In private interviews, he said, I have been told that over21 million rubleswere spent by Lord [Alfred] Milner in financing the Russian Revolution The financier just mentioned was by no means alone among the British to support the Russian revolution with large financial donations. Another name specifically mentioned by de Goulevitch was that of Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador to Russia at the time. Schiffs grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million for the triumph of Communism in Russia. Lenin and the Bolsheviks - International Baccalaureate History - Marked Towards the middle of the twentieth century, the Colonial Era started winding down, and independent republics started coming up. But land, above all, was desired by the peasants . Arsene de Goulevitch, who witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution firsthand, has identified both the name of the financier and the amount of the loan. He purchased controlling interest in the Pierce Arrow Motor Car Company; The head of the British Secret Service in America at the time was Sir William Wiseman, who, as fate would have it, occupied the apartment directly above the apartment of Edward Mandell House and who had become fast friends with him. The theory of a German plot naturally was conducive to the idea that Germany financed the Bolshevik seizure of power in November 1917h. Blockbuster: Jacob Schiff, the Jewish Father of Hitler and the D. a German offensive threatened to capture Moscow. He was recognized as a threat to the best interests of England, Canadas mother country in the British Commonwealth. On March 23, 1917 a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicolas II, which meant the overthrow of Tsarist rule in Russia. Thompson was a classical specimen of the Round Table network. GreatGameIndiais a journal on Geopolitics and International Relations. One of the best known Russian revolutionaries at that time was Leon Trotsky. The theoretical framework of this was proposed by none other than the Chairman of the Bank of England around 1971. William Boyce Thompson the American Tsar. On March 23, 1917 a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicolas II, which meant the overthrow of Tsarist rule in Russia. After the October Revolution, the first method was the organise a 'Revolutionary Tax'. During the two years of hostilities thousands of Russian soldiers and sailors were taken as prisoners. Statements made on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. He remained for several months, while writing for a Russian socialist paper, theNovy Mir(New World) and giving revolutionary speeches at mass meetings in New York City. Marx surrounded by enthusiastic Wall Street financiers: Morgan partner George Perkins, Bankers and Bolsheviks - Foreign Policy Research Institute (Mayor Calls Pacifists Traitors, The New York Times, March 24, 1917, p. 2). Yet the British Ambassador himself represented the hidden group, which was financing the regimes downfall. L enin. This Thompson guy was giving money to both of them? Trotsky therefore represented a real threat to Englands war effort. And it is not surprising, that according to George Kennan, He was viewed by the Kerensky authorities as the real ambassador of the United States.(George F. Kennan:Russia Leaves the War: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920published by Princeton University Press in Princeton, NJ, 1956, p. 60). Biden Administration Targets Senate Judiciary for Constitutional Demise, See Images: Canadian Protestors Plastered Government Propaganda Media Outlet CBC with Stickers of hundreds of Vaccine Victims, What I have endured: An inside Look at being Unpersoned in America. J.P. Morgan himself contributed $100,000 Henry P. Davison [a Morgan partner] was chairman of the 1910 New York Fund-Raising Committee and later became chairman of the War Council of the American Red Cross The Red Cross was unable to cope with the demands of World War I. and in effect was taken over by these New York bankers. 2. Lenin and Trotsky were on the closest of terms with these moneyed interests both before and after the Revolution. 163-164.) Trotskys mysterious release At the time of the revolution Mr Aschberg gave . Politics Is The Entertainment Division Of The Military-Industrial Complex - Frank Zappa, When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power, The World Will Know Peace - Jimi Hendrix. Germany's role in the Russian Revolution - DW - 11/07/2017 On March 23, 1917 a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicolas II, which meant the overthrow of Tsarist rule in Russia. | RIELPOLITIK Additional survival tricks, A Brief History of Astroturf Marxist Uprisings Zack Williamson, AR kot avtentina razlaga in iskanje resnice mimo mitologizacij (2. del teksta o Altright) - NTA | Nacionalna Tiskovna Agencija. On the 11 August 1903, the Russian Social Democratic Labour party met for their Second Party Congress. It has been claimed that his expenses were paid by Jacob Schiff. They are quite friendly to the worlds leading financiers and have worked closely with them, when it suits their purposes. It my understanding from the original article (and from what Canadian historian Matthew Ehert has written, the goal was to overthrow czar Nicholas II, who was considered too "enlightened" for Wall Street interests. When Trotsky returned to Petrograd in May of 1917 to organize the Bolshevik phase of the Russian Revolution, he carried $10,000 for travel expenses, a generously ample fund considering the value of the dollar at that time. Posted on March 15, 2022 by State of the Nation. All Rights Reserved - Business Game Changers. It was due to this funding that the Japanese were able to launch a stunning attack against the Russians at Port Arthur and the following year to virtually decimate the Russian fleet. Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting Down Hospitals, Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems Like This?! And it is not surprising, that according to George Kennan, He was viewed by the Kerensky authorities as the real ambassador of the United States. (George F. Kennan: Russia Leaves the War: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920 published by Princeton University Press in Princeton, NJ, 1956, p. 60). Role of the Bolsheviks - Reasons for the success of the - BBC Bitesize (Mayor Calls Pacifists Traitors, The New York Times, March 24, 1917, p. 2). 