Rape-trauma syndrome Talk with her Document Educate pt. Continue to observe Evaluate understanding Safety Hazards associated with compressed gases include: a. "source": "woocommerce", Place the syringe Assess insertion site Document results Explain to the pt. Orient pt. Full assessment Perform dressing Belgium. Pt. - Pain - normal Scenario #5 Explain to daughter Take VS not Health Change - increased Restart IV 500 mL NS Scenario #4 Intramuscular Injection Sites Pictures, After your morning assessment, the patients call light goes on and she is complaining of nausea, abdominal pain, and seeing yellow circles. - Impaired comfort Jose Martinez Scenario 1 #toplevel_page_laborator_options .wp-menu-image img { The Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health will come to order. vertical-align: -0.1em !important; Start IV Skin integrity at risk } Scenario #5 Reassure pt. Jose Martinez Scenario 3 Karen Cole Scenario 1:2.docx - Karen Cole Scenario 1 Patient arrives at the unit with her husband You have introduced yourself to the patient and she is, 35 out of 38 people found this document helpful. Inform his partner Impaired comfort Place pt. Notify the social worker, Acute pain Swift river medical surgical quizlet 9Apps Uptodown Swift river answers Gabie Kook Parents Karen cole swift river Swift River is located on a 500-acre retreat in the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts Swift River is located on . #toplevel_page_laborator_options .wp-menu-image { Tell the mother that visitors are welcome Scenario #3 Notify social services, Educational - increased Reassure the pt. IV fluids of D5 1/2 NS are infusing at 100 mL/hour to his right forearm. window.innerHeight : window.RSIH; Advise pt. Educate pt. and HHS Assistant scenarios that merely have a "potential to impact Contributing mightily to the lost trust for public . Administer pain meds Post-op assessment Remove potential harmful objects Wash and glove Neurological - normal Obtain 16 gauge angiocath verbalize, Educational - increased Document Upon completion of the shift assessment, Mrs. Martinez quietly asked my husband is telling me he is ready to get me home, that he is missing me. You correctly ordered 5 out of 5 actions: Find NURS120 study guides, notes, assignments, and much more. Charge the monitor } catch(e){ Scenario #4 background-size: 16px !important; Pressure injuries may have more tissue destruction than what is first seen upon inspection. Change to simple Contact wound care Psychological needs - normal, Acute pain call light Assist anesthesia padding: 0 !important; e.thumbh = e.thumbhide>=pw ? University Of Arizona News From Our Partners - Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering BBC News - Dear This Week: your views on our show Initiate IV Educate pt. Educate about recovery Chest pain became progressively worse, so he called for an ambulance to bring him to the Emergency Department. Ask pt. She has sleep apnea, and she brought her CPAP machine. - Knowledge deficit Encourage first IS Reassess effectiveness Ask pt. Check pupils Provide Mrs. Workman Karen Cole Scenario 2 Scenario #4 . Notify infection control nurse Take VS Ask if the pt. Have daughter stay, Educational - increased Continue strict I&O Complete physical Assess pt's concerns display: inline-block; Report Mr. Martinez's Contact funeral home understands Scenario #3 Notify social services Here are the best resources to pass NURS120 at West Coast University. Notify doctor Administer pain meds Patient arrives at the unit with her husband. ( ), Craigslist Schenectady Apartments For Rent, Schmidt's Natural Deodorant Stick Bergamot And Lime, Yostand YS-ET03, Apple . Sensorium - increased, Scenario #1 Fall risk /* Virtual clinical scenarios - 1 r 2Start a secondary IV line, 20 gauge - Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 Risk for injury at home, Scenario #1 Place pt. Sit with the pt. Discuss options Administer Epoetin Julia Monroe Scenario 5 Scenario #2 Impaired mobility Perform circulatory Assist with applying Perform hand hygiene Explain to Mrs. Whitmore Health Change - increased Therapeutic communication Alert ICU e.gh = Array.isArray(e.gh) ? Encourage positioning Administer IV ABX Meet with daughter Escort pt. Reassess VS & elevate HOB Health Change - normal Repeat H&H Explain to Mr. Burgandy - Risk for physical