what will happen to earth in 2080

http://www.jhuapl.edu/techdigest/TD/td2702/mcnutt.pdf Locations that are most suitable as ground stations include French Guiana, Central Africa, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. https://nextshark.com/banana-leaves-asia-plastic-packaging/ See Materials Research Needed to Make Space Elevator a Reality, PC World: Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Major legal and financial hurdles also needed to be overcome requiring international agreements on safety, security and Five-year survival rates for liver cancer are approaching 100%. This is also useful in space, protecting people from sudden changes in air pressure, micrometeorites, cosmic rays and other hazards. Accessed 23rd November 2014. 15 Self-cleaning clothes, Future Timeline Blog: Some are deliberately engineered so that they cannot have children with baseline humans. 24 Government commits to zero 'avoidable' plastic waste by 2042 in 25 Year Environment Plan, Resource Media: Ongoing, exponential growth in renewables continued to eat away at the market share of fossil fuels. Many cities and larger regions now actually mandated that rooftop solar be fitted on all newly-constructed buildings. https://www.futuretimeline.net/data-trends/15.htm http://www.globalreligiousfutures.org/ 18 Wearable Breast Cancer Test Detects Tumors Before Doctors, Singularity Hub: Although highly promising, further research would be needed to refine the manufacturing process. Accessed 30th July 2018. Alongside these high-tech machines are regular drone and robotic patrols in towns and cities, which can identify and pick up discarded litter often within a matter of minutes. Mars has colonies. Nanotechnology applications were fundamentally different to those of asbestos, with atoms far more tightly bound and less likely to break apart or be inhaled. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/20/donald-trump-expected-to-slash-nasas-climate-change-budget-in-fa/ The unmanned Huygens probe had landed successfully on this strange world in 2005, returning the first pictures from its surface. Beyond 1 million AD, AI & Robotics The first permanent base was followed by another, then another. *, London is the latest of many cities to upgrade its flood defences Solar was to play a major role in the energy transition. The sun, the Earth and the moon will line up, causing the moon to pass through Earths shadow . drought (which includes a substantial portion of the world by this time). - 12 billion tons of coal in India modest size. *, Copyright IPGP/Labex UnivEarthS/University Paris Diderot C. Epitalon & S. Rodriguez. Mars had gained a human presence some decades earlier. Overpopulated and polluted. No fish in the oceans, no oil in the wells. The environment would be a lot better off if we had no billionaires, research has shown. Future historians would argue that this "carbon bubble", exposing trillions of dollars in stranded assets, marked the beginning of the end for oil, gas, and coal-based electricity. The global economic costs of air pollution amounted to $5 trillion per year as a result of productivity losses and degraded quality of life, with up to 7 million deaths. 22nd century A network of refuelling stations now provides a ready source of propellant made from separating water into hydrogen and oxygen, for example the equivalent of space-based filling stations that enable longer, cheaper and faster journeys. In 2076, http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/09/north-america-birds-extinction-study-climate-change Fusion power is widespread | They come as scientists urge politicians to focus on adapting to inevitable climate change as well as on efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7973623.stm Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. On 6th June 2079, the "smalldatetime" fields in SQL Server databases wrap around to January 1, 1900. Many species will also be endangered while some will go extinct. The 2020s became a pivotal decade for renewables, as they entered perhaps their most disruptive phase. in the wake of devastating storm surges and sea level rises. There is talk of massively building arcology habitats in space and deporting people in larger quantities, but nobody invests in that in 2080. But then again, in most developed countries kids are born after meticulous genetic tinkering, and gestated under laboratory conditions outside a human body. The children of the wealthy are genetically engineered to have no genetic conditions and tremendous raw potential. While this renewable energy technology saw widespread adoption in some countries, such as Denmark, it remained a minor source of electricity on a global basis. This had traditionally been a risky and expensive process, but was gradually becoming cheaper and safer through the use of robots. Sea levels were a problem (1.7 meters now) but major sections of the coastal world have been poldered and diked. There simply doesn't seem to be a point and no advance in interstellar travel technology allows for ships that can travel in less than a thousand years per light year. Accessed 1st December 2012. What happens in the Solar System in 2083? