are polish and ukrainian mutually intelligible

I can randomly pick up another paragraph from that Wikipedia page, and it would be harder: The Lemko dialect of Rusyn has only marginal intelligibility with Ukrainian. Slovak students do not have to pass a language test at Czech universities. I was born in Upper State and I can barely understand some southern speakers.Do you think the politics in USA is also preventing the formation of new languages ? But thats politics for you. An individual's achievement of moderate proficiency or understanding in a language (called L2) other than their first language (L1) typically requires considerable time and effort through study and practical application if the two languages are not very closely related. Kajkavian differs from the other Slavic lects spoken in Croatia in that is has many Hungarian and German loans (Jembrigh 2014). Czech 20 % spoken, 40 % written In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world. Ive almost never heard it in Lviv, except by visiting villagers or old people. It is more like the other slavic languages (v instead of u, z instead of s, itd, less vowels, and no distinction between and ). London Times, 25 September 2006 Because they use different alphabets, German and Yiddish are only mutually intelligible when spoken. Russian and Ukrainian: Are They Really the Same Language? The old Dniestrian/Galician speech is largely confined to rural areas. I think Robert has done articles on 9/11 conspiracy theories and their level of crediblity, yeah. Please listen and watch the movie Zona Zamfirova. Ja u raditi, for me, sounds more Croatian and Bosnian or at least archaic, and Serbians from Bosnia and Croatia also speaks in that way. I will also say that it is a fact that a British intelligence linked terrorist Anas al-Liby recruited by MI6 to kill Gadaffi in 96 was involved in the African Embassy bombings. 5%? This phenomenon is called asymmetrical mutual intelligibility. Czech-Slovak is now 91%, Czech-Serbo-Croatian is 18%, Czech-Macedonian is 17% and Czech=-Bulgarian is 13%. In this week's Slavic languages comparison, we talk about animals in Polish and Ukrainian. Instead Eastern Lach and Western Lach have difficult intelligibility and are separate languages, so Lach itself is a macrolanguage. After all, you can look at the study that I listed above and check the results of the written translation task (translation of 50 individual words), which illustrates the similarity of lexicons: Czechs best understand Slovak words (96,52%), then Polish (64,29%), then Bulgarian (57,00%), Croatian (55,38%) and Slovene (49,73%). Its historical development consists of four main periods. But then it is difficult. But in the case of written Russian, you could elevate this number up to 70-80% quite easily. But they would learn it quickly if they cared. Polish has 22% intelligibility of Silesian, 12% of Czech, 6% of Russian, and 5% of Bulgarian. He said if he was there for about a week he could understand probably everything. Not everyone within each of the three broad dialect areas speaks Yiddish in the same way -- there are sub-dialects, but they are mutually intelligible. There are many differences between Bulgarian and Russian speakers. Its a nasty drug, and I hear its addicting. Russian is partially mutually intelligible with Ukrainian, Rusyn and Belarusian. However, there are dialects in between Ukrainian and Russian such as the Eastern Polissian and Slobozhan dialects of Ukrainian that are intelligible with both languages . A western Slovak can even understand most of Ruthenians hen they are speaking. The Rusyn language is composed of 50% Slovak roots and 50% Ukrainian roots, so some difficult intelligibility with Ukrainian might be expected. They say, ~60%, ~65%, etc. But still Slovene and Dalmatian akavian speaker can talk if they stick to old slavic part of their respective languages. Bulgarian is similar to Macedonian but with more different cyrillic. Anti-Ethnic Sentiments Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. There is . We in Serbia even had some comic movies that was making fun of south Serbian dialects (that are more related to Bulgarian and Macedonian) with very mocking or even rude comments for someone who make mistakes in the word cases. Eastern Slovak has 82% intelligibility of Rusyn and 72% of Ukrainian. Silesian itself appears to be a macrolanguage as it is more than one language since as Opole Silesian speakers cannot understand Katowice Silesian, so Opole Silesian and Katowice Silesian are two different languages. Spoken Bulgarian is very difficult to understand for other Slavs due to phonology and unique syllable stress. I can give you an example of how I can read Bulgarian: Many people know cases well but simply dont want to speak them correctly in conversation with someone who doesnt speak them correctly because that makes them feel like they want to judge other people who doesnt use cases correctly or that makes them more educated, even more smart, than someone who doesnt use it, and that makes both sides uncomfortable. LIFESTYLE Languages. There are also some TV shows that show Czech and Slovak contestants untranslated (like in Sweden where Norwegian comics perform untranslated), and most people seem to understand these shows. The only (still rather minor) problem that I had with this text was the part Nared s osnovnata, izpolzovana v Balgarija (Together with the basic norm used in Bulgaria), because I could