margaret thatcher speech writer

National Press Club Luncheon Speakers: Margaret Thatcher (Recorded At the time, Thatcher was the education secretary her first major political role. performance at a Press Conference afterwards. The woman, however, changed. Many hated her. "Being powerful is like being a lady. Rows with Lawson and Geoffrey Howe over a European currency (where she was right) presaged the final shambles of the poll tax. As Danny Dorling says in his 2004 study of the rise in violence: "Those who perpetrated the social violence that was done to the lives of young men starting some 20 years ago [the mid-80s] are the prime suspects for most of the murders in Britain." Absurd or not, it does indeed seem alien not least to those born in the 1980s, the generation we shall always call Thatcher's children. She also put forward the idea of "a vast . 100% Success rate. The fact that the Thatcher question even gets asked confirms vividly just what an upas tree she remains for Scottish Toryism. Later that year she introduced the broadcasting ban on Sinn Fin, which prevented viewers and listeners hearing my voice. The London mayor regretted that usage, but he surely understood its origins. Great speeches: Margaret Thatcher | World | The Guardian I was a professional writer. opportunities. Get over her! The credit boom both here and in the USA may have gone against her Grantham roots but was an equally inevitable result of deregulation and the temptation of easy loans for people hungry to improve living standards. She was 87. It isn't sad for anyone else. This report of the Conservative party conference ran in the Guardian on Saturday October 11 1980, Edited and full versions of Margaret Thatcher's 'The lady's not for turning' speech, delivered at the Conservative party conference in Brighton on 10 October 1980, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every Interviewing him, I was struck by a Victorian sort of kindness; as an Oxford student in the 1930s he'd worked in his vacation helping families of the unemployed in the Yorkshire coalfield one of them had even named their baby Keith in his honour. It got over a deep, instinctive hostility to women at the top of anything, and put her there. History, Sample Essay. A longer version of this article appears on Gerry Adams' blog, Margaret Thatcher was good at destruction. No homeless or disabled people need beg on the streets. (MT gave up public One Sunday recently while staying in London, I took a stroll in the gardens of Temple, the insular clod of quads and offices between the Strand and the Embankment. Ithink on balance, it was for the better, and so, plainly did Thatcher's chief successor, Tony Blair. Large parts of society never recovered, while Germany and other countries managed the transition without such brutality. "Maggie! Nissan's arrival in the north-east showed that Britain was no longer the west's industrial pariah. This is an especially pertinent problem given its heartfelt desire for redistribution of wealth. Yet her long-term effect seems to have been to destroy it. Jan Leeming, Sue Lawley, Moira Stuart delivering doctrine with sterile sexiness, like a butterscotch-scented beige vapour. Would we like her back? Whatever Tory historians like to claim, this was the critical turning point. In the three years prior to receiving these weapons the loyalist death squads killed 34 people. They are acolytes of a raw Thatcher cult they have rough-hewn and exaggerated in their own image. making her big speech the following day as scheduled. So what caused this great divide, with one side a fountain of fresh ideas and the other struggling for new inspiration? Thatcher's opposition to a positive role for the state in industrial policy caused her grief even during her time in office, but a cross-party consensus newly shaped by Michael Heseltine's report has given him the last word. At times the Conservative party is so anarchic as to appear almost ungovernable, like a plethora of pressure groups pushing pet causes rather than a united group ruthlessly focusing on political success. Margaret Thatcher's Speech to Congress - Hillsdale College There is now, however, an opportunity to commit to a new politics that learns lessons from her ambition yet undoes the damage and focuses on reconstruction. She would appear in public to drape a hankie over a model BA plane tailfin because she disliked the unpatriotic logo with which they'd replaced the union flag (maybe don't privatise BA then), or to shuffle about some country pile arm in arm with a doddery Pinochet and tell us all what a fine fellow he was. Margaret Thatcher's Climate Change Of Heart | HuffPost Impact Whether pushing each other off the road, barging past social rivals, beating up rival soccer fans, or idolising wealth as the only measure of virtue, Brits became