long useless paragraph

Ravens are notoriously clever creaturesso much so that they're aware of when they're being watched. "The ideal coaster is rough and quick with some twists and turns, but no upside down or inverted movements.". He apparently hated the fact that horse-drawn wagons would travel down the alley beside his building and wasn't fond of the people who liked to hang out in the space either. The absence of mindfulness among individuals and the thoughtlessness of authorities are the primary purposes for the wastage of water. The poll found that 65 percent of millennials sleep in the nude. Random Text Generator is a web application which provides true random text which you can use in your documents or web designs. Why is the writer making a paragraph so long that I have the urge and motivation to finish this pointless paragraph to prove him that reading is what makes me, me. Include on each page about two handwritten or three typed paragraphs. There are four kings in every deck of cards. Movie trailers got their name because they were originally shown after the movie. How does it work? The chicken and the ostrich are the closest living relatives of the Tyrannosaurus rex. The cephalopods both have one systemic heart that circulates blood around the body and two branchial hearts that pump blood through the gills. You absolute waste of space and air. Dressing is a big deal to me -- ever since I (a) became single, and (b) lost 60 pounds, I've become something of a clotheshorse. Like. Here are my collection of long freaky paragraphs for her copy and paste! Then you look at your watch, if you had one, and realize that its been a near 4 minutes. And God saw that it was good. Unfortunately, this only worked on Big Thunder Mountain. Simply trying to counteract the low self-esteem verbally will not do it, though, for in their down state, they will see the person as just trying to be nice or spare their feelings. Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. Unfortunately, "scurve" didn't catch on in the same way. "She will be more than six feet tall, wear a size 11 shoe, have shoulders like a wrestler and muscles like a truck driver," Roe said. That's according to Swiss mortality statistics from 1969 to 2008. That's why, even though Curie died around 85 years ago, her possessions are still radioactive, according to The Christian Science Monitor. They built a sculpture of St. Vincent Ferrer that stood 164 feet and 9 inches tall. According to an analysis by SplashData, the most popular passwords of 2018 was "123456." Instead, according to the American Kennel Club, "they make their feelings known with an odd sound described as something between a chortle and a yodel. And you don't have to worry about their slow-moving ways being an issue: According to the ZSL London Zoo, sloths can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes, which is 30 minutes longer than a dolphin. Now you may get your extra two pages in record time. In this post, you will find the top 10 long paragraphs that teach you a lesson. Jason 's so old and Jewish he attended Shakespeare's bar mitzvah. Taco Bell may feature a big bell on its logo, but the fast food chain didn't take its name from the musical instrument. If only it worked. According to the Bible, the chicken came before the egg. The next time you're planning a trip and want to head somewhere that's both breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly unique, check out Quebec City in Canada. 8. "Schoolmaster" is an old-school word for a male teacher. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. Also read: How To Know If Your Friend Values You 16. Frank Sinatra was offered the starring role in, Sleeping through summer is called "estivation.". It can also be successfully used as a daily exercise to get writers to begin writing. A Greek-Canadian man invented the "Hawaiian" pizza. Desire O is a freelance writer who covers lifestyle, food, and nutrition news among other topics. This letter is a reminder that YOU are so worthy of giving and receiving the best love. His Brannock Device Company has been making them ever since. A short paragraph may not reach even 50 words while long paragraphs can be over 400 words long, but generally speaking they tend to be approximately 200 words in length. When trailers were first introduced in the early 1910sthe first one being for aCharlie Chaplin moviethey were shown after the movie, i.e. The mighty Mount Everest was first measured in 1856 by the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India and was deemed to be 29,002 feet tall, according toSmithsonianmagazine. ", Hopefully, the passwords you choose are unexpected and cryptic, unlike the vast majority of people who still use incredibly common ones. You produce about six pounds of stool per week. I prefer a long explanation in the notes section and lots of images on cards that ask 1 and only 1 question that is answered by one or two words. Bill Watterson. Basenji dogs are the only breed that doesn't bark. In Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, there's a small 1,600-square-foot piece of land that sticks out into a pond. While researchers don't know exactly why the mice were acting like race cars circling a track at top speed, they think the little critters might simply have been enjoying the "rewarding effects of physical exercise.". []Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words()Follow that trashPeople don't like to talk about trash. And it turns out, this fear could be justified: A 2018 study published in the journal European Radiology suggests that beards contain "significantly higher" amounts of bacteria than dogs do. Do the same for apricot, peach, and cherry