evaluating reconstruction quizlet

Booth, a stage actor, had ties to the Confederate cause. The Fifteenth Amendment was designed to allow all male citizens the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. This was a bold and progressive change to Americas Constitution, however feelings of racism persisted throughout the wounded nation. It was thought the freed slaves would be forced to work. What was the purpose of the Black Codes which were enacted in Southern states in 1865 and 1866? While there were some improvements in African American life in the post-war South, many whites were reluctant to abandon their racist attitudes and biased practices. EDSITEment is a project of theNational Endowment for the Humanities, Smithsonian Learning Lab collection on the Reconstruction Era, America's Reconstruction: People and Politics After the Civil War, Freedmen and Southern Society Project: Chronology of Emancipation, Excerpts from the testimony of Maddie Curtis, Excerpt from the conclusion of Holland Thompson, The Resources of North Carolina: Its Natural Wealth, Condition, and Advantages, as Existing in 1869, The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, Letter from President Ulysses S. Grant to the Hon. For this activity, the students will use the interactive maps [temporarily located at http://civclients.com/nehint/recon/] as well as the documents specified below that can be found in the Text Document for Activity 1. The effects of the Civil War and of Reconstructionparticularly in the Southcontinue to shape and to be a contentious subject in our politics today. Po^dl=X7K1*,@~]^[ #Uh"d What was the premise behind the sharecropping model of agriculture? Rather than working with congressmen who might have supported his Reconstruction plan, Johnson alienated potential political allies by vetoing legislation intended to ensure civil rights for African Americans. However, Congress refused to seat the newly elected senators and representatives from the South. What was the Freedmen's Bureau? What segregated (separated) blacks & whites after Reconstruction. Fear of black rule. Ulysses S. Grant, Gen Commander of the Union forces in the Civil War. ;R5p c-Ncc:ey].Ai4d1]'M-azo!/,'Kx5,:aC;C .Qhg the amendment stating that all people born in the US have the same rights and are all born equal under the law. It declared that all people born in the United States are entitled to be citizens without regard to race, color, or previous condition of slavery. What were some of the accomplishments of the Reconstruction legislatures? Upon taking office, Grant hoped to build upon the previously established framework by championing the 15th Amendment to enhance, protect, and guarantee black male voting rights nationwide. The government would pay farmers to grow specific crops that were particularly in demand. They were seen as Yankees that were trying to take over the southern states' governments. Why was the election of 1876 called the Disputed Election? President Ulysses S. Grant presided over the waning days of Reconstruction. To help African Americans, particularly those who had been enslaved, adjust to life with increased rights and responsibilities, To ensure that white voters supported anti-slavery laws and policies. kcP`?=xI87eC{+Fj*?ya The authors of the documents were selected to show a variety of contrasting views and also to reflect the different ways that Reconstruction affected various populations. What was the purpose behind the Black Codes? Johnson versus Congress. The term was used derisively by white Southern Democrats who opposed Reconstruction legislation. WebCompare and contrast the Reconstruction plans of Lincoln, Johnson, and the Radical Republicans. that he violated the Tenure of Office Act--by firing Sec of War Stanton. It contributed to a chastening of Republican ambitions in the South and forced the party to concentrate on maintaining its base of support in the North rather than growing the party in Dixie. ~~C9;9owSQ?C ` N- Things began to change socially, politically, and economically. When did reconstruction begin? Reconstruction lasted from the Civil War to 1877. During Civil War they had "rehearsals" for reconstruction in the Union-occupied south. Idea of black people being free began during the Civil War. the redeemers. Only in South Carolina. evaluating the reconstruction Flashcards | Quizlet What were Black Codes, and why were they created? What legal loopholes did Southerners create to resist African American equality? All of the amendments were made to protect former slaves and their rights but on paper they did not have any rights. Johnson wrote much of the Reconstruction legislation himself. How did Amendments 13, 14, & 15 help African Americans? There were many reasons for the unpopularity of Congressional Reconstruction in the South. hWO0Gx`*Bi1 `ZS"%;;NS5J;|@@hHx4&"A $ #p H}AxChDGOB(9S,vcs:JI]V]WywIO{{AS !