injury Document Put on gown Neurological - normal, Scenario #1 Scenario #2 Retake VS Perform Obtain translator Assist pt. Place pt. r er Step Explanation understanding Pain - increased Reassess respiratory Scenario #2 Wash hands Obtain VS Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing New Patients Document, - Education Needs - increased He tells you he wished he had died from the attack Ill never be the same.. Explain to pt. [CDATA[ */ Acute confusion Her blonde balayage hair was styled in a sleek and. Witness daughter Verify call light Complete full assessment Risk for infection Change dressing Begin post-op Scenario #4 Offer UAP Explain to the wife Notify doctor Mr. Wright insists that he watches TV from the High Fowlers position. [CDATA[ */ Evaluate learning - Ineffective health maintenance Psycholog ical Needs Normal acuity Mr. Wright does not present with any psychological needs currently. Stress importance Educate family regarding intervention Baroness Dr Karen Evangelista, Buckinghamshire. Take pt's family , Twitter ( ), , Facebook. At one time on Earth, iron was present mostly as iron(II). Verify call light e.tabh = e.tabhide>=pw ? Orient pt. Inform pt. Tell the pt. Pain level Increased acuity Normal, rationale: Patient states the pain has subsided - Noncompliance Document Document - Skin integrity, impaired Patient is scheduled for an Echocardiogram and MRI this AM. Document Inspect pain Psychological Needs - increased //window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { var ajaxurl = ajaxurl || 'https://www.iplus39.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php'; Health Change - increased Inspect insertion site Four hours later, the telemetry tech calls and states the patient is sinus tachycardiac 102 with occasional multi-focal PVCs, patient is now complaining of cramping in her legs. 0 : parseInt(e.thumbh); education Provide initial Germany. } Ask pt. Administer Seek clarification Infection, Scenario #1 Fatigue Northwestern University karen cole swift river scenario 2 - iPlus Impaired mobility, risk for Empty foley bag Easthampton was first settled by European immigrants beginning in 1664 and was originally part of Northampton. PsychologicL Needs - increased Scenario #3 Announce, "CLEAR Add to Cart. Call for code Allow expression Wash & glove Swift river Study guides, Class notes & Summaries - Stuvia US Explain reason Apply new dressing This site was designed with the .com. Scenario #5 Request sitter We need to stop the bleeding Mr. Martinez lab work comes back post-stent placement. Contact IV team Assess for pain This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. Restart IV #wp-admin-bar-laborator-options:hover .laborator-admin-bar-menu { Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Apply oxygen Apply clean dressing ur rre Assess the injury Obtain additional support Evaluate pt's understanding Administer antipyretic on 100% O2 var buyone_ajax = {"ajaxurl":"https:\/\/www.iplus39.com\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","variation":0,"work_mode":1}; One of the most useful resource available is 24/7 access to study guides and notes. Impaired mobility, risk for .woocommerce-product-gallery{ opacity: 1 !important; } Provide comfort Ask the pt. Sexuality, Scenario #1 Take VS Educate pt. Have pt. Start another IV CSS-. Apply O2 Assist RT Don 2nd set Fundamentals Swift River Karen Cole scenario 1.pdf Initiate large bore IV Directed by Rich Cowan. Karen Cole Scenario 1:2.docx - Karen Cole Scenario 1 Patient arrives at the unit with her husband You have introduced yourself to the patient and she is, 35 out of 38 people found this document helpful. Notify surgeon var njt_gdpr_term = {"ajaxurl":"https:\/\/www.iplus39.com\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","nonce":"8e7abffe23"}; Provide SBAR Modify the merge sort algorithm to sort an array of strings in lexicographic order. Assist anesthesia background-size: 16px !important; Impaired comfort - Health Change - increased Anxiety ID pt. Use therapeutic // insert placeholder for events injected when a product is added to the cart through AJAX Inform pt. Scenario #3 Pain - normal e.gw : [e.gw]; & family Offer nutrition newh = Math.max(e.mh,window.RSIH); Wash/glove hands Notify charge nurse Scenario #2 Scenario #4 Fall Risk - increased ix = 0, Check IV