not understand Nared s osnovnata. Standard Czech and standard Slovak is almost totally intelligible (I would say about 90%) only very few words are of different origin. One more thing is that Serbian has, for example, two versions of the future case, with da (that) and verb in some person form, 1st in this case: ja u da radim (I will work) and ja u raditi where raditi (to work) is an infinitive. However, Chakavian magazines are published even today (Jembrigh 2014). [youtube=]. For instance, akavian Croatian is not intelligible with Standard Croatian. Yes you can. Id guess mutual intelligibility there is somewhere on the level of 75~80%, which is pretty pathetic. A number of native speakers of various Slavic lects were interviewed about mutual intelligibility, language/dialect confusion, the state of their language, its history and so on. However, she is from Skopje, close to the Serbian border and which have had much more influence from Serbian. Although Chakavian is clearly a separate language from Shtokavian Croatian, in Croatia it is said that there is only one Croatian language, and that is Shtokavian Croatian. All In The Language Family: The Slavic Languages - Babbel Magazine This is also true of vocabulary and other aspects. akavski has considerably more italian influence, due to many of the people there speaking italian (vicinity to italy) and the presence of istriot language and the former presence of dalmatian language. While the two share a similar grammar system and some vocabulary words, . I am a native Macedonian and I totally dont agree with you. From a grammatical and morphological perspective, Ukrainian is closer to Russian: they both have East Slavic roots. Although most words are in fact different, they are largely similar, being cognates, which makes both languages mutually intelligible to a significant extent; . For me personally, Serbian is very interesting, because it sounds like Macedonian, but a bit different because of the declensions. I once had a conversation with a young woman from the Czech Republic. These recommendations are based on research into the mutual intelligibility of Germanic languages, conducted by Femke Swarte. I always aske her about whether she understands Bulgarian and Serbian and she claims Serbian is way closer to her language rather than Bulgarian. However, many of these dialects are at least partially mutually intelligible. What Are Mutually Intelligible Languages? The Answer, and - FluentU Serbians and Bosnians not so such. Nevertheless, most Bulgarians over the age of 30-35 understand Russian well since studying Russian was mandatory under Communism. The real reason that Slavs cant even understand each other: not enough vowels in their tongues! 2 Ukrainian Phrasebook And Dictionary Paperback 1-03-2023 Mutually Intelligible? Most Croatian linguists recognized Kajkavian as a separate language. French has a reasonable degree of lexical similarity with Italian,Sardinian, Romansh, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish, making it partially mutually intelligible with these languages. Macedonian 40 % spoken, 60 % written That being said, the line between a language and a dialect is often blurred. I also run a YouTube channel where I try to put the differences within the Croatias borders online since many whove seen them were surprised (or shocked). Yes of course. We speak them too. I cant say that I would understand every word, but it is usually not difficult to guess some missing gaps from the context, so I could read professional books in Bulgarian in the past. Im Slovenian, my mother tongue is Slovenian, however I have also learnt Serbo-Croatian from a very early age. . Im a speaker of Torlakian Serbian characteristically closer to Macedonian than Standard Serbian, having three (nom/acc/voc) cases and using a fusional instead of an analytic past tense and, with regards to a certain comment made two years ago on here, can, without issue, understand Zona Zamfirova, a movie about life in Ottoman Ni, without any subtitles. let me guess, British bankers/Zionists/Rosthchild family/British oil companies/British special forces/Mossad was behind it? Apart lack of understandability there are phrases that could be ill understood with famous Polish I am looking for the broom It is no surprise that Ukrainian (and to a smaller extent) Belarusian have tons of Polish words, and are therefore more lexically similar to Polish than to Russian. I simply didnt know what for example word iskati (to seek) means when I first watched that movie, I was 14, I understand it from the context like I can understand Macedonian. Russian has high intelligibility of Belarussian, on the order of 75%. Czech-Polish is not at 12% anymore, a new study has found it is 32%. Thats why in the Czechoslovak army the rule was: speak your own language, understand both. But being that they are Slavic with the same or similar grammar and structure you pick up different slavic languages and their style very quick. Are polish and russian mutually intelligible? Its also said that Serbo-Croatian can understand Bulgarian and Macedonian, but this is not true. I can grasp only something in the sense that these four periods have different names and that they dont designate different languages (delene e uslovno i imenata ne otrazjavat razlini ezici), but only periods of the development of Bulgarian (samo periodi v razvitieto na balgarskija ezik), with typical changes or features (za koito se otkrivat charakterni belezi). Those 12% in Polish are very dubious as well. I can understand quite a bit of basic polish when it is spoken on the street, but their pronunciation is so weird its hard to notice sometimes. Intelligibility between languages can be asymmetric, with speakers of one understanding more of the other than speakers of the other understanding the first. Its true that Slavic languages are not intelligible in the taking-the-first-person-from-the-street-and-making-them-listen-to-a-random-conversation way, that is, an average Slavic speaker with an untrained ear and little to no exposure to other Slavic languages will have difficulty understanding other Slavic languages. 