kevin hines sea lion picture

Hines helps suicidal people he has met in one-on-one situationsthrough social media and at his speeches. "I got out of the hospital, went into a psych ward, got out of the psych ward," he said. He spoke yesterday as part of the NSW Police Force Mental Health Intervention Team conference in Sydney. And by the way it was not a shark (like you mentioned in the TV show) it was a sea lion and I have pictures. Since his attempt, Kevin has been a leading suicide prevention advocate, appearing at over 2,000 college and university campuses and over 3,000 high schools sharing his story and speaking out for . A man in a Coast Guard uniform laid him down on a stretcher. His mantra: Life is a gift, that is why they call it the present. That we care about you, your life does matter, and that all we want is for you to stay," he says. Theyre looking for one person to pay attention. He never thought anyone could relate to him and has tried to die by suicide several times in his life. Zero Suicide is a Transformational Framework for Health and Behavioral Health Care Systems New York Times bestselling author, world-renowned interviewer, keynote speaker and host of the podcast Big Questions. Kevin Hines stands on the beach overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. "I have one request of people who are currently facing the struggle, who can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, Hines continues, "remember the light is there, the hope is there, you have to find a way to make it and find a way to move forward until you reach the hope.". 100% Proceeds are donated The American Association of Suicidology for Suicide Prevention Research & Youth Programming. As he was falling, he realized he didn't want to die. Lately,there seems to be quite a bit of debate as to whether or not a sea lion saved my life after I jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge in an attempt to end my life. Kevin Hines claims he was saved by a San Francisco Bay SEA LION The medication seemed to keep his epilepsy under control, so well in fact, that after six years with no episodes, doctors took him off it. Eighteen years ago, on September 25th, a young man named Kevin Hines got on a bus in San Francisco that was headed toward the Golden Gate Bridge. He is a best-selling author, global public speaker, and award-winning documentary filmmaker. He urges people to realize suicide is not an answer and that getting treatment for mental illness is a necessity. Today, Kevin is an award-winning mental health activist, best-selling author, and documentarian. Somehow mid-fall, Kevin Hines was able to turn his body from a headfirst dive into a sitting position. SAFER CARE FOR THOSE AT RISK OF SUICIDE. On September 25, 2000, 19-year-old Kevin Hines leaped from the Golden Gate Bridge, intending to end his life. Hines has been featured on CNN,[2] HuffPost,[3] ABC News,[4] Larry King Now,[5] and The Today Show. Yes it may be hard for the average skeptic to believe, but dont take my word for it Call the old producers and staff of ABCs Primetime with John Quinones. You see, I did not know that the creature was a sea lion, not a shark until I was featured on that show due to my work in suicide prevention and mental health. God please save me.. After leaping, Hines, as described by Time, had instant regret: "When my hands left that railand my legs curled overas soon as I left the bridge, I thought, I dont want to die.". He survived. All I wanted to do was reach back to the rail, but it was gone.. He miraculously survived because a sea lion was bumping him up and kept his head above water. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights? READ MORE, Ingrid E. Newkirk, PETA President and co-author of Animalkind. One of Hines' major personal protectors is his wife of 12 years, Margaret. Hines fell about 240 feet in just four seconds. Four seconds is all it took before Hines hit the water. This is how it all started.". Mr Hines later found out that was not the case. [1] His story gained major media coverage and he has since become a motivational speaker and advocate for suicide prevention. Cal Fussman's 3-Minute Takeaway. Now, Hines travels to speak of his harrowing journey around the nation. Oh, I forgot to mention that Kevin has asthma. "He said: 'It haunted me until this day; it was no shark, it was a sea lion and the people above looking down believed it to be keeping you afloat until the coast guard brought a ride behind you.'". He has visited mental hospitals several times since his jump. She handed Kevin her camera and posed. Kevin Hines during his high school graduation. Eighteen years ago, on September 25th, a young man named Kevin Hines got on a bus in San Francisco that was headed toward the Golden Gate