gosford glyphs tunnels

Many peoples favourite, is a visit by lost Egyptians, or even UFOs. The Gosford Glyphs Wall of Kariong and Gosford, Australia have been enigma for some years, because of the kind of Egyptian Hieroglyph writings or the peculiar usages and patterns of symbols not common in Old or Middle Kingdom Period in Egypt but that of a later period i.e. In a letter they state that one of the park officers caught someone adding cartouches to the wall with a chisel.[5]. 77.7% of people were born in Australia. He says this was also around the same time many Australian soldiers, who were stationed in Egypt, had come back from the First World War. The name Kariong was assigned in about 1947. "[11] in order to translate the glyphs to any extent. This trail is an easy walk down a wide bush path to access them. See. We were guided around the surrounding area and saw many more items of interest, including a shaft that seemed to go deeply inside an area underneath one of the sandstone boulders, as well as more hieroglyphic inscriptions! It is accessible by either the Lyre Trig fire trail across the road from the fire station or Bambara road (gated dirt road) further up. The archeological ruins of the ancient fortified city of the mysterious Teotenanca civilization. (2021). The Khemit School Team has visited, documented and completed an in depth study of the now famous Gosford Glyphs located near Kariong, about 60 km north of Sydney, Australia. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The symbols are familiar to anyone with an understanding of ancient Egyptand include an image of Anubis, the name of King Khufu enclosed in the customary cartouche, and many other symbols. May he have life everlasting. The glyphs are carved into two parallel sandstone walls about 15 m (49 ft) long. 208 | The Ancient Egyptian Creation Story with Egyptologist Mohamed Ibrahim | Top Consciousness Podcast | Matt Belair. The Glyphs have several myths about their origin. That claim is one that Egyptologist who have scholarly experience or education in translating and/or identifying glyphs have disproven several times. Two Egyptian princes, Nefer-Djeseb and Nefer-Ti-Ru, sons of Khufu (king of Upper and Lower Egypt), sailed eastward for eight months until they reached land. The Victoria-era quarantine station for Sydney. They seemed to be alive, and to speak to me from the distant past. Not only did they believe that they were authentic.but, they could begin to understand the story that the glyphs were telling us. One of Sydney's oldest graveyards hides in plain sight behind a hospital. New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service [Scan of a Letter]. Some pseudo-Egyptologists, such as Mohamed Ibrahim, who studied "(Ancient Egyptian, Coptic, Islamic) Art and history at Helwan University in Cairo"[6], and Yousef Abdel Hakim Awyan, who "studied ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs his entire life"[2] but has no formal Egyptology education, argue that the glyphs must be real because they show an extensive knowledge of glyphs, even beyond the knowledge of translating software. Referred to as the GOSFORD GLYPHS, the intricate set of symbols is believed to have been carved some 5,000 years ago by ancient Egyptians who visited Australia. I then recognised the triangle shape entry tunnel through the bushes but it looked like I would not be . They are found in an area known for its Aboriginal petroglyphs, just between Gosford and Woy Woy, within the Brisbane Water National Park. Look for a warning sign on the boulder warning of falling rocks. WordPress.Com. The sandstone rocks were huge, creating a tall corridor that we were told, once had a roof covering it. [1] Inconsistencies in the glyphs don't make sense for something that's supposed to be a royal expedition of two princes. These names are given the same personal name and throne name. Jul 13, 2020 | Bushwalks, Everyday Fun, Outdoor Adventures | 0. Strong who visited the site says "what really surprised us was that not only are the ibis and Thoth synonymous, but originally Thoth was depicted in ape-form. It was not long before they were both bustling with enthusiasm over what they were discovering! Engraved into two sandstone walls near Kariong (Central Coast NSW) is a set of close to 300 glyphs. [15] It was a hard time for all of us, weeping over the dead body, and keeping to the protocol. Steve Strong, an Australian-based researcher, author and former high-school teacher with a background in archaeology is convinced that these extraordinary hieroglyphs existed for some 4,500 years in Australia. Ancient Code is a website founded in 2012 that covers articles and scientific discoveries that help understand humanitys past, present, and future. Parry in 1901. Last February, Beatrice Awyan and I embarked on a journey of discovery to both New Zealand and Australia as I was invited to present a series of lectures in Auckland, NZ and Melbourne, AU. The Original reality is that there are two scripts on the walls, the younger is Proto-Egyptian and the more ancient is Original, thus explaining why modern-day experts can not fully interpret what was