5 (2): 135146. Serbo-Croatian (Shtokavian) has 55% intelligibility of Macedonian (varies from 25-90%), 27% of Slovenian, 25% of Slovak, 20% of Ukrainian, 13% of oral Bulgarian and 25% of written Bulgarian, 10% of oral Russian and 22% of written Russian, 10% of Czech, and 5% of Polish. As a result, I, who spoke fluent Ukrainian when I moved from Ukraine 18 years ago, have problems following modern speech on TV. What if akavian person is from dalmatian coastal village which is now half tokavised and tokavian speaker is from Dalmatian city which still has some elements of akavian, ikavian yat and is full of romanisms? I can illustrate it on the video posted above Vojnata vo Bosna. Hence, Russians understand the colloquial Ukrainian spoken in the countryside pretty well, but they understand the modern standard heard on TV much less. A Serb gave me this information. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ac933fc62d348b183dfc4516edf000ec" );document.getElementById("b83dbe3da2").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Some do in fact argue that Ukrainian shouldn't be considered as an East-Slavic language at all, being that it has more in common with West-Slavic languages such as Polish, Czech and Slovak than it . Jembrigh, Mario. My guest from Ukraine will have to guess 6 animals that I'll describe to her in Polish. In the Kievan Rus', Russian and Ukrainian were dialects of the same language, meaning that they were largely mutually intelligible with only minor vocabulary or grammatical differences. I confess to not being a linguist, and therefore didnt see past the problematic sentence The results show that in most cases, a division between West and South Slavic languages does exist and that West . Russian only has 60% intelligibility of Balachka. OMG! The intelligibility of Serbo-Croatian and Macedonian is highly controversial, and intelligibility studies are in order. Jeff Lindsay estimates that Russian has 85% intelligibility with Rusyn (which has a small number of speakers in Central and Eastern Europe). Now onto the discussion. Im Czech . This is simply not the case. Usually, theyre at least partially mutually intelligible with the main language they stem from. He conducts his interviews in Macedonian, and as you can watch , his guests, be they bulgarians, serbs, bosnians, croats have no trouble understanding his questions. Much of the language has changed lots of Turkish loans have been dropped, plenty of standard Serbian terminology has made its way in but Ive had less of a communication issue in Kumanovo (north-eastern Macedonia) than Belgrade (capital of Serbia) back when I was but a young lad. Kajkavian is fairly uniform across its speech area, whereas Chakavian is more diverse (Jembrigh 2014). Mutual Intelligibility of Languages in the Slavic Family. can take anywhere. It is often said that Ukrainian and Russian are intelligible with each other or even that they are the same language (a view perpetuated by Russian nationalists). That is good to know. When Kievan Rus' fell to the Mongols in the 13th century, the formerly united states became split, and what were once very closely-related dialects began to . I guess this would not have worked for Macedonian and Slovene in the Yugoslav army. Or they will say, Well, that is about 70% our language. If it is a dialect, they will say, That is really still our language. It is not that hard. What about USAs dialects. This is not the case, as all figures were derived from estimates by native speakers themselves, often a number of estimates averaged together. It is not true at all that Ukrainian and Russian are mutually intelligible, as Russian only has 50% intelligibility of Ukrainian. Huchon, Mireille, Histoire de la langue franaise, pages 214 and 223. Poles who know German and Old Polish can understand Silesian quite well due to the Germanisms and the presence of many older Polish words, but Poles who speak only Polish have a hard time with Silesian. Written intelligibility was only calculated for a number of language pairs. Czech-Slovak languages - Wikipedia However, my girlfriend never ever says these words and rather uses on and ona just like in Serbian. So give these mutually intelligible languages a second look. Cieszyn Silesian or Ponaszymu is a language closely related to Silesian spoken in Czechoslovakia in the far northeast of the country near the Polish and Slovak borders. I speak tokavski croatian (and can read and understand serbian (both cyrillic and latin) and can adapt my croatian to be more serbian grammatically and with vocabulary) and just recently I had a conversation where I spoke croatian and the other person spoke polish. (I will come to Bulgarian too). The reason that these languages seem to be mutually intelligible is because