Bridge. Aged just 21, he was suffering from bipolar disorder and psychosis when he jumped from the San Francisco landmark on a chilly September day in 2000. All the great iconic animals in the world are endangered, this is us doing our part to spread the word. Now he is a suicide prevention speaker and a film director. Kevin Hines is now a global speaker on mental health issues and shared his remarkable story at a suicide prevention conference in New South Wales, Australia. Then, he felt something underneath him. I was actually very happy that morning, he told the Chronicle. For confidential support contact Lifeline on 131 114 (Australia), the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on 1800 273 8255 (US), or Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90 (UK). We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. Mr Hines's story is one that he never expected to tell. When he composed himself he showed me the picture and together we agreed that no one should see it. Mental-health advocate, author, and speaker Kevin Hines owes his life and career to a sea lion. In the Year 2000, Kevin threw himself off . As you can imagine Kevin receives numerous amounts of messages and as much as he wishes he could respond to everyone, it does become difficult. When asked what he wishes he knew then that he knows now, Kevin Hines told KABC-TV, Today is not tomorrow. There are no definitive numbers on how many people have died jumping off that bridge. You have spread hope and love to so many. Do not sell or share my personal information. Now he is a suicide prevention speaker. "', Landmark: By a stroke of luck, a witness saw Mr Hines jump from the vast bridge and alerted the coastguard, Conference: Mr Hines spoke at the New South Wales Police Force Mental Health Intervention Team conference in Sydney, Australia. So there he was, 19 years old, sitting on that bus, crying, and hoping that one person would notice his tears, approach him and ask: If one person approached him, he decided, he wouldnt go through with it. What Was It Like To Be Shipped To A Concentration Camp? Many factors contributed to his miraculous survival including a sea lion which kept him afloat until the Coast Guard arrived. Kevin Hines parents, native San Franciscans Pat and Debbie Hines, adopted him when he was nine months old. This is one of the few interviews that have brought me to tears because I could relate to Kevins mental health struggles and suicidal thoughts in many ways.Never underestimate the importance of being kind and caring towards others. [4] Hines threw himself over the rail. I called Morgan and I asked if he would email me the pictures he took. You cant go back! Picture of the Day - Caveman Circus The Sea Lion & The Guy Who Jumped Off The Golden Gate Bridge Hines says that Margaret plays a big role in keeping him mentally stable. Altsmans husband was away when she collapsed on the floor, so her quick-thinking pig, LuLu, figured out how to get help. "And I did. EXCLUSIVE: Jihadi John's brother was convicted of handling Grisly details emerge of shooting in rural Queensland after Isabel Oakeshott receives 'menacing' message from Matt Hancock, Beaming Harry and Meghan enjoy date night at private members' club, Ken Bruce finishes his 30-year tenure as host of BBC Radio 2, Pavement where disabled woman gestured at cyclist before fatal crash, Pro-Ukrainian drone lands on Russian spy planes exposing location, 'Buster is next!' Within 12 minutes of the jump, a Coast Guard rescue team got to Kevin and pulled him out of the water. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or use their 24/7 Lifeline Crisis Chat. [7] He co-founded the Kevin and Margaret Hines Foundation (KMHF), a 501(c)(3) organization based in Atlanta, Georgia, that provides funding and education for suicide prevention in the United States and elsewhere. As he lay crying, he felt a warm, furry body snuggle up to his back. He stood there a while, then walked onto the bridge looking for a spot where he wouldnt crash into a pillar on the way down. To be clear, there are a large number of reporters and speculators who have claimed it was really a seal and even those who have claimed that there was nothing but me in that water, and that I was somehow able to save myself. 