engraved. Found in 1975 the Kariong Glyphs have offered intrigue and mystery to academics, hikers and national park services for almost 50 years. Sources that support the idea that the Glyphs are genuine Egyptian hieroglyphs also generally avoid clarifying that the Australian Ray Johnson is not a scholarly or professional Egyptologist, because they do not want to discredit their claims in any way. Copyright Ancient Code. Boyo Ockinga. Since their discovery in the 1970s, they have long been dismissed as fakes by authorities and most experts but there are still ongoing attempts to prove the theory they were carved by . You and your kids will be able to spot carvings of birds, fish, beetles, people and more. The glyphs resemble ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and, although most genuine archaeologists have dismissed the idea that they're over 5000 years old and . Researchers say new discoveries around the mysterious 'Gosford Hieroglyphs' site on the New South Wales Central Coast, have re-ignited debate over whether the region was once visited by ancient Egyptians. Australia's oldest running coal-fired power station is about to close. [17] Then we recovered ourselves. [4] Up until their discovery, the site of the glyphs was engulfed with sand and rocks, and had overgrown vegetation. "We have other instances of Australian soldiers having carved, Egyptianising objects in the Kurringai National Park near Sydney," he said. Intrepid explorers have scrambled up the tight gap between two sandstone rockfaces, emerging into a narrow passage, to examine the hieroglyphs. Gosford Glyphs: Did The Ancient Egyptians Visit Australia? 2023 All Rights Reserved. Last February, Beatrice Awyan and I embarked on a journey of discovery to both New Zealand and Australia as I was invited to present a series of lectures in Auckland, NZ and Melbourne, AU. The rock ceiling above the walls collapsed in 1960 after a bulldozer drove on top, that recent event, along with the liberal application of womens urine to the hieroglyphs, explains why the markings look so new. "There's no way people would've been inscribing texts from the time of Cheops from the signs that weren't invented until 2500 years later. Is this our lot from the highest God of the Sacred Mer? [3] The Prince was kind and benevolent, follower of the SunGod Ra. The Bus fare to Gosford Glyphs costs about $2.24 - $5.05. There was an increase in interest over Egyptian culture after the discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun, so it's very plausible that some of the soldiers at the time knew about ancient Egyptian culture and hieroglyphs. Author:, 19.01.2019 Effective ways to improve health, 19.01.2019 Red fruits charge antioxidants, SYSTEM OF ANCIENT MONUMENTAL CONSTRUCTIONS. Free radicals are particles that have odd electrons. Discover 40 Central Coast Bushwalks Perfect for Families! Then, Nefer-Ti-Ru was bitten by a snake twice and died from the poison. "The things that have been found next to it, alongside and around the walls that needs to be factored in," he said. The "Gosford Glyphs" are located near Kariong, about 60 km north of Sydney, Australia and since their discovery in the 1970s, this set of arguably ancient carvings has achieved widespread notoriety due to their resemblance of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. After spending many wonderful moments with both old and new friends in New Zealand and Melbourne, as well as being introduced to much evidence that points toward the possibility of a very ancient connection of Egypt with both New Zealand and Australiawe were ready to explore the site at Gosford. Facilities: There are no bathroom facilities available, and youll need to take your own water. The primary translator, Australian Ray Johnson(as opposed to the American Egyptologist Ray Johnson), was not a scholarly Egyptologist as he had no formal education or professional experience in Egyptology. Macquarie University. This page was last edited on 26 August 2022, at 07:24. In addition, Ray Johnson had no formal training in translating Egyptian/proto-Egyptian hieroglyphs. And is it really possible that somehow, the ancient Egyptians traveled not only to the American continent but to Australia as well? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-12-14/glyphs-reax/4428134, https://www.ancient-code.com/translated-this-is-what-the-5000-year-old-ancient-egyptian-hieroglyphs-in-australia-say/, https://ancientneareast.org/2012/04/21/the-gosford-glyphs-hoax-part-4/, http://karionghieroglyphs.blogspot.com/p/the-npws-reluctantly-conduct-regular.html, http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SjbEqjrdrYw/UxREmwHYXnI/AAAAAAAAAWw/1dTMc5qCV0g/s1600/NPWS+letter.jpg, Https://Mattbelair.Com/208-the-Ancient-Egyptian-Creation-Story-with-Egyptologist-Mohamed-Ibrahim-Top-Consciousness-Podcast/, https://mattbelair.com/208-the-ancient-egyptian-creation-story-with-egyptologist-mohamed-ibrahim-top-consciousness-podcast/, https://hiddenincatours.com/gosford-glyphs-did-the-ancient-egyptians-visit-australia/, https://www.slideshare.net/rmdejonge/go-sford-4, https://wiza.co/d/university-of-illinois-at-chicago/095e/ray-johnson, https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/topic/224889-merged-the-kariong-glyphs/, https://docplayer.net/24987833-Ancient-egyptians-in-australia.html, https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/boyo-ockinga, https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/naguib-kanawati, http://www.fakearchaeology.wiki/index.php?title=Gosford_Glyphs&oldid=4402. 