seeds, which contain the compound as well. So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. Which meant he would be capable of thrusting objects into a . Then you start getting nervous that its almost time for bed, then you wonder what you ate for breakfast on June the 9th. You would likely "mutate" in space without a spacesuit. You couldve been playing with your dog, or eating your cat, but no. 3. Paragraph on Pollution 4 (250 Words) Pollution is the most immediate threat to our environment and is a global concern. She also thought that women would forgo traditional meals and instead opt for "food capsules.". The most commonly misplaced items, according to the survey, are remotes, phones, keys, and glasses. If you've ever been told to pinch your nose while taking medicine so that you don't have to suffer through the awful taste, you might want to follow that advice. According to the BBC, a librarian named Aristophanes from the Egyptian city of Alexandria in the 3rd century B.C. Take pound cake, for example. But the largest note ever issued for public circulation was the $10,000 bill, which featured a portrait ofSalmon P. Chase, the Secretary of the Treasury from 1861 to 1864. The tallest supported bamboo sculpture is more than 164-feet high. The oldest unequivocal dinosaur fossils, dating to about 231 million years ago, are from Ischigualasto Provincial Park in northwestern Argentina, and include the genuses . The United States is home to more lighthouses than any other country. If you havent realized that, then you have not yet read the whole paragraph. From the type of music that can ward off mosquitoes to the shocking food you can turn into diamonds, you'll love learning theseuseless facts. Instead of writing about the entire paragraph, take each sentence in the paragraph and make each of those individual sentences the first or last sentence of each paragraph of a short story. "This whistle encodes individual identity independently of voice features. It also happens to be an anagram (meaning it uses the exact same letters) as "the classroom.". xhr.send(payload); 8. Flying lawnmower on drugs. Weighing around four pounds and measuring up to three feet from head to tail, the Malabar giant squirrel looks more like a rainbow-inspired muppet than something that you'd find in the forest stateside. If you find yourself only able to use the left side of your computer's keyboard, there are still plenty of words that you can type out. When your having a heart to heart convo keep spamming them with really strange words. Yet you have not yet realized, that you wasted a full 5 minutes on this paragraph that feels endless yet it has been ceased. Pound cake originally included a pound of all of its ingredients. What did I eat last April the 17th? Random sentences can also spur creativity in other types of projects being done. ", Cats can jump surprisingly high, slip through the tightest spaces, and seemingly have nine lives. After multiple people claimed that they had passed kidney stones while riding Walt Disney World's Big Thunder Mountain Railroad ride, a research team from Michigan State University decided to take a look at the situation in 2016. The King of Hearts is the only king in a deck of cards without a mustache. Johnny Di Francesco of 400 Gradi restaurant in Melbourne, Australia, set the Guinness World Record for the cheesiest pizza by creating a pie using 154 different kinds of cheese. If you remembered from the first sentence of this disgustingly long paragraph, you would remember that this paragraph was a waste of time and space, imagine if I had not typed this paragraph and you had not read it. Imagine the things you couldve eaten ; sushi, sharks, dogs, snakes, cats, fish, humans, dogs, dogs, and many more wonders of this world. That means that ravens can tell when someone (or something) else can see them. Human bodies can sometimes feel vulnerable and fragile. In 1968, that novel had been made into a film starring Sinatra (not as John McClane, but as Joe Leland, a former New York cop who becomes a private investigator). But if you were curious, it happens to be called a Brannock Device, and it was invented by Charles Brannock and patented in 1926. The real name of Monopoly mascot Uncle Pennybags is Milburn Pennybags. On top of the word "philosopher" being misspelled on the back cover, "1 wand" was listed twice when it came to the supplies Harry was meant to take to school. The Monopoly policeman is officially called Officer Edgar Mallory. xhr.open('POST', 'https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', true); Being shown a random sentence and using it to complete a paragraph each day can be an excellent way to begin any writing session. The U.S. Air Force introduced Bob Ross to painting. According to The Guardian, the so-called "suicide king" (who earned his name because it looks like he's stabbing himself in the head with a sword) wasn't always bare-faced. Unicorn waffles. I have more than 16 years of experience and have completed 100+ projects. Why am I reading this pointless and barren paragraph? So my apologies Donatello, culinary impossibility debunked!". These acts will make you say OMG! Then you come to the conclusion that you know that this useless and insanely long paragraph would tell you. I'm taking some time. Put only one main idea per paragraph. According to a 2017 study by British non-profit UKActive, adults spend an average of 3 hours and 9 minutes on the toilet each week, but only spend around 1 hour and 30 minutes being physically active during that same time span. Hello. And when a few of the first editions were printed, there were some mistakes inside. ", The word "rainbow" is already one of the most beautiful words in the English language. 