces in Vietnam, only about 600,000 are still alive. Additionally, the American War Library approximated that around 164,000 Americans who served at sea in Vietnam waters during the same time are still alive today. 240 300 World. Enjoy today's Memorial Day and please take time to "Remember". I was with 4th Med Bn. He was 18 years, 2 months and 1 day old. He arrived on Yankee Station, Vietnam in early May, 1972 when he was still 17 years of age. I dont see how there can be any dispute about this. So I was in the Army National Guard during the Iraq War, So I guess I am An Iraq War Veteran. Tom, to me, the CIB says everything; the wearer is a soldier who has earned the right to it and deserves respect. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. My government murdered me. We all started getting heart attacks around the same time. As anti-war vet , all these years later, I respect yall and your stories. The way many of us were treated on returning from that war, but in truth it was only a war for very few of those who served there. I wonder if I was not Dante- would I have the inspiration to survive? Served at Quang Tri Combat Base )QTCB) 71-72) Same here. i would like to confuse the issue a bit more. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Agent Orange is impacting that timeline and those serving around the world were not affected by this wonderous life-robbing gift. Having studied the war for years, I believe that the correct figure for those on the ground in South Vietnam is 2.6 million. Im proud to be a surviving vet and the men who served with me then and those after me. I started this post a year ago, it was a simple question. It makes a big difference because stating that only one-third of Vietnam veterans are still alive today is much harsher than stating that three-quarters of Vietnam veterans are still alive and well. Can You Join the Military With Depression? RVN. Perhaps, another RPG impacted and careened us sideways knocking me unconscious. They term era should be shit canned. Army National Guard: 336,000,,, The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". But as to how many of us have died since then, I havent a clue. It should be duly noted that these numbers do not include the 2500 to 3000 US Air Force troops stationed in Guam, Thailand, and other countries that were involved in the Vietnam War effort. I am unsure of how many Native peoples joined the US marine corps and volunteered for combat duties. It makes a big difference because stating that only one-third of Vietnam veterans are still alive today is much harsher than stating that three-quarters of Vietnam veterans are still alive and well. We were sitting ducks to support our artillery & infantry troops, so talk your trash! I did 7 years 66-72 HHC 4/9 Inf and LRRP 25th div, / C 1/327 INF 101st Inf (only 6 mo. 109, 000 died in the service during this period. two weeksOver 10% of Vietnam casualties were helicopter crew members, and most of those were the door gunners that protected the helicopter, its crew, and its transports, from their exposed position. Check out this post and see if you can figure this > out. The Vietnam War was an undeclared war between the US and Vietnam from 1955 to 1975. Nebraska Farm Boy, that had to go to County Agent Classes before buying any chemicals. I am a Viet Nam combat veteran. And, if you think 75% of actual Vietnam Vets (especially after Covid, and more than 50 years of time) are still alive, youre kidding yourself. Cheers, Merchant Marine officers or crew are not wearing the uniform of the USAs Armed Forces. I,m getting older bot I remember combat pay and jump pay were both $55 dollars. It takes military personnel to support the troops on ground or ships in war territory waters. Another 2,000,000 were in country but worked supply or support [based on 10% rule]. Since the fall of Saigon and Operation Baby Lift occurred in 1975, wouldnt an 18 year old at that time be 64 or 65 today ? Leave your thoughts below in the comment section. Or did you spend 24/7 365 days in the boat? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I entered an L shaped ambush. I wonder how many vets died of one of the cancers on the list before it made the list? Enlisted 7/70. The thing is the question/topic here is not how many Vietnam combat veterans are there, or how many Vietnam Era veterans are there; its how many Vietnam veterans are there. Youll have to look for it, but a long time ago I posted the most recent VA numbers I could find. Why do the vets who served during the Vietnam War era have to be so devisive? go to the top of this article and choose the magnifying glass and search for Canadians in Vietnam to read an article on this website about them. Combat Vets and Non Combat Vets. How many veterans die each day? - Answers The roar was deafening; through the shattered windshield, I saw the truck go out of control. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. Dont know about the MM but everyone got the same combat pay whether a grunt or clerk. It is estimated that there are around 610,000 surviving Vietnam War veterans as of 2023. I was in Nam in 1968 and 1969 as a combat Marine. The last number of Viet Nam veterans alive today was 730,000, which would equate to around todays number of 610,000. I can assure you there will be those of us alive longer than 10 years from now. FEAR Part of the SOP on the Plei Do Lim (PDL) Flash Outpost (OP) was to make a supply run every four days back to the survey section at HHB. Systematically, a surveyor from the Plei Do Lim (PDL) flash Out Post (OP) had too physically exchanged the old for the new code-book and radio frequencies for the facility. In country Vietnam Vets are the only Vietnam Vets. However, typically, the number of World War 2 veterans who die each day is approximately 100. When all was done and the Army was cleaning up the details of the action, they decided to award CIBs to the officers and not to enlisted. we both served and i think that is what distinguishes us from draft dodgers or people that claimed bone spurs or kept getting deferments those are the people i despise. A veteran of the Vietnam War is a person who PARTICIPATED in the Vietnam War. If we dont include forces in Thailand or Guam why are we including anyone except Navy pilots, because I dont remember any deep water people who were subjected to enemy hostilities. Jul 1971-19 Dec 1971) 29th CA Co, XXIV Corps (Danang). Could they be considered Vietnam veterans then? Hometown: New York City. 499 days, and 10 days in Sydney, Australia !!!!! Apparently, its