when did israel became a nation in the bible

The main underground Jewish militia, the Haganah, formed an alliance called the Jewish Resistance Movement with the Etzel and Stern Gang to fight the British. Unfortunately, since Jewish people were always the minority in a community, they were often blamed for any crime or disease that occurred. Read about its history and development. For thousands of years, Jews were persecuted in the Middle East and in Europe. This was seen as an act of aggression by Palestine and the rest of the Arab world. The currency (known as the old Israeli shekel) was replaced and renamed the Israeli new shekel at a rate of 1,000 old shkalim = 1 new shekel. [103] The Hasmoneans had good relations with the Roman Republic, however growing tension between Pharisees and Sadducees led to a conflict over the succession to Janneus, in which the warring parties invited Roman intervention on their behalf. [287] In 1954 the Uzi submachine gun first entered use by the Israel Defense Forces. Jordan annexed the areas it occupied while Egypt kept Gaza as an occupied zone. Ancient Nubia | Civilization, History & Location. [143] In the Galillee, many synagogues have been found dating from this period,[144] and the burial site of the Sanhedrin leaders was discovered in 1936. In the US, Congress criticized British handling of the situation and considered delaying loans that were vital to British post-war recovery. When, as expected, the Egyptians refused, Anglo-French forces would invade to take control of the Canal. Suez Canal Crisis & Timeline | What was the Suez Crisis? Within a month, Italian planes bombed Tel Aviv and Haifa, inflicting multiple casualties. [237] Despite this, the Jewish Agency called on Palestine's Jewish youth to volunteer for the British Army (both men and women). The Books of the Maccabees (written soon after) describe the uprising and the end of Seleucid rule. [260] Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni came from Egypt with several hundred men of the Army of the Holy War. [320] In March 1977 Anatoly Sharansky, a prominent Refusenik and spokesman for the Moscow Helsinki Group, was sentenced to 13 years' hard labour. [315][bettersourceneeded] UN Secretary General Waldheim described the raid as "a serious violation of the national sovereignty of a United Nations member state" (meaning Uganda). British firms controlled Iraqi oil and Britain ruled Kuwait, Bahrain and the Emirates. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day. Jews outside the Ghetto often had to wear a yellow star.[180][181]. Israel History and Timeline Overview - Ducksters The year 176 B.C. The commonly-held view is that it was implemented as punishment for the Bar Kokhba revolt or to "disassociate the Jewish people from their historical homeland" and hold Hadrian accountable. "Who owns the Shebaa Farms? Safed became a centre for study of the Kabbalah. In October 1985, Israel responded to a Palestinian terrorist attack in Cyprus by bombing the PLO headquarters in Tunis. In 1979, over 40,000 Iranian Jews migrated to Israel, escaping the Islamic Revolution there. [263] This situation caused the US to withdraw their support for the Partition plan, thus encouraging the Arab League to believe that the Palestinian Arabs, reinforced by the Arab Liberation Army, could put an end to the plan for partition. On 28 September 2000, Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Al-Aqsa compound, or Temple Mount, the following day the Palestinians launched the al-Aqsa Intifada. [208] Land was bought by the Jewish National Fund, a Zionist charity that collected money abroad for that purpose. Jews were usually the only non-Christian minority and spoke a distinct language (Yiddish or Ladino). It is believed that refugees from the destruction of Israel moved to Judah, massively expanding Jerusalem and leading to construction of the Siloam Tunnel during the rule of King Hezekiah (ruled 715686 BCE). A small number of Jews, such as the Rothschild family, achieved extraordinary wealth and notoriety. [259], The General Assembly's vote caused joy in the Jewish community and anger in the Arab community. The State of Israel, it is claimed, was rebirthed by a stroke of the pen, on a single day, on May 14, 1948, fulfilling Isaiah's prophecy. Toussaint Louverture Facts & Quotes | Who was Toussaint Louverture? It represents for Jews the restoration of their homeland after the centuries-long Diaspora that followed the demise of the Herodian kingdom in the 1st . According to one theory, as a result, many illiterate Jews may have converted to Christianity. Tzipi Livni won the election, but was unable to form a coalition and Olmert remained in office until the general election. In 1993, Israel signed the Oslo I Accord with the Palestine Liberation Organization, which was followed by the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority. The agreement was witnessed by President Bill Clinton on behalf of the United States and by Russia, Egypt, Norway and the European Union, and incorporates and supersedes the previous agreements, marking the conclusion of the first stage of negotiations between Israel and the PLO. [167] Nevertheless, the Muslim population remained a minority in a predominantly Christian area, and it is likely that this status persisted until the Crusader period.