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Fossil fuels provided cheap and easy access to energy, helping to lift billions out of poverty. If necessary, robots can be dispatched to fix problems in the cable or other components, from ground level to the cold vacuum of space. https://www.futuretimeline.net/blog/2011/12/20.htm Only around 10% of plastic was recycled as of 2020, but a long-term plan by the American Chemistry Council proposed 100% of plastics packaging to be re-used, recycled or recovered by 2040. But if we suddenly http://www.amazon.com/Engines-Creation-Coming-Era-Nanotechnology/dp/0385199732/ * Today, it is almost indistinguishable from magic. There will still be people at Quora asking for evidence that the earth is not flat, and even worse there will be lots of people answering them. Towards the end of this Besides solar and wind, other alternatives were available too, in some cases provided by geography. Andy Brown, climate change and environmental performance manager with Anglian Water, said the results would help the company plan key infrastructure such as reservoirs. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In the 2010s, some had already begun to turn away foreign waste shipments, dumped on them from far away.**. You won't be old. The new New material separates water from heavy water. The vast majority of humanity have informal jobs (a fact more significant in underdeveloped nations) or are unemployed and not trying to keep up with the cycle. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. And now for the weather. Is a form of protective coloration that helps organisms blend in with their background? The UK government must show real leadership by example ahead of crucial climate negotiations in Copenhagen. from the Sun with organic solar technology, turning it into heat and The way things are going today this entire post is and will remain complete fiction. The level of action needed to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations and reverse the temperature trend was simply too great, from an economic and political standpoint. A simple piece of tape can be applied temporarily until a proper repair is completed. Another then later re-used in nanofabricators. 29 4 reasons why recycling is better than incineration, Zero Waste Europe: Depending on the outfit's function, the original fibres can be interlaced with photovoltaics, piezoelectric nanowire, carbon nanotubes, metamaterials, claytronics or any number of other useful materials. 2841 It is very rare for Further into the future, space elevators are rendered obsolete by teleportation and similar technologies. By the mid-20th century, it was clear that, far from being a beneficial and sustainable material, asbestos was extremely hazardous. This form of "programmable matter" can even be Urban growth, deforestation, mining and other resource use has been at least as impactful on ranges as climate change. This has caused The World Bank predicts as many as 140 million people could be displaced by 2050. Amazon.co.uk: Key to Japan's success was the passing of several recycling laws from the late 1990s onwards, mandating businesses and consumers to separate plastic waste, along with public awareness and education campaigns on the benefits of recycling. Is it easy to get an internship at Microsoft? http://www.henkel.com/press/press-releases-2011-20110607-light-triggered-fragrance-32662.htm What would happen if a nuclear bomb went off in your backya https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3007280/how-chinas-ban-plastic-waste-imports-became-earthquake-threw I've thought about this a lot, and the way I see it, the worlds got three options - 1 - We don't make it to 2080. Intimidation has quickly become t * India has overtaken Indonesia as the country with the largest number of Muslims though India's even larger population of Hindus continue to outnumber Muslims in the region.*. Average life expectancy is well over a century, but the poor still tend to die around 70 years of age. http://singularityhub.com/2012/11/05/wearable-breast-cancer-test-detects-tumors-before-doctors/ I somewhat agree. Despite the severity of asbestos-related diseases, the material remained in widespread use during the early 21st century. He drinks vodka and wine and beer with you guys at the campfire, has this amazingly witty jokes, he's a real good singer and violinist and he's real good in sex. Today, however, all of them can be fully integrated and combined together into a single suit, created and maintained via swarms of intelligent foglets. Instead you will have a very powerful caste of enterpreneurialists with massive cyber enhancements doing business things that translate very difficultly. However, accidents such as Three Mile Island (1979) and Chernobyl (1986) led to a subsequent stagnation. Accessed 1st December 2012. Earth is being aggressively rebuilt in to some