At level 3, due to their life steal, they are essentially much durable than level 2 heroes. You'll be able to discover who the greatest soldiers in Art of War Legions are with the assistance of the tier list, enabling you to dominate, develop quicker, and become a formidable player. Attacking the enemy from behind is an effective way to deal with any opposition because, as generals would agree, the only thing worse than a war is a war with multiple fronts.There isnt a long list of units capable of directly attacking the enemy backline. Supercell is not responsible for the operation or content of this site/application. Things dont initially look good; we are behind in power rating, the enemy has more soldiers, and his hero is a way much more powerful attacker than ours, worse, he is an assassin class that focuses hero targets. However they should be protected so place some troops around them and place the unit in the center of your formation somewhere. Comment below! You earn those in Honour hunting, Hero Trial rewards and Clan Hunting, Que dois-je faire pour passer le niveau 8000 So this would be all in this Art of War Legions guide, cheats, tips & tricks for beginners. The Angel can be tanky with the health and with the ability that will give evasion to all the allied troops around every few seconds. Absolutely amazing and many formations run multiple of these in their army. I asked the best players in Art of War: Legions to rank every troop on a tier list and they did. Harbinger of Fire are quite easy to level up early in Art of War Legions but will get replaced fast as well - basically a placeholder troop for the ones that do the same thing better, and that's dealing area damage. When you first start playing art of war: Source: I am a free to play player. If you have plenty of x2 bounty multipliers to spare, all the better. YouTube from For a reason, as they can scout the battlefield and attack enemies from the back row. They can protect your back rows well, but also work hard engaging the enemy from the front. Art of War Legions game features dozen of troops; each troop has its characteristics. 3. Once you fill up your field, then begin to upgrade as you go to maximize your health on the field and dps. I feel like such a noob building my own spreadsheet :) This one is just rankings from Phasecast, Kautionz, TacticzHazel. These are strong high DPS troops that can work well in both the front and back of a formation. These can be game changers early in the game, and can be placed in the front if you want to get them into the action right away as they go straight to the back row of the enemy troops. Join us as we aspire to dominate and conquer. Click the Download button at the top of the page to download the Art of War: Legions MOD APK. Inquisitors can do quite some damage but don't have abilities, so they are not a great option after you left the early stages. I know that Magic Apprentice is a rare troop and it's ranked quite high, but so many armies, especially in in mid-game of Art of War Legions, run them. Mephisto can perform well against certain troop types like Cyclops, but other than that not the best overall kit to run much. Solo unit, yes, but a massive tanks and have their rock throw that deals magical damage in addition to the normal physical damage. The only way to counter her properly is by setups with immunity skills or stunning and they have to be properly timed and used. They are able to deal reliable damage and their self-sustaining AoE lifesteal making them an absolute unit! For one it's always better to have 2 lvl1 units on the field than to have 1 lvl2. Beast Master can be a debatable troop, but I can't rank it higher. The placement of tanks and capable fighters at the backline is meant to take the shock against hostile ambushers, see how the enemy Demons, Magic Apprentices, and Ghost Assassins were met by the melees we designated to cover our rear. Either way, the ranged units and backline ambushers will be barely impeded by terrain variations. Best & Worst Troops in Art of War: Legions Tier List (E3) The Necromancer has no attack of it's own but does produce skeletons that attack other units. Tier S OverpoweredTier A BalancedTier B Slightly UnderpoweredTier C UnderpoweredTier D AvoidTier F The Worst, Your email address will not be published. Edward has some nice debuffs on the enemy and buffs selected troops in your army. Dracula is amazing in trials and Infinity War and works well against Cerberus with his attack buff and his lifesteal is also useful. Your email address will not be published. I put it on auto (tabs to the right of the counter). But I think with a few buffs he can make his way back up a tier, we'll see. expanding the troops , or leveling up the troops, Hi everyone, Ive been playing this game for over a year. Selene buffs up your army at the start and causes a lot of damage and her active skill binds enemy units to the ground for a few seconds. At times, when their desired target has been eliminated, they may decide to swoop at a prey that are quite distant from them, the flight they take makes them reenter the damage-immune state. I unlocked then as I progressed. When you first start playing Art of War: Legions you will only have a very limited number of troop types probably; Infantry, Archers, Iron Guard. You can use them in pretty much every army, deal good damage and revive once die. Art of War: Legions Upcoming events and how to set your super card With the exception of fighting against dedicated assassins, like Diana and Miller, heroes at the