1. Unfortunately, the name change also meant that his grandmother was no longer speaking to him, Mr. Captain Fantastic told The Telegraph. Maryland tried to ban Randy Newman's song "Short People.". 1. Maybe you already knew that Jupiter was the biggest planet of them all. Make your paragraphs proportional to your paper. Ohio physician John Cook Bennetwas one of the first people to add tomatoes to ketchup in 1834, Fast Company reports. Relish Bay - Gift Ideas, Love Messages & Relationship Tips 3. As they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor awayunless you eat too many apple seeds, that is. And that color has a name: It's called "eigengrau. } According to a 2013 study published inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, bottlenose dolphins each have their own special whistles, which are just like human names. Space is filled with all kinds of wonders, including an asteroid called "Kleopatra." 2022 Galvanized Media. You surely know that when bears and other animals sleep through the colder winter weather it's called "hibernation." The average adult spends more time on the toilet than they do exercising. Another reason is because they will get a better job and income. Di Francesco said he was inspired by the 2014 film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in which the Donatello character claims that a 99-cheese pizza was a "culinary impossibility. Imagine the things you couldve accomplished. What are dinosaurs? $20 CAD in 5 days (0 Reviews) 0.0. kishankhanpara3. You deserve the absolute best. 1.Now that's what I call stupid: In my junior year of high school, this guy asked me on a date.He rented a Redbox movie and made a pizza. The BBC laid out the story behind the word, which comes from The Book of St Albans (also known as The Book of Hawking, Hunting and Blasing of Arms), written by Juliana Berners, a 15th-century English Benedictine prioress. I am not going to write any long useless paragraph to inspire you, just want to inform you that I have a huge background working on this niche. All Rights Reserved. $30 USD in 6 days (3 Reviews) 3.8. hassanarshad92. In the 2016 study, researchers put this idea to the test and found that ravens acted as if they knew they were being watched when there was an open peephole available for other birds to spy on them. You can count on these short math quips for a good chuckle. That means that without being able to smell apples, potatoes, and onions, they're indistinguishable. A significant portion of the opening weeks of my first-year writing class is spent . (@fentyy) June 15, 2018. People used to answer the phone by saying "ahoy" instead of "hello.". It's possible to turn peanut butter into diamonds. You useless piece of shit. It was indeed a jaw-dropping sight to behold.". And since peanut butter is already rich in carbon, Frost was able to transform the nutty goodness into a shiny jewel. } ); Paper and cardboard products were the biggest culprits, with yard trimmings, plastic products, and consumer electronics also making up a bulk of the trash. Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other. Messages from your brain travel along your nerves at up to 200 miles per hour. It affects the air, water bodies, forests, vegetation, soil, oceans and other natural resources, having long lasting and fatal consequences. They're not just there to add some extra pizzazz to your pants; they actually have a purpose. The average American produces 4.5 pounds of trash per day. And that name is hilariously "gnurr.". This didn't sit well with other creative-types, which is why Stuart Semple created the "pinkest pink," which he made available for purchase to anyone except Kapoor. Tomato paste. ", At some point in time, for whatever reason, someone decided to give a name to the lint that collects in the bottom of your pockets. "But I said, 'Look, we need to use the original.'" We were young in the business and we were doing a lot of experiments." They also added, "You can't hurt babies or old people." attempted to introduce a form of punctuation into a system that not only didn't use it, but also didn't bother to use capital letters or include spaces between words. The tool used to measure your feet at the shoe store is called a "Brannock Device.". You are 13.8 percent more likely to die on your birthday. Only use letters to explain your feelings. Paragraph On Save Water - 250 to 300 Words for Class 9, 10, 11 . Stopping this Well, for a long sentence that ultimately says nothing, one would need to think of something that doesn't mean anything, or at least if it does mean something then its meaning must be of no consequence whatsoever, to the end that the sentence ultimately doesn't say anything. That's because camels did, in fact, populate the Arizona desert back in the 1800s after they were brought to the States by the U.S. Army. "The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. He communicated his burial wishes to his family, and when he died at 89, his children stopped at Walgreens on their way to the funeral home to buy the burial Pringles can for his ashes. For example, "He ran very quickly along the really long field." can be, "He sprinted across the vast field." That. And because North American shoppers are used to oranges that are actually orange, imported fruit is either exposed to ethylene gas or shocked with cold water in order to remove the chlorophyll. If you put a mirror one light-year away from Earth and looked at it through a telescope, you would see two years into Earth's past. Although American readers may recognize the book as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the British story was originally titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Yet. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { ", Mandy Joye, a professor at the University of Georgia and the lead scientist of the expedition, told Smithsonian magazine that "the immense beauty and majesty of the scene was overwhelming. The jumbled mash of nonsense spammers use to get around spam filters creates a kind of surreal poetr Yet you still have the urge and motivation to read this pointless and long essay. Welcome to the roast of Jason! Because you are so headstrong and careless, yet you have the urge and motivation to continue reading this essay that it feels like an eternity. (That's likely why Mr. Burns on The Simpsons says "ahoy-hoy" when he picks up the phone.) Quotes tagged as "long" Showing 1-30 of 154. In South America and other tropical locales, oranges are green year round. After around 45 seconds, you are still reading this mindlessly and carelessly with your precious and non-reversible time. If you were to draw the devil, you'd probably give him horns, a tail, and a pitchfork. To write a good paragraph you need an Introduction (key sentence), a Body (supporting sentence), and a Conclusion (closing sentence).. The largest bill to go into circulation in the U.S. was a $10,000 note. Mulan took out nearly 2,000 people over the course of the animated film, including the evil Hun leader, Shan Yu, and 1,994 Huns by triggering an avalanche. 3. The essay topic is the British Industrial Revolution but I'm turning in a paper on Rihanna. Massachusetts is home to Busta Rhymes Island. I'm at the end of my rope right now so have to take a raincheck. Seeing as cyanide is poisonous (even deadly in high doses), you should definitely spit those seeds out. Even casual cereal eaters probably know that the Rice Krispie mascots are called Snap, Crackle, and Pop. First we took many books available on project Gutenberg and stored their contents in a database. "Her proportions will be perfect, though Amazonian, because science will have perfected a balanced ration of vitamins, proteins, and minerals that will produce the maximum bodily efficiency, the minimum of fat." Fuck you. A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. However, when that eventually happened, Ol' Blue Eyes refused the role. But it turns out that punctuation wasn't always a part of our written language. Soon you realize that it has been now 3 minutes. When you think of the pope, you probably envision a holy man in robes, not an athlete. Because when you're reading a paragraph inside your head, the words are projected into your brain with the IQ above 90 and then the thought process go through your internal organs and through yours eyes and you wonder if this is actually true but it's really not because all it is non-sense. 5. Here are the most useless three sentences in the world: "At the tone, please leave your message. We've got to say, that study is (morbidly) interesting! Nobel Prize-winning scientist Marie Curie died as a result of the vast amounts of radiation she was exposed to during her groundbreaking work. A paragraph could contain a series of brief examples or a single long illustration of a general point. A Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker, too!". In fact, there's a Rome on every continent except Antarctica, according toNational Geographic. In fact, the animal's arms, which are both long and strong, make them great swimmers. and our Even if you did, you still refuse to stop reading this essay. You useless piece of shit. The game of Monopoly dates back to 1903, according to The New York Times. And since radium has a half-life of 1,601 years, they're likely to stay that way for a while. NEW YORK, June 25, 2021: Police office Derek Chauvin has been sentenced to 22 and a half years for the world famous murder of George Floyd. Trash is smelly, dirty, ugly, broken, useless stuff. In April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Himalayas and reshaped parts of the mountain range, Science Alert reported. That was followed by "password," "123456789," "12345678," "12345678," "12345," "111111," "1234567," and then, delightfully, "sunshine," and "iloveyou.". Why am I still reading this? How does this paragraph know what Im thinking? Jupiter is twice as massive as all the other planets combined. Because that person has a 67% chance of being a clone. If you've ever wondered why movie previews are called "trailers" even though they're shown before a film, then you'll be interested to discover that their name was once more accurate. And while it might just be human error that resulted in these contradicting measurements, another reason for the discrepancies could be that Everest has changed heights in the past few years. Alaska is the only state whose name is on one row on a keyboard. You rotate the ground 4 times.. 4 You go and understand the tree. Maybe this somewhat useless, but also motivating fact is what we needed to hear to get to the gym. Ishmael Beah, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. Ketchup was used medicinally in the early 1800s. Most pandas in the world are on loan from China. You can change how many bullets you get by adjusting the summary length slider. But according to a survey conducted in 2018 by MattressAdvisor.com, plenty of people prefer to head to bed in the buff. Posts You can rise from the darkness that is self-doubt. Marie Curie's 100-year-old belongings are still radioactive. When they conducted tests using a model kidney, they found that there was a 64 percent successful pass rate for those seated in the rear of the roller coaster. Queen Elizabeth II is a trained mechanic. And while this might seem like a useless law, it was once totally necessary. According to