[135]. This is the original partition of Israel. In March 1968, Israeli forces attacked the Palestinian militia, Fatah, at its base in the Jordanian town of Karameh. It also seems highly likely that Cyrus made his proclamation in this part of the year, because the Jewish holiday Tisha B'Av, a three week fast commemorating the destruction of the Temple 50 years earlier ends on the 9th of Av. The capital city of Israel is Jerusalem, and its financial hub is Tel Aviv. Although many of the events in the Bible and Tanakh cannot be corroborated with other sources, it is certain that on and off for hundreds of years there was a Jewish kingdom along the Eastern Mediterranean. 174,000 arrived between 1933 and 1936, despite large sums the British demanded for immigration permits: Jews had to prove they had 1,000 pounds (families with capital), 500 pounds if they had a profession and 250 pounds if they were skilled labourers. The new government annexed the Golan Heights and banned the national airline from flying on Shabbat. And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives . Who conquered the nation of Israel? - Sage-Answers In 1961 a Herut no-confidence motion over the resurfaced Lavon affair led to Ben-Gurion's resignation. The construction followed the historical outline of the city, but left out a key section of the City of David (today part of Silwan) and what is now known as Mount Zion. Jews believe it is the site where Abraham tried to sacrifice his son, Isaac, while Muslims believe that Abraham tried to sacrifice his son, Ishmael, in Mecca. During this period, food, clothes and furniture had to be rationed in what became known as the Austerity Period (Tkufat haTsena). On May 14, 1948 Israel was reborn as a nation after 2,000 years. In 1964, Egypt, Jordan and Syria developed a unified military command. Palestinian fedayeen attacks, often organized and sponsored by the Egyptians, were made from (Egyptian) occupied Gaza. A Crusader city-state at Acre survived for another century. Examples of this are France, Spain, Germany, and Poland. According to both the Bible and the Talmud, the Davidic dynasty continued as head of Babylonian Jewry, called the "Rosh Galut" (exilarch or head of exile). Czechoslovakia violated the resolution, supplying the Jewish state with critical military hardware to match the (mainly British) heavy equipment and planes already owned by the invading Arab states. These villages had populations of up to 400, were largely self-sufficient[26][27] and lived from herding, grain cultivation, and growing vines and olives with some economic interchange. [337], In July 2000, Aryeh Deri was sentenced to 3 years in prison for bribe taking. In 1984, continual discrimination against Sephardi Ultra-Orthodox Jews by the Ashkenazi Ultra-Orthodox establishment led political activist Aryeh Deri to leave the Agudat Israel party and join former chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in forming Shas, a new party aimed at the non-Ashkenazi Ultra-Orthodox vote. The Ottoman Empire joined the German and Austro-Hungarian Empire in WWI and when they lost in 1918, much of the Ottoman Empire was divided among the victors, with France and Britain each taking pieces. Trust ye not in lying words, saying . But the 1969 Cairo agreement gave the PLO a free hand to attack Israel from South Lebanon. Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Jewish scribes, called the Masoretes and located in Galilee, Jerusalem and Babylonia, established the Masoretic Text, which became the orthodox text of the Hebrew Bible. [102] This led to the emergence of Rabbinical Judaism. [18] There were probably independent or semi-independent city-states. [111] The destruction of Jerusalem and the temple necessitated a reshaping of Judaism to ensure its survival. In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, triggering the Gulf War between Iraq and a large allied force, led by the United States. Pre-tribulation Rapture Refuted: 1948 Israeli nationhood did - Bible Middle East Oil History & Production | Why is There So Much Oil in the Middle East? [29] William G. Dever sees this "Israel" in the central highlands as a cultural and probably political entity, more an ethnic group rather than an organized state.