flank will have a brief time of safety, because ambushers would have to defeat your backline first before reaching your hero. Can be particular good in honor hunting to keep your troops alive for longer. While they don't have a great health score, they do have a good attack so will be useful in your second attack row or at the back of your formation. *Exciting BattlesThe battle is more like a real dance of war. While they have a good sized attack, their health and defense score make them perfect tanks, utilise these bad boys in the front and back rows to absorb a lot of damage while your other fighters take out the enemy. What is Art of War Legions Apk? Art of War: Legions MOD APK 6.7.9 (Unlock VIP) for Android Undead Warrior has no ability but good health and good damage and is basically an improved version of the other troops. There are three major lines in the battle formation, including the front line, the middle row, and the back row. One word of caution before we go to the list. If Necromancers would not be eliminated early, their summons can provide ample distractions to help an allied damager turn the tide of battle. These units have a few different stats and you are able to level them up. Also, if he ever gets pushed in by the ambushers, his aggressors will be within the range of your ranged units which will then likely provide cover fire. That is just super inconvenient for enemy troops to deal with and viable in so many situations. Best Troop Formations. They will protect your back units really well, but also are fantastic in the front row too. Not a bad troop. Paladins are one of the better melee units and are incredible taking at taking out Magic Apprentices that run to the back if they are placed in the back row. If you arent keen to watch ads and you want the speediest level progression, the auto-battle feature is your friend. (Legalbb 4-szer megvettem). Illum sounds promising with increasing health, attack and defense, but it's simply not enough compared to other heroes and his active skill is weak. Also note how the rear closed as our non-combative hero, Hohenheim, got defensively boxed in with nothing but a scratch. Do not hesitate to take extra time to rearrange your troops especially for Arena battles. The sword, Sword : Damage your troops did I found out by going into the troops (heros screen, second tab at the top) section and pressing the bottom right arrow (after you click on a troop) to see stats for higher level troops. Common or Rare troopsnl As a common troop, Infantry is not that useful except when you're really early in the game and don't have any other options. Can be tactical use but overall not a crazy game-changer overall. Every 5 or 10 stages in PvE, the game gives you a special reward; it could be a chest or few gems. Im depressed of replaying the same boring battles again and again, always winning and growing this dull army that gives me no satisfaction Im only at Level 800 now, but very bored without expeditions: the only brilliant challenge of this game. This Art of War: Legions guide covers all the basic concepts of the game. The Catapult is a siege weapon but a lot less viable compared to the Ballista. Also, the chest takes time to open you can reduce the time by watching the video Ad. Archers aren't a crazy unit overall and as a common troop a decent choice actually, especially in early game but also carries quite well towards mid-game in Art of War Legions. Its all purely RNG, but if fortune favors you too (like what happened to us a few times already), spending 500k here is often enough to earn 2 Lucky Times. Yasha is an incredibly high hit point troop and is best used as a tank in the front or back rows, they also have a very strong attack. If you have just started playing this game, then you are on the right page. Fastone Games, the publishers behind Hello Stars game, has just added a brand new war game called Art of War Legions to their app portfolio. I feel mixed about them as they can unlock some synergies and are useful in some formations and their overall stats are fine, but having no real focus makes them not really bang a buck in any way. Art of War: Legions - Apps on Google Play Soul Hunter has a good amount of health and, although their attack is not that high, they have life steal ability and heal up again what makes him stay alive for quite some time. Go to the Shop and scroll down to the bottom there you will find sponsor offers all you need to do is install the apps and claim the reward; gems. ,youll must wait untill you get 30+ troops with your left one and attack the castle with 20 above your left castle, upgrade that one now to 4 and your old lvl 3 to max, then wait untill you have charged all of the castles to 20+ troops and attack the middle 30 one with everything you have, then keep sending troops from your 3 castles to the middle one and keep upgrading the middle one, youll notice the enemy will try and take the middle from you and thats why you keep sending troops ,you cant stop sending them, when you get the middle castle to at least lvl 4, attack the middle castle of the 3 castles in the upper row, just so you can hold the enemy back in growing there numbers, its oke if you lose this one after again cause the enemy has to level it to max again, in that time you atack the right castles ,when you get those to at least lvl 3 , you attack with all your castles the middle one in the upper row , when you get that you go straight to attacking the last remaining enemy castle.
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