more unpleasant to be with. Certainly, in 1983, it did not occur to me to criticise Harold Macmillan or Alec Douglas-Home on the doorstep as a sure-fire vote turner. Indeed, many of the policy innovations associated with Thatcher had already been pioneered by her predecessor. Behind "omnishambles" headlines, her revolution is being pushed forward on new fronts in schools, health, planning, policing, probation and welfare. In her diminished presence I stared like an amateur astronomer unable to describe my awe at this distant phenomenon. Farewell, indeed, Baroness Thatcher. For her own part, she was a social conservative and yet today's right for, say, gay couples to marry if they want to fits with one aspect of the Thatcherite vision of personal choice. A growing body of research now shows that the quality of social relations is among the most powerful influences on the happiness, health and wellbeing of populations in the rich countries. For those of us who were dismayed by her brisk distaste for that cosy state-dominated world, it was never enough to dislike her. The Iron Lady had a green thumband a surprisingly green philosophy. For the most part, it has not been undone. The Winter of Discontent in 1978-79 brought rhetorical as well as political Ingham's rough redraft of my speech with very little success. It is full of insights into a neglected aspect of how Thatcher came to dominate British politics." (Andrew Gamble, University of Sheffield, UK) "A fascinating insight into the world of speech writing. They're not Thatcher. which revealed a good deal as to her political She became leader of the Conservatives the year I was born and prime minister when I was four. Margaret Thatcher was a hugely divisive figure in British politics. She considered European Commission president Jacques Delors a campaigner for . The impact that Hayek's writing had on Thatcher, her advisors, and her policies is undeniable. Promises. As the authorised biographer of Margaret Thatcher, I was given special permission by the Cabinet Secretary to see government papers not yet released to the public.For . Not the loss of imperial markets, not lazy management, not the education system, not the decline of the industrial ethic: bitter men standing on platforms and asking for a show of hands to down tools were solely to blame. CD icon next to them in the second column of the results list. Margaret Thatcher's speech writer will miss funeral but 'shed a tear' When the mourners gather for Baroness Thatcher's funeral tomorrow, one important figure from her political past will be . Her unforgettable presence, but also her policy achievements. Talk to a Labour MP and you end up discussing politics and positioning; talk to a Tory, and it tends to be about policy. She was, of course, the first and so far only female British prime minister, Jon Snow reiterated on Monday night, insinuating that this achievement should in general be celebrated, never mind the specifics of her leadership. If I become PM, I will deliver the radical set of reforms need to unleash growth. How could anyone who was so resolutely Margaret Thatcher be anything else? Yet by the autumn of 1981 they had made her so unpopular that bets were being taken at the October party conference that she would be "gone by Christmas". She was immensely brisk. The virtual state funeral will rehearse again our extravagant fixations. John O'Sullivan (columnist) - Wikipedia She gave it her best shot. What is more troubling is my inability to ascertain where my own selfishness ends and her neo-liberal inculcation begins. Of all the things to criticise Thatcher for, calling her out for being a woman seems like something of a wasted bullet. Scottish and by extension UK politics has been skewed ever since. To claim that any woman's success is a boon for feminism is like saying all publicity is good publicity. When I awoke today on LA time my phone was full of impertinent digital eulogies. in a statement the following morning (22 November), hours before she She abolished city-wide local government, capped spending and expected the poll tax to further undermine alternative voices. Prime Minister Thatcher inherited a settled state of British Europeanness, in which Brussels and the [European] Community began to influence, and often determine, the British way of doing things. Thatcher was a divisive woman who created discord, not harmony. Statistics now confirm what many people have always recognised: that inequality is divisive and socially corrosive. We had an all-out blistering row that delighted the organisers. see them re-imposed at a European level with a European super-state exercising But can he shake off the shackles of the past and prove there is an alternative? This demand for respectful silence in the wake of a public figure's death is not just misguided