'However, I know that it was a sea lion and it is not a statistic anomaly. "I realized I made the greatest mistake of my life.". Kevin attempted to take his life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. In that time, he had fleeting thoughts intertwined with a flood of emotion. They likely intended to sell her into a forced marriage. He is a best selling author, global public speaker, and award winning documentary filmmaker. Then, suddenly, he felt hands grab him and hoist him out of the water. An All Thats Interesting writer since 2013, Erin Kelly focuses on historic places, natural wonders, environmental issues, and the world of science. Kevin believes in the power of the human spirit and in the fact that you can find the ability to live mentally well. The moment his fingers left the railing, he felt instant regret. Kevin Hines StoryKevin Hines 'I say believe it or dont, thats completely up to you. Kevin Hines is a storyteller. But his body would mend before his psyche. He headed toward the Golden Gate Bridge, and paced it for about 40 minutes. Delirious from his ordeal and thinking that the animal must be a dog, he fell asleep. We do not provide counseling or direct services, How to Love Your Partner the Way They Want to Be Loved, How to Handle Feeling Wronged By Your Partner, Stop Feeding Your Worry: Understand and Overcome Anxious Thinking Habits, Confessions of a (Narrow-Minded?!) How a Sea Lion Saved a Life - He survived but was severely injured and trying to stay afloat in the churning, frigid water. Kevin sat on the boards of the International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF), the Bridge Rail Foundation (BRF) and the Mental Health Association of San Francisco (MHASF) and on the Survivors Committee of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. He had gone over the railing head first, but when he regretted his decision, turned himself around to land in the water legs first. Several of the kids told Hines his talk made a difference and that they received the help they needed. He shares his compelling story of hope . It came closer and closer and got underneath him. Mental health advocate recalls suicide attempt and the sea lion that Sign me, PsychAlive is intended as an educational resource. After he surfaced, he felt a creature nudging his body which was a sea lion helping to keep Hines afloat until he was rescued by the Coast Guard. Hines never wants anyone to experience what he did almost 18 years ago when he took a bus to the bridge with voices in his head telling him "You must die, jump now," he recalls. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. The bus dropped him off at a nearby parking lot. Hines is now a public speaker telling others about his experiences. He boarded a city bus headed for the Golden Gate Bridge. @KevinHines would be dead right now had a SEA LION not saved his life after he jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge.Almost 2,000 people have committed suicide by jumping off the second most-used suicide site in the world. After hed surfaced, he felt a creature nudging his body which he initially thought was a shark trying to eat him, and punched at it. 'He said: "It haunted me until this day; it was no shark, it was a sea lion and the people above looking down believed it to be keeping you afloat until the coast guard brought a ride behind you. Doctors surgically repaired Hines' physical injuries and after four weeks, he entered psychiatric care at St. Francis Hospital in San Francisco, the first of seven in-patient stays to deal with depression, paranoia, and hallucinations. Kevin has also been awarded by SAMSHA as a Voice Awards Fellow and Award Winner, an Achievement Winner by the US Veterans Affairs and received over 30 U.S. military excellence medals as a civilian. My dad was not prepared for, nor would he ever willingly want to see what came through to his inbox. Maybe she sensed something. The Most Awesome Men's Entertainment Site On The Internet. He opened his email, clicked a button and out popped a picture from birdseye view of my near lifeless body laying atop a circling sea lion. What no one knew was that Tegretol was also working in the background to suppress what were the dramatic mood swings of bipolar disorder, according to The San Francisco Chronicle. [10], American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, "This Guy Jumped Off The Golden Gate Bridge And Survived To Tell His Story", "Funding for Golden Gate Bridge suicide barrier approved - CNN", "Second Chances: 'I survived jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge', "This man jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and lived", "Suicide Prevention Coalition of Colorado - Free Webinar- Kevin Hines Story: Triumph Over Adversity", "Lethal Beauty / A Survivor's Story: A jumper advocates for a barrier and makes a new life. At the time of his jump, he was 19, in college, and had decided he could no longer live. With temperatures in the bay's waters as low as 12C, Mr Hines could have died of hypothermia had a witness not seen him jump and raised the alarm. Cal Fussman's 2-Minute Takeway. When Hines was nine months old, he was adopted by Pat and Debbie Hines in the San Francisco area. Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Survivor Kevin Hines Shares Why He Jumped And Wanted To End His Life Life-Changing Tips To Boost Your Memory From The World's Best Brain Coach Jim Kwik! Why Do People Stay In Abusive Relationships? Today Kevin is on a mission to help others, starting with a new documentary and a plan to create a Golden Gate Bridge suicide barrier net, After Surviving a Bridge Jump, Kevin Hines Helps Others Avoid Suicide, My Dad Died From Depression: Paul McGregor on Rising Male Suicide Rates,, What to Expect From A First Therapy Session, Forgiveness: How to Let Go of Hurt So You Can Feel Better in 11 Steps, Happy Birthday Psycom: The 10 Most Meaningful Advances in Mental Health Since 1996, Am I "Normal"? [25] He has campaigned for the installation of a safety net around the Golden Gate Bridge to catch people who jump. The last piece of the so-called three-part miracle, which Mr Hines attributes to God, was a doctor who was not supposed to be there. Back in 2000, Kevin Hines jumped off the golden gate bridge due mental illnesses. Speaking with KABC-TV, he said he felt instant regret, powerful, overwhelming. Pre-laundered to prevent shrinkage. "I never wanted to, when they became so apparent and so overwhelming that's when the thoughts of ending my life came into play and that's when I was on that bridge and the voices were literally screaming in my head, 'you must die jump now'. I came in, he performed a 14-hour surgery on my back giving me the ability to continue to be able to walk," Mr Hines said. A woman from abroad, a blonde from Europe, approached Kevin and said: Vill you take my picture?. This year's theme was suicide . Be Here Tomorrow - SEA LION on TEAL. "I'm now in a back brace and a [using a] cane, at church with my father and the priest I'd known all my life comes out and says 'come and talk to our students on Good Friday'," he said. But the instinct for survival at that moment outweighed the excruciating pain as he sank deeper and deeper into the ever-darkening frigid water. Lately,there seems to be quite a bit of debate as to whether or not a sea lion saved my life, Robert W. Firestone, Ph.D. This book offers a consistently developed set of hypotheses centering around the concept of the, Here you can watch the live recording or view slides from Dr. Lisa Firestones December 6, 2011 Webinar The Critical, All right, so that title is probably a tad misleading. Kevin Hines, Clinicians and first responders, Part 1 of Seven-Part However, the elation of still being alive was quickly replaced with unbearable pain again, and he struggled mightily against drowning. Cherish it always.". The three lions chased off the men and sat quietly with the girl until the police arrived, then disappeared back into the brush. Public Gets its First Look at Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Deterrent Net. Perhaps even a dolphin animals that have been known to help people in danger. Mr Hines had talked about being saved by a sea lion before, including in a 2013 blog post. A pod of porpoises was swimming beside him, gently nudging his board toward the shore until he was close to land. He also urges others to be aware of what those around them are going through. I tried to punch it thinking it might bite me. This is how he would quiet the voices. And that today is not tomorrow," he said. She somehow opened the fence gate, walked into the road, and lay down in the middle of traffic. He is one of only thirty-six (less than 1%) to survive that fall. Previously, he was a board member of the Northern California Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and was a two-term member of San Franciscos Mental Health Board. SHOP Kevin Hines Great! The picture was grotesque, morbid and yet, at the very same time, beautiful. But trust me: Kevin is intelligent, very well-meaning and he makes the world a better place. Then, his parents split up. Hines is one of only 35 people who have survived.) It has a YouTube channel that focuses on mental health. Finally, a good Samaritan stopped to check on her. But as darkness crept in, he knew that he would have to sleep on the cold, damp ground. Confessions of a Man Who Has Never Had Sex With His Wife. Sea lions are not uncommon in the San Francisco Bay in late summer when the herring spawn, but . "My goal is to try to instill hope in at least one individual," Hines says, "so that one individual says, 'Maybe I can stay here, maybe there are tools to fight this.'" This depression quiz is based on the Depression Screening Test developed by Ivan K. Goldberg, MD, the founder of Psycom who was also a renowned psychiatrist. In September 2000, he wrote a suicide note. Maybe she didnt. Kevin Hines StoryHines is now a public speaker telling others about his experiences. After being taken off the