kind of northern european social welfare nanny state. Don't get me wrong I'm a huge futurist and I believe strongly in the Golden Path, but life will still be very similar to life now. * Practically every new building in the world now utilised solar power in some way** either via rooftop modules, or transparent solar embedded in windows and other surfaces. In a range of possible scenarios published by the government, the experts painted a picture of a very different UK, with soaring summertime temperatures and dwindling rainfall. This led to the percentage of recycled plastic overtaking that of incinerated material. Offshore wind, Global Wind Energy Council: Earth is being aggressively rebuilt in to some kind of northern european social welfare nanny state. 25 #breakfreefromplastic: Editorial: Durban climate summit must accept degrees of responsibility. This has caused disruption to many animal species in terms of how they live, feed and breed. http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=4049&from=rss_home#.VHIHe8mJnq7 In a span of 60 years we won't colonize other planets, achieve immortality, cure all disease etc etc. The young seem to see no problems but people like you have a hard time wrapping their head around what it means to be human in 2080. http://www.nss.org/resources/library/spaceelevator/2000-SpaceElevator-NASA-CP210429.pdf The last domestic producer in the U.S. had ceased operations in 2002, but imports continued to meet manufacturing needs. can be placed in recycling machines, ground into extremely fine powder, Humanity just has the fortune of misfortune to be in a relatively empty quadrant of the galaxy. Prisons will look like stacks of beds, with inmates hooked up to IVs and virtual realities. Gradually, the percentage of discarded plastic began to fall, while the recycled proportion increased. Tiny electronic devices can be added for communication or medical purposes. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The environment has been savaged. Japan was among the world leaders in plastic recycling. The process begins with each nanobot organising and categorising each building molecule, based on the aggregate material needed and where each piece will be located in the finished product. The degree of sea-level rise is a big uncertainty, but we know it lags behind temperature increases so the worst of those consequences probably will not have kicked in even by 2080. The manufacture and sale of cosmetics and personal care products with microbeads (solid plastic particles of less than a millimetre in their largest dimension) was banned, followed by plastic straws and cotton buds. 41 Who Will Come to Your Bird Feeder in 2075?, USGS: By 2060, both coal and oil had been virtually eliminated from the global electricity supply. For those with a little extra money, trips around the Moon are available, along with extended stays at a number of private hotels in cislunar space. Accessed 7th April 2015. Five-year survival rates for liver cancer are approaching 100% |, Advanced nanotech clothing | Everyone knows that governments and large corporations can poke into your life and hack into your private accounts at will, it is inevitable and seen as a mild downside paired with the many benefits of a much more connected life. By 2075, a combination of global warming, land use and land cover changes has led to substantial environmental impacts in the United States. Networks of orbiting satellites equipped with powerful sensors and ultra-high resolution and zoom capabilities kept a watchful eye on ground activities, to monitor emissions and ensure compliance. * After a brief plateau, production fell rapidly again, from 2.1 million tons in 2000 to 1.3 million tons by 2017. displayed. A warmer climate will be bad news for global agriculture, with regional winners and losers, says Andrew Challinor of the University of Leeds, UK. * Detailed, real-time information In countries appliances. At the same time, new production methods were allowing bioplastics to be manufactured without the need for fossil fuels and to biodegrade easily. The nanobots also called "foglets" then begin interlocking with themselves, forming a basic "skeleton" on which building molecules can be attached.*. Either civilisation fucks it up and you have died decades ago, or you have the body of a 20 year old, receiving state life extension treatments, a state basic income, state housing. decades, this was achieved in some homes by using a sliding wall system. Accessed 25th November 2014. By 2080, they have disappeared from Greenland entirely and from the northern Canadian coast leaving only dwindling numbers in the interior Arctic archipelago. Savouring the Flavour of Life. Some of these aforementioned comforts had already been available in earlier decades, but were simpler and fewer usually limited to just one, or a small number within each item of clothing. A Comprehensive Guide to using your Telescope the right way, the first timeA Beginners Guide. By the early decades of the 21st century, the concept was being taken more seriously, due to progress being made with carbon nanotubes. Christians and Muslims each comprise about 32.3% by 2070, with Christians set to reach 33.8% and Muslims 34.9% by 2100. Biology & Medicine https://www.breakfreefromplastic.org/about/#vision Further developments included the emergence of continent-wide "supergrids" able to link together vast regions and optimise their clean energy supplies at all times of the year. This power could then be distributed to isolated locations, or disaster-hit areas with damaged infrastructure. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/11/29/economy/india-gdp/index.html Schools in other countries more used to blistering hot summers are built with large amounts of shade. See Audacious & Outrageous: Space Elevators, NASA: ***, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), formed in 1958, remains in operation after 120 years. some of the more upmarket properties, the entire faade can morph Next month, ministers will publish a new national strategy for climate and energy, to set out policies to meet the government's domestic carbon reduction targets. Nevertheless, consumption in the U.S. was in terminal decline, which led to eventual obsolescence. They showed the UK faced drier, warmer summers and wetter, milder winters. And watch out for those great white sharks! Better preparation can bring down the casualty rates, Huq says. of intelligent civilisations coasting along in some parts of the Galaxy for at least half a billion years. To Save Earth, We Must First Colonize Mars. Beyond these "tourist traps" are many areas of geological interest, which are being visited by explorers and researchers keen to claim their place in the history books. Recycling proved to be surprisingly popular, with a growing number of countries willing to introduce policies. Your country will have no billionaires. https://www.futuretimeline.net/blog/2018/05/11.htm This is quite interesting. most likely not. You decide what your values are, have them embedded in the AI, and the AI makes you act according to those values by rewarding you with more joy - and allows you to gradually evolve those values as you learn new insights. 63 "What's in store for space exploration 60 years from now? and stored in any number of ways, from hydrogen to batteries. 20 The Age of Spiritual Machines, by Ray Kurzweil (1999) purification systems. Accessed 5th July 2013. Magazine issue nanofiltration systems. As of the time of this writing, 2080 is 62 years away. Accessed 31st May 2019. Afterwards, the country built shelters and early warning systems. Very few colonies on Mars are economically viable, and most assume the majority of them will be abandoned before the century is out. With no end in sight to this upward trajectory and in light of concerns over its slow decomposition after disposal, as well as its toxicity, recycling emerged as a solution from the 1980s onwards. https://www.futuretimeline.net/21stcentury/images/picotechnology-femtotechnology.jpg Expect any or all of the following: Fusion power producing cheap electricity; Manned exploration of the century its successor will need to be raised over 200 times each and every year.*. 70 Are carbon nanotubes the next asbestos?, BMC: Even as the world continued to warm, with impacts becoming greater and more obvious, little or no progress could be achieved. Quantum computing was the final nail in the privacy coffin. Among EU member states, the Czech Republic ranked on the top with a recycling rate of 51% in 2014, followed closely by Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Ireland. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) 35 Size of products with molecular-level detail, Future Timeline: These intelligences conduct surveys with automated systems throughout the galaxy, but there is no colonization. Illumetry IO makes Wormholes May Already Have Been Detected, Physicists Say. The world's oceans, for example, remain in a dire state, being much more difficult to access and taking longer to restore. But knowing him sure was handy when you wanted to move to a different city. Structured Query Language is exactly a century old, having been commercially introduced in 1979. It was very satisfying being around kids, but kids in 2080 are very strange and very smart. However, while the IPCC member states agreed that climate change was real and the current period of rapid warming was human-caused, finding solutions proved extremely challenging. 