[30]. In 1258, the Mongols destroyed Baghdad, killing hundreds of thousands. As a result, several bordering Arab nations declared war on Israel in an effort to aid Palestine. [72][78][79] The Kingdom of Judah was abolished, and many of its citizens were exiled to Babylon. In 1896 Theodor Herzl published Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State), in which he asserted that the solution to growing antisemitism in Europe (the so-called "Jewish Question") was to establish a Jewish state. Shamir opposed the idea but agreed in return for loan guarantees to help with absorption of immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Israel asserts its right to defend itself from aggressive neighbors; however, the Palestinian people continue to lose more of their country to Israeli settlement and proposed annexation. Several earlier Old Testament passages shed light on this mystery. During the late 1800s, Jews tried to establish settlements in Ottoman Palestine and even tried to negotiate with the Ottomans. The Arrow missile, a missile designed to destroy ballistic missiles, including Scud missiles, was first deployed by Israel. What Does the Bible Say About Israel Becoming A State? - OpenBible.info Arlosoroff had been the boyfriend of Magda Ritschel some years before she married Joseph Goebbels. East Jerusalem was arguably[307] annexed by Israel. The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip is significantly more aggressive and antagonizes Israel with countless rocket attacks. [294] In 1963 Ben-Gurion quit again over the Lavon affair. Archaeologist and General Yigael Yadin purchased the Dead Sea Scrolls on behalf of the State of Israel. This was the first ever UN peacekeeping operation. From 15 November the UN troops marked out a zone across the Sinai to separate the Israeli and Egyptian forces. The Land of Goshen, Where Israel Became a Nation The Mamluks, continuing the policy of the Ayyubids, made the strategic decision to destroy the coastal area and to bring desolation to many of its cities, from Tyre in the north to Gaza in the south. In the decades following the 1948 war, Israel's border with Lebanon was quiet compared to its borders with other neighbours. On 4 July 1946 a massive pogrom in Poland led to a wave of Holocaust survivors fleeing Europe for Palestine. [147] An economic crisis and heavy taxation to finance the wars of imperial succession that affected the Roman empire in the 3rd century led to further Jewish migration from Syria Palaestina to the more tolerant Sassanid Empire, where a prosperous Jewish community with extensive seminaries existed in the area of Babylon. [359][360] The Palestinian armed factions in the Gaza Strip, led by the Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees, fired a massive amount of rockets towards southern Israel in retaliation, sparking five days of clashes along the Gaza border. Now in bringing forth this nation God twice made a decision to set aside one person and choose another. The Arab states marched their forces into what had, until the previous day, been the British Mandate for Palestine, starting the first ArabIsraeli War. The United Nations divided Israel and the state of Palestine in 1948 through a plan that never went into full effect because Israel declared independence before the plan could be fully in place. In retaliation for repeated Egyptian shelling of Israeli positions along the Suez Canal, Israeli planes made deep strikes into Egypt in the 19691970 "War of Attrition". In 1947, only two years after the end of WWII, the newly formed United Nations passed a resolution calling for the creation of two states - one Arab and one Jewish - out of the British mandate of Palestine. A spate of suicide bombings reinforced the Likud position for security. Israel then defeated (almost successively) Egypt, Jordan and Syria. [19] Writing was known and available for recording, even in small sites. When the armistice between Israel and the Arab states was signed in early 1949, Palestine was left with only the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and even these were held by Jordanian and Egyptian troops, respectively. [90] After a century of Ptolemaic rule, eventually Judea became part of the Seleucid Empire in 200 BCE at the battle of Panium (fought near Banias on the Golan Heights). ( Note: the 1967 War that saw the rest of Jerusalem, and temple mount, fall into Israel's hands also . The territory of Transjordan was also covered by the Mandate but under separate rules that excluded it from the Balfour Declaration. In May of that year the US also agreed to provide A-4 Skyhawk tactical aircraft to Israel. The British government publicly committed itself to the creation of a Jewish homeland. In a surprise result, the Likud led by Menachem Begin won 43 seats in the 1977 elections (Labour got 32 seats). [220], Between 1929 and 1938, 250,000 Jews arrived in Palestine (Fifth Aliyah). In 1897, the World Zionist Organization was founded and the First Zionist Congress proclaimed its aim "to establish a home for the Jewish people in Palestine secured under public law. 35, Othmar Keel, Christoph Uehlinger, Gods, Goddesses, and Images of God in Ancient Israel, Fortress Press (1998); Mark