almost all Ukrainians are bilingual anyway, and capable of switching between the two at will. How much of Ukrainian can these Russians in Canada understand? Thank you very much for this. Sorry for so much criticism it is just my Czech/Moravian opinion on the subject. If we follow this line of reasoning, it would be correct to conclude that English is highly intelligible to Serbian speakers because most Serbs speak English. The world's most difficult languages to learn Like a shits to o. Some comments on Ukrainian: some things in this article are heavily exaggerated. Croatian (Stokavski): 98% Mr.Lindsay, And when islanders respond back in akavian they are puzzled: What? I would say that Macedonian is about 25% intelligible to a Serbian speaker that was never exposed to Macedonian. In addition, the two groups have different cultural norms and values. But I can tell you this. Belic) maybe do not understand Macedonian so well as Macedonian the Serbian language do (because of the according to you Bilingual learning . Have every heard of Dubrovnik dialect? Do you speak Ukrainian. Feb 22, 2020. Polish ~ Kashubian . Slovak has 91% intelligibility of Czech. Bosnian and Montenegrin are also just dialects of Serbian language. If the central varieties die out and only the varieties at both ends survive, they may then be reclassified as two languages, even though no actual language change has occurred during the time of the loss of the central varieties. Ja u da radim is a form more related to Macedonian and south eastern dialects of Serbo-Croatian. Yet its totally foreign to many in Croatia.,,,,,,,,,, Alt Left: Ukrainian Nazis Execute Two of Their Own Men for Refusing to Fight, The Conquest of Germany and Japan Never Ended, Protected: Post to Discuss All of the Various POIs and Theories in the Delphi Murders from the Crime to the Present, Protected to Avoid Libel and Character Assassination Part 10, NATO Helped the Ukrainians Fire All Those Drones at Russia, Including all the Way to Moscow, The Conquest and Destruction of Russia Project Goes Way Back to Post World War 2, The Jewish Conspiracy To Subject Humankind. Is there any way you could give me percentage figures for these observations of your wifes? Do Ukrainians and Polish like each other? While common speech from urban areas arent always mutually intelligible across regions, speakers from these regions can often use a more formal form of Arabic to speak with each other. This debate occurred only in Croatian linguistic circles, and the public knows nothing about it (Jembrigh 2014). I thought this is Croatia! Kajkavian is a dialect of Slovenian language. According to former Pakistani President Musharraf Omar Sheikh who wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta was recruited during the 90s by British intelligence. He was a member of a group of linguists who met periodically to discuss the field. Yes, there are some words, which has Ukraine origins, but trust me that its not so hard to understand. At some point he probably became a rogue or double agent, General Musharraf says. All South Slavic languages in effect form a large dialect continuum of gradually mutually intelligible varieties depending on distance between the areas where they are spoken. Polish and Ukrainian have higher lexical similarity at 72%, and Ukrainian intelligibility of Polish is ~50%+. Mutual intelligibility between West and South Slavic languages This comment is fantastic! One way to look at Macedonian is that it is a Serbo-Croatian-Bulgarian transitional lect. . Personally Im a Taoist in relation to 9/11, the middle way, you know? To some extent, Russian, Rusyn, Ukrainian, and Belarusian retain a degree of mutual intelligibility. What Are Mutually Intelligible Languages? Czech has 94% intelligibility of Slovak, 12% of Polish, and 5% of Russian and Bulgarian. It differs from the rest of Silesian in that it has undergone heavy Czech influence. Re: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Mutual Intelligibility. Yet we speak of Kai/Cha as of Serbo-Croatian dialects, while Slovenian is totally foreign. Needless to say, Polish is very familiar too, except its phonology, getting the gist of which is just a matter of some time. Also after studying Ethnologue for a very long time, I noticed that they tended to use 90% as a cutoff for language versus dialect most but not all of the time. Russian has a decent intelligibility with Bulgarian, possibly on the order of 50%, but Bulgarian intelligibility of Russian seems lower. Some Russians and Bulgarians say they understand almost nothing of the other language. Mutual intelligibilityrefers to whether speakers of one language can understand speakers of another language. The key problem of Bulgarian is the different gramar the lack of declination and the use of postpositive articles. 1993. Macedonain and Serbo-Croatian being 25% inteligible is simply not true. I am a native Czech speaker, I understand Slovak (a lot of exposure, many visits, many colleagues) and Russian (studied at school, many visits) in all three languages I am close 100% understanding of news, yet for Polish, Ukrainian and Croat I would rate my understanding at 15-20%, with no significant improvement just from being in the country (I have spent in total about 20 weeks in Croatia, 4 in Ukraine, 3 in Poland).

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are polish and ukrainian mutually intelligible

are polish and ukrainian mutually intelligible