86.0% of people spoke only English at home. "It has been carved," he said. but hurt my back carrying the Golden Falcon Standard. Theres no way people wouldve been inscribing texts from the time of Cheops from the signs that werent invented until 2500 years later. Despite that, Ray Johnson created most of the above translation as the primary translator. Considered a hoax by many, and ultimate evidence of ancient Egyptian trans-oceanic voyages by others, the curious set of symbols has produced mixed views from researchers around the globe. The most common responses for religion were No Religion 30.6%, Catholic 21.2% and Anglican 20.3%. The Gosford Glyphs (also called petroglyphs) are located near Kariong not far from Gosford on the New South Wales Central Coast. Drink mineral water to get the required calcium, according to a German study. Hidden behind a large boulder, they can be hard to find. . He was the Son of KHUFU, king of Upper and Lower Egypt. The glyphs site at Kariong features almost 300 engravings on two large sandstone walls, which some believe contain examples of an early form of Egyptian writing. Always praying, joyful, and smiting insects. A bushwalk to Gosford Glyphs offers a fun family adventure with a dash of mystery thrown in! [14] We gave egg-yolk from the medicine-chest. In an area well-known for its abundance of Aboriginal petroglyphs, the set of rather unusual rock carvings were first recorded in the 1970s, and have been the topic of debate ever since. On this large platform, Strong and his team saw a fish, serpent, massive dolphin or whale, circles and a variety of shapes and symbols. [6] In our last camp I cooked fowl on hand, and brought rain. But modern Egyptologists note how there are many discrepancies when we look at the Gosford Glyphs. He, the servant of God, said God created the insects to protect his people. From Kariong interchange, travel down Woy Woy Rd. The glyphs site at Kariong features almost 300 engravings on two sandstone walls, which some believe are an example of an early form of Egyptian writing and have drawn widespread interest over the years. 68 Central Coast Attractions for Families! The Mt Penang Training School for Boys (later the Mount Penang Juvenile Justice Centre) was opened in 1911. "For example, there's a sphynx and pyramids that have been carved out of the sandstone and we know that was done by an Australian soldier who was in a hospital in the vicinity," he said. This beautifully situated lakeside Roman settlement was likely built during the reign of the Emperor Hadrian. The Gosford Glyphs, also known as Kariong Hieroglyphs, are a group of approximately 300 Egyptian-style hieroglyphs located in Kariong, New South Wales, Australia. ", He suggested that the glyphs might have been made in the 1920s by Australian soldiers when there was general interest in ancient Egypt after the uncovering of the Tomb of Tutankhamun at that time. Pasco, L. (2011, May 17). [5] I myself am hardened, have gone around hills and deserts. The discoveries have sparked renewed interest in the mysterious site, and the group plans to carry out a more extensive study of the region next year. I, NEFER-DJESEB, Son of KHUFU, king of Upper and Lower Egypt (beloved by Ptah), has brought the god SUTI. 2015, Gosford Glyphs Analysis. Researchers say new discoveries around the mysterious 'Gosford Hieroglyphs' site on the New South Wales Central Coast, have re-ignited debate over whether the region was once visited by ancient Egyptians. The two walls are a focal point, the reason why the other pieces of archaeology came into existence. [1] FOR HIS HIGHNESS, THE PRINCE, from this wretched place in this land, where we were carried by ship. Over the past three decades, many theories have been put up to explain how the extensive engravings came to be, including that they were the work of a group of Sydney University students. The National Parks and Wildlife Service maintains the engravings are not authentic, as does Associate Professor Boyo Ockinga from Macquarie University's Ancient History Department, who is currently on an archaeological dig in Luxor, Egypt. Group leader, Steven Strong says they are also also investigating a labyrinth of tunnels cut into the rock beneath the original set of engravings. [11] He is never again to stand beside the waters of the Sacred Mer. They are found in an area known for its Aboriginal petroglyphs, just between Gosford and Woy Woy, within the Brisbane Water National Park. [24] A necklace was placed by his side, A Royal token, signifying: Heavens Gift, as from thou! It is accessible by either the Lyre Trig fire trail across the road from the fire station or Bambara road (gated dirt road) further up.

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gosford glyphs tunnels