been agreed upon that 800,000 Vietnam veterans had passed away by the year 2000. Christmas Night, Midnight, a guy in the next Bunker committed suicide. U failed to remember the last name on the Wall was in 1975. hello, We all bleed red. I have read about Canadians coming south to fight in Vietnam but have never seen any real authority to support this. I struck a tree and rebounded into the open again still a sitting duck. If you served at all, anywhere, during WWII, you are a WWII vet. In 2019, the most . ago. I do not believe that the question of who is a Vietnam Veteran is that difficult Assignment to a unit stationed in country is 1 criterion, another is the number of days assigned and served in country Combat at sea of pilots from carriers and rescue crews that flew over the country and those downed I think that there are really 2 classes of Vietnam Veterans, combat and non-combat that is a more difficult designation to separate As a combat platoon Sgt engaged in several large battles and many smaller fire fights, nights being mortared with shells exploding in the trees above The VA needs to add one more medical anomaly, Chronic Butt Pucker for all combat veterans. Having served two tours on the ground, as they say, I find it depressing. Everyone did their assigned job; some just got better assignments. We just hoped the pilot put us where we were supposed to be. One other thing I would like to know, when Jane Fonda was sitting on that anti aircraft gun in Hanoi did they let her try to use it. Learn something new everyday. As soon as I was wounded, I was thrown into a world that I was alone! as far as who is a vietnam vet is simple. i thank every soldier for their service, i do not exaggerate my actions. Ah. The number of people who are Vietnam veterans in the first place is a number that is widely debated. Estimating the number of suicides among Vietnam veterans after spending 1968 with 3/25 0f 2nd field forces and 1970 with the 1/12 cav. This answer is: I Never got to Korea but I have friends who got a medal for service in Korea. I believe you mean the malaria pill was once a week. Still, other sources like the New York Times claim the number of Vietnam veterans is actually somewhere around 9.2 million. We have been betrayed by all Globalists. Combat Vets served in country. Thats sad and should stop. Hell no. Everyone knows this. Today is Sun 22 Aug 2021 but the actual date HAS YET TO BE DETERMINED as the US is SENDING GIs BACK! Even in this age of computers and accountability just goes to show ya ,people still cant Add or do Math . I can tell you that those who served in Thailand should definitely be considered Vietnam Vets. However I know many many who have died these past 55 years & 6 months since the Battle of Soui Tre March 21, 1967 and I know what is a combat veteran. As an analogy I will use familiar figure of that time. Things that they did not tell you. but i was happy to serve. It revises and replaces the estimate and projection in VetPop2018. I appreciate the fact that I Sam in the combat group that won the war against the communist rabble during their Tet Offensive in 1968. A few times Id meet a group of guys claiming they were all Nam Vets. There was a huge difference between tours of duty also. Who is the oldest living Vietnam veteran? All five of the CIDGs we dropped off that morning filed into the back of the truck, but unlike the cab the back had a canvas top and sides. 45-50 years from now (and I bet no-one will want to When we DEROSed we were given 6-8 pills to continue taking them every week. In addition 18 US AF Security Police personnel and their 5 person aircrew were killed responding to the incident (the seizure of the USS Mayaquez), some do not recognize them as combat related deaths either. Then there was peace. I knew I was dying, but I struggled with all my might to stay alive. Please do your own due diligence on the American War Library before citing them on ANYTHING, ever. RE: WHO are Vietnam Vets ?. Although my time had come, my death brought a realization that, I WOULD NOT ALLOW MYSELF TO DYE IN THAT JUNGLE. I discovered a conviction, antithesis to my beliefs, that it was not the North Vietnamese Army that sealed my fate, nor the soldier that touched off the RPG that distorted my body; I had the power from GOD to go to the next phase in my journey. However, like it or not, the U.S. government makes the final decisions on who is officially considered a war veteran and thats really the way it HAS to be. and by the way, they never got benefits after their time at sea. If the ratio of approximately 10% remains the same about 314. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. First and most important who is a Vietnam veteran? Well thank God congress got it right putting the definition into law, otherwise those who served there would not be eligible for many VA benefits, particularly Agent Orange claims. Exiting the jungle, still at the foot of the mountain opposite from my defenses; the mountains bulk acted as a radio barrier between help from S3 at Enari or the SFs at the Ville. But serving in any capacity in Vietnam makes that service person a War vet. Antonia is a firm believer in the power of education, and she is passionate about helping students reach their full potential. He was drafted and qualified for Helicopter pilot school. Florida Agricultural And Mechanical University, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (Mit), Missouri University Of Science And Technology, State University Of New York Health Science Center At Brooklyn, Suny College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, The University Of North Carolina At Charlotte, The University Of Texas Health Science Center At Houston, The University Of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio, The University Of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University Of Texas Medical Branch At Galveston, The University Of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Uniformed Services University Of The Health Sciences, University At Buffalo Suny School Of Engineering And Applied Sciences, University Of California, Los Angeles (Ucla), University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign, University Of Maryland Baltimore County (Umbc), University Of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, University Of Tennessee Health Science Center, University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

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how many vietnam vets die each day

how many vietnam vets die each day