the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, "golf balls are usually covered with dimples in a highly symmetrical way," which "is important or the ball will wobble.". Baur was so proud of his invention that he wanted to take it to the graveliterally. And on Feb. 17, 2019, he reached his goal by wearing 260 T-shirts at one time. We can say that a well-structured paragraph is the essence of good writing. From the moment I set my eyes on you, my world has been revolving around you. By using Q, W, E, R, T, A, S, D, F, G, Z, X, C, V, and Bthe letters on the left side of the standard keyboardyou can not only tap out whoppers like "tesseradecades," "aftercataracts," and "sweaterdresses," you can also type "great," "vast," "water," "starter," "cascades," "retracts," "affects," "trees," "caves," "crests," "waver," "reverberate," "sat," "far," "raced," "faster," "created," "craters," "graves," "wasted," "arrested," and (perhaps best of all) "abracadabra!". The infinity sign is called a lemniscate. That card looks like trash, but not all "long" cards are useless. It renders water useless by transmitting modern waste in water bodies. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Best Friend, Buddha. The magnitude of your failure just now is so indescribably massive that one hundred . That's a short (and pretty much useless) amount of time indeed! Floyd had a criminal record and was drug affected at the time of his death. The pan used to prepare the history-making dish was over 39 feet long and 13 feet wide. Taco Bell was named after its owner, Glen Bell. Medical News Today explains that body odoralso known as B.O., bromhidrosis osmidrosis, or ozochrotiais actually caused by bacteria breaking down the protein in sweat and turning it into certain (unpleasant) acids. Queen Elizabeth II's cows sleep on waterbeds. Paragraph on Health - 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children. tags: beah , gone , grandmother , inspiration , ishmael , long , sky , way. Other Random Generators Here you can find all the other Random Generators: Random Word Generator Random Noun Generator Random Synonym Generator Random Verb Generator There's a tiny home in Virginia called the "Spite House" because that's why it was built. There's an optical illusion at bottom of the sea. If you take a look, you'll see that one and six are on opposite sides of the cube (1+6=7), as are two and five (2+5=7), and three and four (3+4=7). When Ted Hastings' son asked him whether he could set an official Guinness World Record, he decided to give it a try. These quick and witty jokes are easy to memorize and share. This paragraph was a waste of time and space. Just so you know, this paragraph you're reading right now is two hundred and fifty words long. 51K views 7 years ago This video will show you how to remove the white space in a justified paragraph in word, publisher, powerpoint, excel and more. The CBC reported that the team's owner and chairman, Mannie Jackson, and some players met with the pope during a visit to the Vatican City where the pontiff was given an autographed basketball and his very own jersey. You surely know what it feels like when your heart starts pumping wildly, so imagine what it must be like for an octopus or squid, which each have three hearts. In 1966, Fredric Baur developed the ingenious idea for Procter & Gamble to uniformly stack chips inside a can instead of tossing them in a bag. Interestingly, Her Majesty is also the only person in Britain who doesn't need a driver's license to get behind the wheel! He sent the first email message to himself while trying out the revolutionary form of online communication in 1971. The couple will likely attend the big event. 11. Sometimes you may opt for only a single sentence to add emphasis or effect, while other times you'll need more than five sentences to present all your evidence. I won't stop. One who is dishonest always wastes time in useless and wasteful tricks and trickery. Make your wife happy by sending her any of these romantic long paragraphs here. Cookie Notice I am not going to write any long useless paragraph to inspire you, just want to inform you that I have an experienced background working on this niche. Then a computer algorithm takes the words we stored earlier and shuffles them into sentences and paragraphs. The next time you're wearing a pair of jeans, take a look at the pockets. The 5-paragraph essay is indeed a genre, but one that is entirely uncoupled from anything resembling meaningful work when it comes to developing a fully mature writing process. The monarch's 165 dairy cows spend much of their time snoozing and relaxing on waterbeds, said Mark Osman, the manager of the royal's farm at Windsor Great Park, inan episode of BBC's Countryfile. Unless you live in the United Kingdom where it's proper to write 101 as "one hundred and one," there is no number from 1 to 999 that includes the letter "a" in its word form, according to longtime math teacher Jonathan Garnett-Smith. You're not one of them. 4 minutes, if you expect this paragraph to say the old and customary saying after youve discovered how long its been, then youre wrong. "The test messages were entirely forgettable and I have, therefore, forgotten them," he wrote on his website. Ray Tomlinson is often credited with inventing email (although that claim has been disputed). When I was satisfied that the program seemed to work, I sent a message to the rest of my group explaining how to send messages over the network. Before you write your essay it's important to analyse the task and understand exactly what the essay question is asking.

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long useless paragraph

long useless paragraph