S. Smith, The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israels Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts, Oxford University Press (2001), sfn error: no target: CITEREFYamadaYamada2017 (, The Social Roots of Biblical Yahwism by Stephen Cook, SBL 2004 pp 58, Malamat, A. In the stele, Mesha, king of Moab, tells how Chemosh, the god of Moab, had been angry with his people and had allowed them to be subjugated to the Kingdom of Israel, but at length, Chemosh returned and assisted Mesha to throw off the yoke of Israel and restore the lands of Moab. Their teachings became the foundational, liturgical, and ritualistic basis for Rabbinic Judaism, which eventually became the mainstream form of Judaism. The failure of the peace process, increased Palestinian terror and occasional attacks by Hezbollah from Lebanon, led much of the Israeli public and political leadership to lose confidence in the Palestinian Authority as a peace partner. Download Signs Of The Second Coming: 11 Reasons Jesus Will Return In Our Lifetime on Amazon, Apple iBooks, Kobo, Nook, and Smashwords. During the Knesset debate some 5,000 demonstrators gathered and riot police had to cordon the building. In March 2018, Palestinians in Gaza initiated "the Great March of Return," a series of weekly protests along the GazaIsrael border. [55] Jehu, son of Omri, is referenced by the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III. The Jews' possessions were confiscated and in return the Nazis allowed the Ha'avara organization to purchase 14 million pounds worth of German goods for export to Palestine and use it to compensate the immigrants. [258] The British withdrawal was finally completed in May 1948. The area was governed by the PLO independently of the Lebanese Government and became known as "Fatahland" (Fatah was the largest faction in the PLO). With permanent ceasefire coming into effect, Israel's new borders, later known as the Green Line, were established. The premillennial concept of the nation of Israel is clearly erroneous. sfn error: no target: CITEREFShenLaviKivisildChou2004 (, 1177 B.C. The country has a highly advanced military, and it is almost certain that Israel has developed nuclear weapons. However, when the people of Israel refused to repent of their sins, this punishment was multiplied seven-fold from 360 years to 2,520 years. By March, almost all Haganah's armoured vehicles had been destroyed, the blockade was in full operation, and hundreds of Haganah members who had tried to bring supplies into the city were killed.[262]. 8. In 1878, "Russian" Jewish emigrants established the village of Petah Tikva, followed by Rishon LeZion in 1882. At the 1972 Munich Olympics, two members of the Israeli team were killed, and nine members taken hostage by Palestinian terrorists. However, with the establishment of the Hasmonean dynasty, the local populace of the Land of Israel maintained independence for a century before being incorporated into the Roman Republic. Part I paragraph 2 UN resolution 181(II), sfn error: no target: CITEREFYoav_Gelber2006 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFDominique_LapierreLarry_Collins1971 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFHenry_Laurens2005 (, Green Line: the name given to the 1949 Armistice lines that constituted the de facto borders of pre-1967 Israel , The melting pot in Israel: the commission of inquiry concerning education in the early years of the state by Tzvi Tzameret, Albany 2002 chapter 7. Over the next few years some one million Soviet citizens migrated to Israel. [265] The situation was one of the catalysts for the intervention of neighbouring Arab states. Fedayeen attacks led to a growing cycle of violence as Israel launched reprisal attacks against Gaza. It was hoped this would reduce the power of small parties to extract concessions in return for coalition agreements. Most scholars agree that, in contrast to the aftermath of the First JewishRoman War, Judea was devastated after the Bar Kokhba revolt, with many Jews killed, exiled, or sold into slavery. Ben-Gurion became the first Prime Minister of Israel. [378] Israel Shield was the government's program to combat against the virus. (Also see Ezekiel 16.) How "holy" is Jerusalemreally? Judaism, Christianity and Islam each [377], The COVID-19 pandemic began in Israel with the first case detected in February 2020 and the first death being that of a Holocaust survivor in March 2020. The same period saw an influx of Christian pilgrims to the holy sites in Palaestina Prima, which had a tremendous positive impact on the economic growth and prosperity of the region. The nation that came to be known by the second name given to their forefather Jacob, that is Israel. Some of the Shia and Christian population of South Lebanon welcomed the Israelis, as PLO forces had maltreated them, but Lebanese resentment of Israeli occupation grew over time and the Shia became gradually radicalized under Iranian guidance. 