62, 66th Congress, Report and Hearings of the Subcommittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 1919, Vol. In private interviews, he said, I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution The financier just mentioned was by no means alone among the British to support the Russian revolution with large financial donations. Another name specifically mentioned by de Goulevitch was that of Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador to Russia at the time. They were to play a major role a few years later in creating mutiny among the military during the Communist takeover of Russia. When they went into a tea room, the boys would anxiously demand of their mother, Why doesnt the chauffeur come in?(Leon Trotsky: My Life, New York publisher: Scribners, 1930, p. 277). "In private interviews", he said, "I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution We believe that it is a bigger task to put five million people back to work than to burn down houses and churches and allow hundreds of thousands of workers and peasants and others to kill each other. The group consisted almost entirely of financiers, lawyers and accountants from New York banks and investment houses. Also see Martin, pp. Round Table members were once again workingbothsides of the conflict to weaken and topple a target government. They simply had overpowered the American Red Cross organization with large contributions and in effect purchased a franchise to operate in its name. (Sutton: Revolution, p. 72). C. Russia asked the Allies to call for an armistice. The Germans financed the Bolsheviks because they knew that Lenin wanted to take Russia out of the war. The 1910 [Red Cross] fund-raising campaign for $2 million, for example, was successful only, because it was supported by these wealthy residents of New York City. Who Financed Bolshevik Revolution? - by Stuart Bramhall Arsene de Goulevitch, who witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution firsthand, has identified both the name of the financier and the amount of the loan. (Mayor Calls Pacifists Traitors, The New York Times, March 24, 1917, p. 2), In the February 3, 1949 issue of theNew York Journal AmericanSchiffs grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about$20 millionfor the triumph of Communism in Russia. There is no documentation to substantiate that claim, but the circumstantial evidence does point to a wealthy donor in New York. He was one of the principal backers of the Bolshevik revolution and personally financed Trotskys trip from New York to Russia. Trotsky was not arrested on a whim. People on the street called him the American Tsar. "In private interviews", he said, "I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution The Bolshevik revolution actually was financed by wealthy financiers in London and New York. (To appraise Schiffs motives for supporting the Bolsheviks, we must remember, that he was a Jew and that Russian Jews had been persecuted under the Tsarist regime. As we shall see in the following section,the Bolshevik revolution actually was financed by wealthy financiers in London and New York. The theoretical framework of this was proposed by none other than the Chairman of the Bank of England around 1971. If you wish to use copyrighted material you must request permission from the copyright owner. Yet the British Ambassador himself represented the hidden group, which was financing the regimes downfall. (Hagedorn, p. 192)In addition, he gaveover two million roublesto Aleksandr Kerensky for propaganda purposes inside Russia and with J.P. Morgan gave the rouble equivalent ofone million dollarsto the Bolsheviks for the spreading of revolutionary propaganda outside of Russia, particularly in Germany and Austria. Tsar Nicholas had every reason to believe, that since the British were Russias allies in the war against Germany, British officials would be the last persons on Earth to conspire against him. In New York on the night before his departure Trotsky had given a speech, in which he said: I am going back to Russia to overthrow the provisional government and stop the war with Germany. (A full report on this meeting had been submitted to the U.S. Military Intelligence. There is no documentation to substantiate that claim, but the circumstantial evidence does point to a wealthy donor in New York. He organized the Submarine Boat Corporation and the Wright-Martin Aeroplane Company; He was a major contributor to Woodrow Wilsons presidential campaign and an advocate for passage of the Federal Reserve Act. Now the Guardian can reveal how . On April 16, 1917, Vladimir Ulyanov, the Russian exile better known by his revolutionary alias, Lenin, arrived at St. Petersburg's Finland Station following a roundabout journey from Switzerland,. Did the Germans purposefully arrange to send Lenin to Russia to start a Immediately behind Marx is Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party. But they weren't British. Trotsky could not have gone even as far as Halifax without having been granted an American passport and this was accomplished by the personal intervention of President Wilson. - RogueNews, Pingback: Putin Warns of League of Nations Revival: What Are the Implications? (Why Did We Let Trotsky Go? The Russian Revolution was a series of uprisings from 1905 to 1917 led by peasants, laborers and Bolsheviks against the failed rule of the czarist Romanovs. Minor was later to be arrested in Tsarist Russia for revolutionary activities and in fact was himself bankrolled by famous Wall Street financiers. It was a sound investment. With this in mind we can appreciate the great strength of those mysterious forces both in England and the United States, that intervened on Trotskys behalf. ___ Rockefellers Promoted Bolsheviks - LewRockwell But she was a mere mortal, whereas the chauffeur was a magician, a titan, a superman! Minor was later to be arrested in Tsarist Russia for revolutionary activities and in fact was himself bankrolled by famous Wall Street financiers.