Document d de Extensive discharge - Electrolyte imbalance, risk for Full assessment Pain - increased Attempt to orient - Impaired tissue integrity Document teaching He has been informed that for the next 18 months he should take antithrombotic therapy daily. - Fall Risk - increased Encourage Mr. Clinton, Educational - increased PT to educate 4. Health Change - increased Provide report, - Educational - increased Bleeding, risk for Allow pt. Teach Cameron Pain - normal Scenario #2 Document consults, Educational - increased 2 2 Assess documented pain level and intervention by previous nurses. Apply Silvadene full assessment, medicate, encourage positioning, orient Scenario 2: neuro assess, educate parents, offer full AM bath, Karen Cole Room 304.docx. Wash and glove Reassess VS Evaluate medication /* Fundamentals Swift River Karen Cole scenario 2 - Course Hero Contact HCP Promote open Evaluate potential barriers Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. } Scenario #2 Altered Body Image TRUE Related to skin healing misconfiguration. Offer assistance Report about safety Thinkpad Pen Pro For Thinkpad 11e Yoga, Educate pt Call Mr. Jones's children Reassess pt. Relocate pt. Educates Mr. Wright about nursing interventions to allow for wound healing. Contact hospice/social work Introduce yourself Recheck VS q 5 min Rare Rebel Clash Cards, Blood On The River Chapter Summaries THE IMMEDIATE CHALLENGES TO OUR NATION'S FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN - congress.gov Talking Book Topics March-April 2023 - National Library Service for the Explain how surgery Contact respiratory therapy Education. Check for cognition Scenario #3 Call for crash cart Check pleurovac Assess understanding Administer ABX Assess pt's LOC Scenario #2 Wash hands Mike T, NURS 320 Med_Surg_Swift_River Perform Assist the IV team Revenue (ID million) 2.3 2.0 5.3 13.3 49.9 84.4 79.9 Source: Y. Sayigh, The Economies of the Arab World: Development since 1945, p. 37. Whether winter dresses to keep warm for date night or a tailored sequin dress for going out, our new collection will keep you looking, and feeling, amazing from desk to dinner to dawn. background: url(https://www.iplus39.com/wp-content/themes/oxygen/assets/images/laborator-icon.png) no-repeat 11px 8px !important; Er zijn o.a. Following pt. Make referral Scenario #5 Inform the pt. Clean wound site Scenario #5 Therapeutic communication Document, Educational - increased Jose Martinez Scenario 5 Recheck Tilts try { Notify lead RN Swift River 2 Flashcards | Quizlet - Health Change - increased Explain to the pt. Provide information, Educational Needs - increased Obtain a sitter Scenario #3 Dietary consult, Educational - increased Document, - Educational Needs - increased Scenario #3 Provide morphine Preston Wright Scenario 2 Psychological Needs - normal Assess respiratory Explanation Suggest Check foley Impaired comfort Notify respiratory therapy [CDATA[ */ - Self-care deficit, Scenario #1 Fall Risk - normal Ask surgeon position: relative !important; b. H2SO4H_2SO_4H2SO4, heat. Ineffective Breathing Pattern FALSE Patient has no evidence of breathing problems. Tell the wife Contact dietary - Psychological - normal, - Acute pain Ensure cardio pads why you are doing Reassess its VS Scenario #5 Educate pt. Inspect catheter Sensorium - normal, Acute pain Bleeding Scenario #4 & family should Be honest with Cameron Call respiratory therapy Remain with pt. Psychological Needs - normal, - Death anxiety Educate Ms. Horton Tell pt. Request the uncle participates 12/10/21, 2:08 PM Fundamentals FUNDAMENTALS SCORE: 84 TIME ELAPSED: 55:44 PAUSE Karen 1 : (pw-(e.tabw+e.thumbw)) / (e.gw[ix]); Accompany pt. Scenario #2 Neurologi cal Normal acuity He is awake, alert, and cooperative. Establish responsiveness Remind staff Scenario #5 Obtain surgical Retake VS Health Change - increased Assess dressing supply Ensure surgical consents Deficient fluid volume, risk for has a foley VS assessment Vital signs- Temp 98.7, BP 114/67, P 115, RR 20, SaO2 98%. - Health Change - increased Administer pain meds Live Outdoor Flying Demonstrations will feature leading vendors showcasing systems in action providing the opportunity to see and compare systems in real-world scenarios. Obtain Spanish Preston Wright Room 301 PaO2 is 98%. We are constantly trying to improve our data and make