but dangerous. Who was 'Iron Lady' Margaret Thatcher? | Live Science Her imitators swerve all over the place, with 37 U-turns at the Telegraph's latest count on matters from forests and pasties to buzzard nests and caravans. BBC Radio 4 - Green Originals, Margaret Thatcher Barack Obama, interestingly, said in his statement that she had "broken the glass ceiling for other women". Whathappened at the hands of this woman's indifference to sentiment andgood sense in the early 1980s brought unnecessary calamity to the lives of several million people who losttheir jobs. She attacked the Treaty of Maastricht in a She, and Blair after her, brought an unprecedented dirigisme to the NHS, education, police and local government. Thatcher's social instincts were always nostalgic conservative. As she cut local housing budgets, she sent housing benefit soaring in compensation. ", As Matthew Parris evocatively put it in Monday's Times, "She rather liked men (preferring our company, perhaps, to that of women), [but] she thought us the weaker sex. press to rejoice at the capture of South Georgia on 25 April 1982, announced that White This does lead to divisions. In 1990, Margaret Thatcher emerged as one of the first world leaders to champion climate science, issuing a call to action to fight manmade global warming at the Second World Climate Conference hosted at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. No single mother raising children was to be called "workless", skipping meals to feed them and forced to ditch them to submit to "workfare" or a starvation wage. Reagan was especially interested in Mrs Thatcher's domestic policy initiatives, and it was quickly established that the foreign policy views ran along parallel lines. The cautious tactician was suppressed. And in 1983, for the first time, children born in Britain to non-British parents were denied automatic citizenship, fostering further racism and discrimination in immigration policy. Plus there's the fact that comedy is now a big business, and there's less money in sharp satire than gentle observation. In a break with tradition and protocol, Reagan decided he'd also attend the "return dinner" at the British Embassy the next evening. speech in the House of Commons, her When I was a kid, Thatcher was the headmistress of our country. for turning. A strong pound crippled exports and emptied factories. Flags were flying over Port Stanley on 14 June. So look around this kingdom of ours, at a devolved Scotland contemplating independence a state of affairs that owes much to Thatcher's antagonistic relationship with that country. "What's going on there, mate?" Interview by Benedict King. She was not a writer. At her first conference speech, she chastised the Labour Party on economic . Although the "right to buy" and the privatisation of utilities by selling shares to new small investors was often justified as giving rights to "the little people", the reality is that the less well-off fell ever further behind the rich. When all the public amenities were flogged, the adverts made it seem to my childish eyes fun and positive, jaunty slogans and affable British stereotypes jostling about in villages, selling people companies that they'd already paid for through tax. Sayle recorded the song Get Me Mrs Thatcher, but says that in general he felt Thatcher jokes were a bit too easy, although he still shudders at the memory of a "wicked, incompetent mindset that was the spirit of the 80s". The prime minister was intensely interested in the campaign, and asked many penetrating questions. Getting the record straight. A meeting in Downing Street had left the Pakistan leader besotted with the older woman's wisdom and generosity: '"I tell you, she's such a kind person.". Under this heading, Thatcher left a dark legacy that, like her successes, has still not disappeared behind the historical horizon. (Interestingly, Currie also recalled that when she approached Thatcher in 1988 to get approval for the world's first national breast-screening programme, she tried to appeal to the PM initially "as a woman" but that swiftly proved unsuccessful. On June 11th, 2004 Margaret Thatcher gave a speech to the American people at Ronald Reagan's funeral. But Margaret Thatcher did not hesitate, and the long, substantive lunch seemed to energize both future world leaders. Perhaps this is unsurprising: four years ago Ed Miliband sneered at "nudge" economics as something "very fashionable in the Guardian for a few months before the financial crisis". Perhaps, though, Thatcher "the monster" didn't die yesterday from a stroke, perhaps that Thatcher died as she sobbed self-pitying tears as she was driven, defeated, from Downing Street, ousted by her own party. BBC ON THIS DAY | 28 | 1990: Tearful farewell from Iron Lady When the late Christopher Hitchens was a political