68 years ago, on May 14th, 1948, the world witnessed the BIGGEST Biblical Prophecy FULFILLED since Jesus Christ came to earth - the REBIRTH of God's Chosen Nation. The Six-Day War of 1967 Summary & Causes | What was the Six-Day War? Revelation 11:1-19 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. However, 70 years of atonement for Israel's sin had already been served during the Babylonian captivity, so only 360 years of punishment remained. [19], The earliest recorded evidence of a people by the name of Israel (as ysrr) occurs in the Egyptian Merneptah Stele, erected for Pharaoh Merneptah (son of Ramesses II) c. 1209 BCE, which states "Israel is laid waste and his seed is not. [34] Monotheism, the belief in a single all-powerful law-giving God, is thought to have evolved among the Israelites gradually, over the next few centuries, from a number of separate cults,[35] leading to the first versions of the religion now known as Judaism. In 2005 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was officially elected president of Iran; since then, Iranian policy towards Israel has grown more confrontational. The Chosen Few: How education shaped Jewish History, Botticini and Eckstein, Princeton 2012, page 71 and chapters 4 and 5, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFJacobson2001 (. Israel is the biblical Holy Land in the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian faiths. Following the ceasefire declaration, Britain released over 2,000 Jewish detainees it was still holding in Cyprus and recognized the state of Israel. Given the information available, one cannot maintain a radical cultural separation between Canaanites and Israelites for the Iron I period." The Resurrection of A Nation - CCElkgrove In turn, Egypt agreed to recognize the right of Israel to exist. 8:15) will accept it. was the year in which he made it. Thousands of Jews from Latin America began arriving in Israel due to economic crises in their countries of origin. Did 1948 Begin the Last Generation? In addition the desire not to be held responsible for initiating conflict and an election campaign highlighting security, led to an Israeli failure to mobilize, despite receiving warnings of an impending attack.[313]. A western-style government in the region served the interests of Europe and the United States at the beginning of the Cold War. Despite British efforts to curb immigration, during the 14 years of the Aliyah Bet, over 110,000 Jews entered Palestine. [173] The Khwarezmians were driven out by the Ayyubids in 1247. The Nazis proposed their own solution: that the Jews of Europe be shipped to Madagascar (the Madagascar Plan). In 691, Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik (685705) constructed the Dome of the Rock shrine on the Temple Mount, where the two Jewish temples had been located. This, and the failure of Israel to be included in the Bandung Conference (of non-aligned states), effectively ended Israel's pursuit of non-alignment. In June 1940, Italy declared war on the British Commonwealth and sided with Germany. [70], Under King Josiah (ruler from 641 619), the Book of Deuteronomy was either rediscovered or written. [274] Some 300,000 arrived from Asian and North African nations as part of the Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries. In March 1978, eleven armed Lebanese Palestinians reached Israel in boats and hijacked a bus carrying families on a day outing, killing 38 people, including 13 children. Egyptian radio broadcasts talked of a coming genocide. Levi Eshkol became leader of Mapai and the new prime minister. Orange represents the Palestine and blue represents Israel. History of Jewish Persecution | What is Antisemitism? All Premillennialists reject the plain Bible teaching that Israel possessed all the land God promises to Israel through Abraham. It was the time when the Jewish settlements of Galilee were destroyed by the Druze: Tiberias was completely desolate and only a few of former Safed residents had returned.", Barbara Tuchman, Bible and Sword: How the British came to Palestine, Macmillan 1956, chapter 9, Barbara Tuchman, Bible and Sword: How the British came to Palestine, Macmillan 1956, page 194-5, Trotsky and the Jews, Joseph Nedava, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1972 chapter 7, Social and Political History of the Jews in Poland, 19191939 By Joseph Marcus, Mouton 1983, pg 366. Hebrew and Arabic were made the official languages of the new state. Nehemiah ben Hushiel was made governor of Jerusalem. [203], The Balfour declaration was published on the 2nd of November 1917 and the Bolsheviks seized control of Russia a week later. Following the reformation, there was growing separation of religion and state in Europe, especially in Holland, where a group of Spanish Jewish exiles settled and practiced their religion freely. Large numbers of Jewish immigrants, many of them World War II veterans and Holocaust survivors, now began arriving in the new state of Israel, and many joined the IDF.