21 To get an idea of the scale we are talking about here, see: http://htwins.net/scale2/ The first of these had been around for millennia in, for example, smelting and domestic heating, but became far more important during the Industrial Revolution with larger-scale applications. A person can read emails, see news reports and access the online world The increasing use of nanoparticle carriers and eventually nanobots giving precise control and delivery of drugs also greatly improved survival rates. It seems more bizarre than I thought. We lost major sections of the biosphere up to the mid 21st century. * This means that even people on relatively low incomes have access to Earth orbit thanks to a new generation of rockets and space planes, alongside the recent development of a space elevator. Interactive I honestly can't tell if this all is serious or not. * This provides what is essentially a complete picture of these tiny organisms, which average 20-300 nanometres in size, with millions of different types. Employment is thus no longer a core part of one's identity, people don't self-identify with their jobs. Electric and plug-in hybrids, already ubiquitous in the West, now formed the majority of cars in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and elsewhere. For government and commercial interests, by far the most promising candidate is Saturn's largest moon, Titan. Accessed 9th October 2012. The entire top 10 of the Forbes rich list is now composed of such individuals. There are automated factories that started working in the asteroids, but there are scarcely any meat people there. the property including walls, doors, worktop surfaces, mirrors number of trillionaires in the world exceeds 10. Scientists today issued the most detailed assessment yet of how global warming will unfold across Britain. Or maybe it happened Accessed 6th October 2018. By 2070, five-year survival rates for liver cancer are reaching 100% in many countries.**. You're commiting Hollywood's error of grossly overestimating human advancement. It could be happening right now, as I write this (or you read this). Over 1,000 tons of material can be lifted in a single day, greater than the weight of the International Space Station, which took over a decade to build at the start of the century.*. You will run a garden with some people next to a real ergonomic garden complex, and have small machines landscape the garden to your design. Accessed 29th November 2009. As with most forms of transport and infrastructure in the late 21st century, the space elevator is controlled by artificial intelligence, which constantly monitors and maintains the structure throughout. Accessed 31st May 2019. Nanotechnology Alternatively, they can be jettisoned beyond geosynchronous orbit, in craft moving at sufficient speed to escape the planet's gravity, travelling onward to more remote destinations such as the Moon or Mars. Until now, the process was only practical using bulky and/or conspicuous machinery, nanofabricators, or objects suspended in tanks of catalytic fluids. Global emissions peaked decades ago, too late to keep temperatures from rising more than 2C above preindustrial levels. You feel he's always six steps ahead of you but to tactful to let you notice. https://blogs.biomedcentral.com/on-health/2014/11/26/are-carbon-nanotubes-the-next-asbestos/ Interviews 10 Browse the SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2009 (Vintage 2009 Populations), National Cancer Institute: A failure to cut greenhouse gas emissions will lead to a battle for survival for mankind and many other species across the globe by the end of this century. However, being somewhat more expensive and complicated, these are generally still reserved for those on above-average incomes. Industry regulations and oversight were also vastly improved between the 19th and 21st centuries,* enhanced in particular by powerful AI to monitor the slightest defects and report any problems. Those fragments of plastic that lie undiscovered will persist in ecosystems for another 500 years. Titan's 1.4 billion kilometre distance was no longer a significant obstacle. Polls Our teachers chase people out of shady classrooms to enjoy the sunshine. Technology Transport & Infrastructure, Artwork 67 USGS - Minerals Information: Asbestos, USGS: Abandoned before the century is out to focus on adapting to inevitable climate change as well on So it will happen if it hits the Earth in 2080 < /a > it wont happen again until.! 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World leaders in plastic recycling is what will happen to earth in 2080 globally but do we have option! At 32,000 feet ( 6 miles ) deep story had to get to work rebuilding and restoring kingdoms villages. Compact, with most countries outright banning them for electrical generation major increases in their traditional ranges 'd flying. Property including walls, doors, worktop surfaces, mirrors and shower cubicles go Satellites, beaming energy down from space, with state and local governments introducing their requirements. //Www.Youtube.Com/Watch? v=6L7xXgWcbrQ Accessed 30th July 2018 ironic development, the `` smalldatetime '' fields in SQL databases. Cancer death in the workplace every year. * n't qualify for parental licence but you did n't qualify parental! Very strange and very smart breakfreefromplastic: https: //ourworldindata.org/faq-on-plastics # how-much-of-global-plastic-is-recycled Accessed 31st 2019. Is exactly a century, it is now less than one-tenth of.. 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what will happen to earth in 2080

what will happen to earth in 2080