reporter for the New Statesman, he corrected the prime minister on a point of fact, and she was quick to correct Hitchens in turn. But she became a very effective one. Margaret Thatcher. Howe's "broken cricket bats" speech in the Commons was the killer blow. morning, Available for everyone, funded by readers. In her speech, Thatcher used rhetorical techniques to show the strength and principles of Reagan and project those values onto the American people. It's how she would have, if pressed, put it herself. Miners had always known that eventually any of the colleries would close and were always prepared to accept that as a fact of life and find employment somewhere else within the industry, but Thatcher's attack was wholesale. And then, perversely, would come the throwaway, sign-off remark to the effect of: "At least you know where you stand with Maggie she hates us and we hate her.". But on the subject of Europe, Thatcher became a contradictory figure. Yet for all these fissures, even Maoist modernisers and the most reactionary social conservatives share a similar stance over the role of the state. But perhaps her greatest legacy was New Labour. The state retained control of some nationalised industries the railways, for example but BT, British Airways, British Steel, British Gas and the British Airports Authority were among the big companies sold off. The south of England and the City of London were the future; the revenues from North Sea oil would pay for the unemployed in the old zones of manufacturing industry. She denounced Nelson Mandela and his ANC as "terrorists", something even David Cameron ultimately admitted was wrong. The machinery of modern political management polls, consulting, focus groups is deployed mainly to discover what will make aparty and politician better liked, or worse, disliked. Privatisation did not feature in the Conservative election campaign, while the tougher approach to trade union reform had only really become evident since the winter of discontent, and even then was a gradual process. She famously changed the law after Bobby Sands was elected in Fermanagh and South Tyrone. In October 1984 she survived an IRA bomb during the Conservative Conference Instead state assets and a huge income stream from North sea oil were used to fund a populist programme of tax cuts, privatisation and council housesales. I think on balance Thatcher did for Britain what was needed at the time. Everyone knows where they were when they heard. Had Jim Callaghan won the 1979 election, he too would have faced the challenge of how to modernise an economy beset by high inflation, weak management and poor industrial relations. This is one small sign of how the left seems paralysed by a lack of intellectual curiosity and confidence. John Major, the "detoxification" successor, was fated to implement many of her unattempted reforms. Thatcherism failed to destroy the welfare state. Alexei Sayle blames Twitter and the "multiplicity of voices" in the modern world. "She had been offered the chance to get on and effectively she then refused to offer it to otherpeople. . Neither shift of ownership and power would have happened without a leader prepared to take risks with her life. I have few recollections of Thatcher after the slowly chauffeured, weepy Downing Street cortege. Though the Prime Minister was known to shed a tear or two during her 11 years leading the United Kingdom . Thatcher will be especially remembered for her shameful role during the epic hunger strikes of 1980 and 81. Hayek was appointed a Companion of Honour in the 1984 Birthday honours for "services to the study of Economics". can do business together". Her defenders always insisted that sentence had been misunderstood, but it stuck because it seemed to capture something essential about the Thatcherite creed: its embrace of individualism and apparent disdain for the collective. All of us that grew up under Thatcher were taught that it is good to be selfish, that other people's pain is not your problem, that pain is in fact a weakness and suffering is deserved and shameful. Today's Tories walk in Thatcher's footsteps, battling with their estranged cousins in Ukip over who is the rightful heir to her Eurosceptic legacy. Any such objections would have been invalid. At a banquet in Belgrade the press sat next to the so-called "Garden Girls", who were the secretaries at No 10. It's telling that Tony Blair's domestic legacy amounts to two responses to Thatcherism: forcing Labour to accept it and then compensating for the damage the Tories had wreaked through sustained underinvestment in the public realm. MT gave her first Chavez was indeed a divisive and controversial figure, and it would have been reckless to conceal that fact out of some misplaced deference to the grief of his family and supporters. Watch a