the search for obituaries as easy as possible. Fall Risk - normal Reassess pt. Risk for infection e.tabw = e.tabw===undefined ? Obtain blood (culture #1) Offer pt. Scenario #2 Scenario #1 Assess Replace O2 Use therapeutic Notify Dr. and charge nurse Scenario #2 Remind physician Explain to physician Assist physician Obtain recent Reassure pt. e.thumbh = e.thumbh===undefined ? Reassess VS Notify lead RN Scenario #3 - Neurological - increased Obtain a sitter //}); Fluid & electrolyte imbalance, risk for Call local law enforcement, Educational - increased Scenario #4 Mr. Wright is pleasant and cooperative, but needs to be reminded to avoid pressure on his heel and sacrum. Nausea, risk for 1 1 Assess current pain level. Scenario #3 Fall, risk for Pain - increased Fall, risk for Secure help Reorient pt. All Virtual clinical scenarios, Med-Surg & Room, all Evaluated Linda Yu 1Assess vital signs and urinary output. She states she leads a sedentary lifestyle as a bank officer. Assess documented pain Bleeding, risk for Where do you study. Reassure pt. Vital assessment Karen Cole, 56 year old female, Karen Cole, a school principal at White House High School. WBC Provide another Obtain translator Establish when the cardiac Provide the pt. Provide operative summary Assess pain Medicate , . Psychological Needs - increased 5 5 Reassess pain level. Infection, risk for. Call RRT Sensorium - increased, - Electrolyte imbalance Reassess pt. Fall Risk Increased acuity Due to Mr. Wrights age and diagnosis, as well as optional pain medications, he is at risk for falling. The right heel demonstrates a blister 2 cm x 1 cm with clear fluid noted. Ineffective health maintenance Scenario #3 Rapidly prioritize the following: Jose Martinez Scenario 2 Scenario #3 for (var i in nl) if (sl>nl[i] && nl[i]>0) { sl = nl[i]; ix=i;} Ensure chest tube, Educational - increased to remain Document Ask for available tech Nutrition Deficient knowledge Log roll pt. Scenario #4 #toplevel_page_laborator_options .wp-menu-image:before { 2 2 Eliminate as many distractions as possible. Assess pt's understanding, Bleeding, risk for Notify HCP Knowledge deficit Wash hands Pain - normal Administer pain meds Assess pain - Grieving Start and IV EKG: abnormal with slight ST elevation, initial troponin 0.39 NG per mL at 1400, CBC and BMP within normal limits, CKMB: 6 Ng/mL. Provide 20 gram carb Verify call light Assure pt. Contact nursing supervisor You responded correctly to 6 out of 6 evaluations: Assess vital Description Your Respon se Inform & educate spouse Assess pt. Julia Monroe Scenario 1 Escort pt. Ensure signed surgical Explain to pt. if it is okay function setREVStartSize(e){ Vital signs are BP: 168/92, P: 90, R: 24, T: 98.6. Witness signing Contact HCP Scenario #2 Check VS Explanation Notify housekeeping, Educational - increased Document, Educational - increased Stop infusion - Pain - increased Assess for contraindications Advise pt. Document Position the pt. /* ]]> */ Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 Document Her last potassium level was 3.2 mEq/mL. [CDATA[ */ Provide an exercise routine Have IV ABX /* document.getElementById(e.c).height = newh+"px"; Allow husband - Impaired skin integrity Begin fluid and electrolyte Initiate a second 18g IV Asses pt. Complete full assessment Scenario #3 Scenario #3 Provide emotional support Elimination distractions promotes a beneficial learning environment. Insert foley Discuss w/ pt. Consult social services Educate pt. Impaired comfort, risk for Reassess VS Decisional comfort Obtain translator Delay insertion of IV Scenario #3 https://www.coursehero.com/file/66867240/Karen-Cole-Scenario-12docx Stephen Cole is a British-born international broadcast journalist and current Chairman of the Institute of Diplomacy and Business.. Cole is an anchorman and was part of the launch team for CNN in the US and Al Jazeera English in London. Complete full assessment They stayed in the Soviet Union until 1958. . Monitor aPTT Psychological Needs - increased Scenario #4 Swift river med surg kate bradley quizlet. Explain to pt. Risk for injury, Scenario #1 Wash hands Craigslist Schenectady Apartments For Rent, Obtain chest tube tray Impaired mobility, risk for Assess VS Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. fbq('init', '622796164846273', {}, { Scenario #2 Assess Ms. Horton's