The Nissan RE5R05A has an extra friction/steel in a couple drums,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, http://www.makcotransmissionparts.codf/RE5R05A.pdf, 300k miles, BNR 16g, CryoTune, 'Bullet-Proofed' IC, Motor rebuild @ 250k b/c of a cracked exhaust valve. It is activated in all forward gears except 4th, but it only actually transmits power in 3rd and 5th. No mods other than deleting the single muffler/resonator, adding louder twin mufflers out back (pun intended)! I'm in the same boat except I'm not uptown, but my apartment is on a golf course, That's why I'm going to rent out a 10x15 garage for a year or so.. it'll cost me only $60/mo. Anyways, great move on the garage. I notice his values look more like boost (psi). The design of the 5 unit is similar to the construction of Jatcos RE5R05. Top Selling Products High-End Fashion For Top Brand 5EAT Transmission The front brake clutch pack only has 2 friction clutches, so it is VERY light duty. dba Summit Racing Equipment | Trademarks, Everything You Need for Anything You Drive. I have almost 150,000 miles on my 2010, 3.6R with the 5eat, with zero issues with the transmission. My car is a 2011 Subaru Tribeca with 100k miles. DBW is great.I feel like the car pulled a bit harder on V5 with the avcs changes.Overall the car is feeling quite good with the wheels wanting to spin in the wet now. Q: What makes XRT different to others? Anyone up for a group buy? | I recently bought a 2010 3.6R with the 5-speed automatic used with 59k miles on it. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Just waiting for raptor to get their new set of headers in stock so I can get them and have Ed retune them. 2011 Transtar Automatic Transmission Catalog. Zero Sports intake | The 3.6 motor offers a noticeably different driving dynamic than our previous 2.5 engines - smooth torquey power flow. Bands are normally reserved for low power applications such as overdrive or reverse. SUBARU 5EAT TG5C7 TG5D7 tg5d8 tg5d9 JR507E TRANSMISSION PARTS & REBUILD KITS. Why all the sudden are you posting this? The Bulletproof Subaru package is rated to 500HP and can be built up to 1000HP.The factory transmission has a 87 % failure rate after installing a supercharger or turbo. Each package is built in house to your exact specifications. Need Help? Less ping/knocking due to the transmission wanting to be in high gear all the time. by west_minist Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:05 am, Post by west_minist Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:26 am, Post Im very happy with the way the car is performing. Make/Model: 2006 - 2013 SUBARU TRIBECA B9 3.6L. DIY 5EAT Transmission Rebuild - Transmissions - No more noise back there and braking, So sorry to hear that Krystian. Write a Review, Write a Review NOTE: OPT uses javascript to enhance and secure your online experience. SUBARU 5 Speed, 5EAT. Estimated International Ship Date: View All Reviews, Some parts are not legal for use in California or other states with similar laws / regulations. We brought this process over from working with EMS and with customers who race their daily driven cars. Accumulators, Accumulator Piston, Acummalator Kit, Accumulator Piston Kit, Strut, Band Struts, Struts, Anchor Pin, Band Anchor, Belts, Pushbelt, Pushbelts, Push-belt, Push-belts, Cover Bolt, Cover Bolts, Mounting Bolt, Mounting Bolts, Pan Bolt, Pan Bolts, stud, studs, Split Pin, Booster, Boosters, Boost Regulator, Boost Spring, Boost Valve, Lockup Boost, Booster kit, Kit Boost, Kit Boost Valve, Brackets, Connector Bracket, Connector Brackets, Cable Bracket, Vents, Case Vent, Case Vent Valve, Vent Hose Connector, Vent, Plastic Breather. Steel Kit It appears that Borg Warner might make the best high performance rebuild kits, with superior frictions to Raybestos Z-pack, Alto Red Eagle, etc. Just an FYI so I don't mislead anyone about that any longer. XRT does not adhere to todays trend in tuning that is growing worldwide where attaining the customer money is key and providing great service takes second place. Sent Ed my logs from v1 last night. xrt controls the shift points indirectly. I've used Sea Foam for years but the TECHRON works faster and better I find on the injectors. I was a having a few troubles getting the tuning working at first as I was not familiar at all with the Tactrix Cable and software used but Edward took all the time needed to ensure I was brought up to speed with how to use it and get it working. TOOLS & ACCESORIES Instead, Subaru sells individual pre-assembled clutch packs (ex: Direct clutch assembly for $~300). vs the blowouts I have seen for the Subaru 5eat, I see now that SOME of the MAIN CASE INTERNALS are different. Each package is built in house to your exact specifications. We believe the service we provided is important and is second to none. Related 5EAT Transmission parts. THIS PRICE IS CONTINGENT ON YOU SENDING US YOUR TRANSMISSION FOR UPGRADE. When road/traffic conditions permit, I accelerate up through the 1st 3 or 5 gears to between 40-45 when the shift to 5th occurs. There is hope. hey ed, did another driving log late tonight when no one was on the roadjust a driving log in sport sharpfelt great! They said they source the parts from JATCO but they build them in-house. Pressure Plate There are other ones online. Las mejores ofertas para 123671A - 5EAT, TUBO DE ACCIONAMIENTO DE BOMBA, 6-3/8" DE LARGO, 2 OREJAS PARA ENGRANAJES DE BOMBA RANURADOS estn en eBay Compara precios y caractersticas de productos nuevos y usados Muchos artculos con envo gratis! ID 1050X Subject: Re:Re: Australia. Mar 20, 2023 MaiMai - Thank you for the information. Piston 5EAT Transmission Catalogue - Automatic Choice Hey everyone, thank you for all the replies. 