drug at the age of 16, he began experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. We want you and your loved ones to be safe and stay here so we always want to encourage you to seek support from these amazing providers; Text: CNQR to 741 741 Crisis Text Line (USA Only), Visit: (International Phone Numbers). A sea lion, Hines says, kept pushing him above the water's surface until the Coast Guard rescued him. I dont want to die. Depression, delusions, paranoiathese conditions drove Kevin Hines to attempt suicide, but he survived. When he was 19, Hines jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. In 2016, Mental Health America awarded Kevin their highest honor, The Clifford W. Beers Award for his efforts to improve the lives of and attitudes toward people with mental illnesses. In 2000, a then-19-year-old Kevin Hines jumped off San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. Emotional: Mental health campaigner Kevin Hines told a conference yesterday how he survived a suicide attempt nearly 15 years ago - because a sea lion circled under him and kept him afloat. Back in 2000, Kevin Hines jumped off the golden gate bridge due mental illnesses. He is currently producing a documentary entitled Suicide: The Ripple Effect. It looks like Kevin will realize his mission in the not-too-distant future. Kevins goal is to spread a message of how he tried, through dedication and hard work, while following a treatment plan which his doctors, and clinicians set for him: to change his life and how he learned to live mentally well. kevin hines sea lion picture This year's theme was suicide prevention, intervention and postvention. For a long time, Kevin didnt know what it was. Had someone shown Kevin that he mattered while he was heading towards the Golden Gate Bridge, he never wouldve jumped.If you are thinking about suicide, please speak to a trusted friend or family member, a qualified professional, or call a suicide crisis helpline. Here Are Ways To Prevent It", "r/books - Suicide survivor at Golden Gate Bridge (book by Kevin Hines)", "Best Story | Nice IFF 2018 Film Fest International", "Honoring Kevin Hines: "Mental Health Champion" Awardee - Young Minds Advocacy", "NoStigmas to host 'Celebrate Life' wellness fair Sept. 10 in Chicago", "Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients The Grahams & Kevin Hines Featured at National Council Conference",, Surviving a suicide attempt by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in 2000, Young Minds Advocacy: Mental Health Champion, National Council Community Behavioral Healthcare: Lifetime Achievement Award, This page was last edited on 29 January 2023, at 07:18. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Additionally, Hines takes medication and sees a therapist. A man named Kevin Hines, who survived a jump off the Golden Gate Bridge on Sept. 25, 2000, recently came to Philadelphia to speak to university students. San Francisco bridge jumper says sea lion saved him . His lower vertebrae were fractured, his legs werent working, and he propelled himself to the surface using only his arms, gasping for air. He has also authored a memoir, Cracked Not Broken, Surviving and Thriving After a Suicide Attempt. Miraculously, I survived and despite my severe injuries, I was able to reach the surface of the water. ", "Man Survives Suicide Jump From Golden Gate Bridge", "Kevin Hines: Golden Gate Bridge jump survivor a shining beacon of hope", "Logan Paul returns to YouTube with a documentary about suicide survivors: 'I know I've let people down', "Logan Paul released a new video on suicide", "Robin Williams' Death Shows Suicide Can Strike At Any Age. Bridge jumper says sea lion saved him - When he was 19, Hines jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. I immediately took down his email address and phone number. Less than one percent of them survived but Kevin Hines is among them. Visit to find a helpline in your country.Listen to the full episode here: Kevin here: his website here: you liked this video, you'll love my other interviews. Mr Hines said he had no intention of ever talking about his experience, and that he was embarrassed and extremely sad. She told the authorities that while her kidnappers had beaten her, the animals had never threatened her. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. companion animals who saved their humans lives, pride of lions heard her plaintive cries and rushed in, Dick Van Dyke revealed to Craig Ferguson that a pod of porpoises saved his life, help came just in time in the form of a pot-bellied pig, three beavers had curled up beside him and kept him from freezing to death.

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kevin hines sea lion picture

kevin hines sea lion picture