^}8;]:yNc0v*4Xqa`p k5 z2 9&+cr'~ IOV~=GHB:'*kXa=9r^baYz/1ag7F:,Ww AF;{zVV5S-l/"NZ|'Ol,U#dmCUGe^eE?Ze\mLFMeSZ`E#`jcj~Qm|V$vN81t~~b2[_\$#'b*$]t# Underline each complement and indicate what kind of complement each one is. The teacher may also wish to begin thinking about how the class is to be divided into small groups (3-5 is suggestedbut the teacher should judge the correct size based on the size of the class) as several of the activities in this lesson involve small group work. he was lincoln's vice president and a southern democrat. How did the Compromise of 1877 effectively end Reconstruction? Lincoln "pocket-vetoed" this bill by refusing to sign it after Congress had adjourned. Also, this page requires javascript. It required a majority of voters in each Confederate state to swear their allegiance to the US before rejoining the Union, It prohibited Confederate officials and military leaders from voting or holding office. The House and Senate refused to seat southern delegates. for freed slaves. How might a fact like this have affected opinions on questions such as civil rights, government contracts for major infrastructure improvements (such as railroads) and shaped views on questions such as education? WebThe Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 Split ten former Confederate states (excluding Tennessee) into five military districts to be overseen by the U.S. military and mandated that they became caught up in debt. hZy\L 3!--[D)aC., RZhC endstream endobj startxref Another useful resource is the Educator Resourcesof the National Archives, which features a set of Document Analysis Worksheets. Corruption compromised the ability of the government and, frequently, of private interests to facilitate the reconstruction of the South. The Command of the Army Act prevented the president from issuing orders to the military except through the general of the army, who at the time was Ulysses S. Grant; additionally, the commanding general could not be removed without the Senate's consent. Farmers would collude to drive up prices of certain crops. Though Republicans made quick and huge political gains in the South as newly enfranchised black voters rushed to their support, it was clear that the party and its ideals of peace through racial and sectional harmony on Republican terms remained unpopular with large segments of the populationparticularly with those who were disenfranchised because they could not take the oath or otherwise prove their loyalty to the Union. The teacher may also want to point out that original documents, such as these, retain their original spelling and syntaxeven if incorrect. Congress enacted its Reconstruction program over Johnson's veto. In many ways, we continue these struggles in our politics today. What were the economic beliefs of the Radical Republicans? 2 Third step is about monitoring of collections 3 Involves the evaluation of. How did John Wilkes Booth affect Reconstruction? universal male suffrage, [6O;},DLJ ^;4Orqb.:)O.FXl-%}ZXMHlxixt0CM@)Ymr3xQwv_D&?Qe2}=4#r"A: %QHW)/7+ "IG white violence, KKK, terrorizing blacks and those who supported them so they wouldn't vote. Southern Democrats who packed their bags and fled to the West and North to escape the progressive aims of Radical Reconstruction. wealthy plantation owners and Confederate officials. Right now, he is working on the chapter that examines the importance and impact of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Learning Page at the American Memory Project of the Library of Congress includes a set of activities to develop primary document skills. The Southerners saw the Freedmen's Bureau as an organization giving free food to freedmen but never requiring them to work, making them lazy. They were more familiar with the places where most battles occured. Georgia, along with Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia, had to satisfy an additional condition: ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, which prohibited the states from denying a citizen the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. D. H. Chamberlain, Governor of South Carolina (on the occasion of riots in Hamburg, S.C.), August 1, 1876, Group C: Excerpt from Carl Schurz, speech in the Senate, January 30, 1872, Group D: Rutherford B. Hayes, letter of acceptance of the nomination for the Presidency, June 8, 1876. How did whites regain political control in the south? Grant was nearly universally revered by the time of his death in 1885. Write a short essay on how social contexts surrounding a person can contribute to his or her upbringing, beliefs and overall quality of life. This meant that the huge majorities Republicans then enjoyed were, so to speak, operating on borrowed time. the South divided into 5 military districts, But charges of corruption were not limited to Grants administration. HUO0~_qo'N$bMLBB#%mSIn;6wNO'Hb "Z~(Y9I,$iA4rHR2y"xBCDx!uF$P=C|# The Compromise of 1877 gave the South and its Democratic majority the reigns to carry out social and legal reforms as they saw fit without federal interference or oversight. Reconstruction There were those who used their positions for exploitation. endstream endobj startxref The Reconstruction Act was refined by subsequent legislation. Based on the documents reviewed in this lesson, list some of the leading and competing political interests in the South as Reconstruction was drawing to a close. But in the end, events overpowered the best thinking on both sides of this divide and the impact of these great victories was left to be felt and interpreted by a new generation of Americans. y@bi(^k^izu#(fN@)Z4x[wN)Gd\JvWma:M;:*BL5;Sh`2lM^YQ2k(!W7.W)J0>krA"eXk+n R/B.zuu7' ]apJ|_wv^k| +^|B`:H$wlEnT*8@0vX{[rm6FoN,iE?FF/mh@u'Q{$]pJn07a8Y9U-A/, S7GYjkQUKC2"qxLa=23P21 |0Cm)r PS)et%.H e'

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evaluating reconstruction quizlet

evaluating reconstruction quizlet