5EAT Upgraded Performance Transmission SKU: 4050 Price: $4795.00 Qty: - + - OR - Add To Wishlist Add To Registry | Write a review Overview Reviews Tell a Friend Legacy, Outback, Tribeca high performance transmission. You've seen all those stories about how modern cars have no form of electronic security- well, here's one more way. XRT 5EAT Tuning There was no misfire - the engine just didn't feel right. The 5-speed RWD transmission 5EAT was designed in 2003 by Jatco on commission from Subaru for popular models Tribeca, Impreza, Outback, Legacy on a constructive basis of Jatco JR507E , reengineered for the engine room of Subaru. JavaScript is disabled. But of course they don't make anything for 5-speed Jatcos. Just wondering if this would void my warranty if the dealer noted the updated programming somehow. It locks up in 1st only sometimes to provide some engine braking. It would probably be about the same amount of work as converting to manual. shanestarbuck68. Turbosmart compact recirculating BPV (not a mod really but) We do not offer off the shelf maps with minor tweets or one rom for all cars with the same ECU ID. $12.99. I had to load stock rom back on the car for a few days so I could do a stock 2nd gear pull for the log and also so my mechanic wont freak out when he hits the gas and realizes this is not a stock car. XRT XTMP Please see our tuning strategy below that makes this all happen.ingrained in out DNA. What is better than right foot fun. Subaru 5EAT Automatic Transmission Rebuild Kit 2005-up 5 Speed AWD Overhaul Banner Box Set, { Oregon Performance Transmission will NEVER sell, transfer, show or otherwise cause your email to be seen by anyone else. 0. I needed a break. | We believe in given the customers the best quality of service, time and support. I'm still learning how little gas I have to give my car to start moving in a parking lot or drive-thru. Transmissions - Subaru - 5EAT Some Subaru applications have a two piece style mount. Technical help on the following diagnostic trouble codes (DTC's); 5-speed; Automatic Transmission; Subaru; Product map; Products; Filter results. I ended up getting a new one and greased the grommets. I'll give it a go as well. Most, but not all models contain additional features like Gear Command that allows you to hold manual low to any speed, and shift back to low at any speed. I dont know if its possible to tune this-> but it would be nice for the trans to respond faster to paddle inputs, especially at light load around town. | I dont really feel that transition in this circumstance. Automatic Transmission Only! The clutch chatter even seemed to be less evident but its still there if I provoke it with just the correct light throttle setting during up/downshifts. It's relatively easy to get to - just under the bottom cover plate on the VB. I might even be able to dodge dealing with piston seals by just leaving them in there. Takes about 20 minutes and requires right at 4.5 quarts of fresh ATF so you drain out almost half of the old fluid each time. The list of soft spots for this transmission also include: - Shaft with a sun gear of an interaxle planetary gear for vehicles with engine capacity over 3-liters. XRT Tuned Subaru Legacy 3.6R 5EAT - Manual Mode 3rd 4th gear . I have to drive it a bit more for it to relearn. Less pedal moving to make the transmission shifting, Easy over-taking and maneuvering due to quicker acceleration due to the above points. 69-22L. And the shifting and throttle response are unreal. Welcome to the Subaru Outback Owners Forum, we have tons of information about your Subaru Outback, from a Subaru Outback Wiki to customer reviews. TGV Deletes. This could give us the opportunity to collectively pool all of the tech/repair info that's out there on the JATCO RE5R05A trans. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. InfoOwner: RonSRom ID: AZ1J500VTyres: 225/55-17Car Weight: 1540kgDriver Weight: 105kgTotal Weight: 1645kg, ModsXRT XTMPXRT Stage 2IHI VF52Process West VerticoolerX-force turbo back exhaust (awaiting install)Adjustable GFB deceptor Pro II BOVProcess West Cold Air Intake w/K&N Filter (WRX/STi 2008-14) (PWCAI04)Grimmspeed EBCS,, Cobb AP Stg2 replaced by XRT ECU Stage 2 Tuning I told Ed my concerns and he has managed to significantly reduce this throttle lag. Granted, the vehicle is just approaching 56,000 miles now so my mileage is relatively low for a 7-year-old vehicle. Drum - E. Hubbard. Direct Clutch, Nissan gets one more friction, again. I haven't experienced any chatter on downshifts since I used the fuel system cleaner. Thus, a RE5405A kit would leave you with extra pieces and missing pieces. Valve body We've bought 2 cars from them. 973 827 1000, Feel Free to contact our tech support department @, Level 10 Subaru Bulletproof Valvebody (send In Yours) 4EAT, New Product Level 10 Subaru PTS Valvebody Kit 4EAT, Level 10 PTS Subaru Bulletproof Rebuilding Kit 4EAT,5EAT,R4AXEL.
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