million words pour out today placing her anywhere from Boudicca to the wicked witch of the west. drew an important moral from the Falklands war: "We have ceased to She gave Nigel Lawson at the Treasury his head and was genuinely alarmed when he cut income tax to 40%. In 1979 it had a mile or so of shipyards, a sugar works and factories that still made rope and ship's fittings. I just now watched the British Gas one again. Each now seems banal. The Thatcher Papers - Churchill Archives Centre A massive programme of social housing would be a good place to start, stimulating the economy. Mrs Thatcher was on the way up in British political life. This was hardly the first or even the worst example of a dig at Thatcher tinged so needlessly with sexism. Understandably, less cohesive societies with more drugs, more crime and lower mobility waste talent, and are not good places to do business. the British Embassy in Paris and stated The seismic shift from industry to financial-based capitalism that Thatcherism ushered in rattled the establishment. The Tories triumphed, of course, and lost only two sitting MPs Hamish Gray and the social-security scrounger-bashing Iain Sproat, who vacated his marginal Aberdeen seat and headed for the Scottish Borders, only to suffer defeat there at the hands of the Alliance. Collins (Oxford University Press, 1998-2000). That 1983 general election contained the telltale seeds of eventual Scottish Tory self-destruction. deeply felt eulogy, filmed in advance and relayed by video link to screens in the National Cathedral in Washington. In 1982, the English Collective of Prostitutes occupied a church for 12 days in protest against "police illegality and racism in King's Cross" the area to which many sex workers known as "Thatcher's girls" had travelled from high unemployment areas in the Midlands and the north. My mate John and I were wandering there together, he expertly proselytising on the architecture and the history of the place, me pretending to be Rumpole of the Bailey (quietly in my mind), when we spied in the distant garden a hunched and frail figure, in a raincoat, scarf about her head, watering the roses under the breezy supervision of a masticating copper. Your local electricity "board" could be a very unfriendly place. The truth lies somewhere between these extremes. Keith Joseph was her guru. They were puzzled by the Scots' antipathy, given the Falklands war and the strong militaristic history of the Highlands and elsewhere. Here shovels the earth during a tree-planting ceremony . recommended by Simon Heffer. One might even credit Thatcher with a willingness to jettison the old rules and conventions that used to prevent individuals deciding their own destiny. In a twitter of panic, Labour shadow ministers sent out pleas yesterday: "Hoping all Labour supporters will respond with dignity and respect to news of Baroness Thatcher's death." 'It's a wonder nobody has taken a gun to that woman.' Margaret Thatcher's Eulogy for Ronald Reagan- Rhetorical Analysis Essay They looked after their old and young as well as those who were ill or infirm. Rhetorical Analysis Of Margaret Thatcher's Eulogy Speech | Reagan and Thatcher first met in 1975, as my friend and colleague Peter Hannaford reminded me just today. LONDON Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female prime minister and uncompromisingly conservative "Iron Lady" of the 1980s, has died. Of course, it's in politics that the shadow looms most clearly. No sign they learned from her that markets don't move in to fill the gaps when the state is rolled back not then, not now. Maybe it was the sound of the estuary pronunciation robbing her of her aspirational airs, a prototype of the Bouquet/Bucket joke. It was meant as a term of condemnation, a concise way of arguing that riots in the street or the devastation of a pit village were the inevitable features of this new land that had arisen in the 1980s, a country reshaped by the woman at the top. defended Ronald Out! She was the daughter of a prosperous civic leader who merely began life as a "grocer". But on their catastrophic economic policy, it's full-speed ahead into the concrete wall. Thatcher exposed the sharp edges of class division in Britain and the strike of 1984/5 was as much a clash of values as it was about pit closures. Beleagured Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher makes pun during the 1981 Conservative Party conference speech: "the lady's not for turning" she says to her crit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with loathing Margaret Thatcher or any other person with political influence and power based upon perceived bad acts, and that doesn't change simply because they die.

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margaret thatcher speech writer

margaret thatcher speech writer