[268]. With British permission, the Va'ad Leumi raised its own taxes[214] and ran independent services for the Jewish population. Egyptian President Nasser died of a heart attack immediately after and was succeeded by Anwar Sadat. [119] As a result, the original text of some Hebrew texts, including the Books of Maccabees, were lost (Greek translations survived). Israel's war for independence took place from May 1948 to July 1949. In September 1988, Israel launched an Ofeq reconnaissance satellite into orbit, using a Shavit rocket, thus becoming one of only eight countries possessing a capacity to independently launch satellites into space (two more have since developed this ability). Davies (1992), 6768; others suggested a chiefdom comprising a small region around Jerusalem, cf. In June 1985, Israel withdrew most of its troops from Lebanon, leaving a residual Israeli force and an Israeli-supported militia in southern Lebanon as a "security zone" and buffer against attacks on its northern territory. The LORD prophesied, over 3,000 years ago, that the Israelite Jews would be exiled from their Holy Land for around 2,500 Years. [312] The Israeli government responded with an air raid, a raid on the PLO headquarters in Lebanon (led by future Prime Minister, Ehud Barak) and an assassination campaign against the organizers of the massacre. The agreement was opposed by Hamas and other Palestinian factions, which launched suicide bomber attacks at Israel. [361] However, in July, the Kadima party left Netanyahu's government due to a dispute concerning military conscription for ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel. Philo of Alexandria, On the Embassy to Gaius XXX.203. e.g. In the first half of the 20th century, the Zionist movement continued to gain support amongst Jews and non-Jews alike. 9 Av 537 B.C. The Sinai oil fields made Israel self-sufficient in energy. [343], In April 2006 Ariel Sharon was incapacitated by a severe hemorrhagic stroke and Ehud Olmert became Prime Minister.[344]. While the UN was going to create Israel, Israel declared independence once the British left. That year, 50,000 Yemenite Jews (99%) were secretly flown to Israel. In January 1492, the last Muslim state was defeated in Spain and six months later the Jews of Spain (the largest community in the world) were required to convert or leave without their property. To set the context let me take you back to 2006. [151], Judaism was the only non-Christian religion tolerated, but restrictions on Jews slowly increased to include a ban on building new places of worship, holding public office or owning Christian slaves. The first Mamluk Sultan, Qutuz of Egypt, defeated the Mongols in the Battle of Ain Jalut ("Goliath's spring" near Ein Harod), ending the Mongol advances. Israel was seen by Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world as an extension of colonization. An American billionaire casino owner, Sheldon Adelson, set up a free newspaper Israel Hayom with the express intention of reducing the influence of the dominant (centre-left) newspaper Yediot Ahronot and accelerating a right-ward shift in Israeli politics by supporting Netanyahu. Accordingly, it was announced the transfer would take place in May of 1948 and the 14th would be the final day of British control. In 425, following the death of the last Nasi, Gamliel VI, the Sanhedrin was officially abolished and the title of Nasi banned. Pastor Chuck Smith had a specific teaching on this in the 1970s. Israeli forces, commanded by General Moshe Dayan, attacked Egypt on 29 October 1956. Genesis 35:21-27 gives a list of Jacob's sons and the various woman he had them with. The head of the Jewish Agency, Ben-Gurion, responded to the Arab Revolt with a policy of "Havlagah"self-restraint and a refusal to be provoked by Arab attacks in order to prevent polarization. Those Jews who survived in central Europe, were displaced persons (refugees); an Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, established to examine the Palestine issue, surveyed their ambitions and found that over 95% wanted to migrate to Palestine.[243][244][245]. The three surviving Palestinians were released by the West German authorities eight weeks later without charge, in exchange for the hostages of hijacked Lufthansa Flight 615. Nasser, the Arabs, and 'Sawt al-Arab' Radio", "Forgotten Gas Attacks in Yemen Haunt Syria Crisis", "30 years to the Black Panthers in Israel", "Israel in shock as Munich killers freed", "Kurt Waldheim, Former U.N. Chief, Is Dead at 88", "Israeli-Ugandan Relations in the Time of Idi Amin", "Terrorists: L'Affaire Daoud: Too Hot to Handle", "Foreign Aid: An Introduction to U.S. Programs and Policy", "Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?

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when did israel became a nation in the bible

when did israel became a nation in the bible