warhammer 40k homebrew codex

The Aspirant may be plunged into a trance-like state during which he is subjected to all manner of horrific visions or irresistible temptations. Most Death Worlds are impossible to settle, for every single living thing in them appears motivated to expel any intruders as if ruled by some overarching and utterly malicious intelligence. The paralysing fear that even a man as great as Dorn experienced, for himself and for Mankind, over the Emperor's broken body after the end of His battle with Horus. What caused such worlds to fall so far from glory is often a matter of supreme mystery, and often a cause for concern to the higher echelons of the Imperium's leadership. Although many of these Chapters might adhere closely to the organisation laid down in the Codex Astartes, they nevertheless deviate significantly when it comes to the use of icongraphy, colours and markings, as dictated though necessity or by each individual Chapter's culture: Non-standard company colours applied to Space Marine Power Armour. The Imperial Army had been used primarily as a reserve force of garrison troops during the Great Crusade, but its successor would now bear the primary burden of the Imperium's defence. More cynical minds might wonder if the mysteries of the Red Scorpions' past and their origins might also have something to do with their fanatical desire to prove their loyalty and that they are beyond the reproach of their peers. The categorisation "Civilised World" describes a wide range of societies and technology levels, but in general such worlds will be a functioning part of a larger sector, with trade links to nearby worlds. Another genetic deficiency that afflicts at least one of the Imperial Fists' Successor Chapters is known as 'Dorn's Darkness'. Establishing new Astartes Chapters on an individual basis is nigh impossible (with the sole exceptions of the Sons of Medusa and the Steel Confessors Chapters) -- the mobilisation of such vast resources is beyond the ability of any single segment of the Imperium. (See 11, This Founding occurred in the mid to late-M35. But such warriors often hold a darker secret which they keep locked deep inside, their nightmares haunted by the things they faced so long ago. The Space Wolves' dream of emulating the Ultramarines, Imperial Fists and the other First Founding Chapters in the creation of a legion of Successors seemed close at hand. The Angry Marines are a popular homebrew Chapter of Space Marines, and by far the most famous homebrew to gain fame outside the realm of 40K. Some Dead Worlds serve as Space Marine home worlds, either due to their strategic location, relative isolation or because the Chapter is tasked with guarding against the return of the ancient threat that brought about the world's fate in the first place. The Blood Angels are an example of a Chapter that regards the drop pod assault as the most refined application of the power that is the Adeptus Astartes. With a culture that emphasises endurance and self-sacrifice, the Salamanders are renowned for their stubborn nature. Every Space Marine Chapter needs a name, a title by which its deeds are celebrated in the annals of the Imperium and by its enemies know their doom is upon them. When triggered produces hyper-cocktail of combat stimms and enhanced rapid fresh regrowth before falling dormant again. The Space Wolves, known in their own dialect of Juvjk as the Vlka Fenryka or "Wolves of Fenris", are one of the original 20 First Founding Space Marine Legions, and were once led by their famed Primarch, Leman Russ. This is both the genetic blessing of the Sons of Dorn's Primarch and a curse upon his sons. Codex: Kroot | Warhammer 40.000 (Homebrew Codex) Entire forge worlds may be turned over to the manufacture of the mighty arsenal of weaponry, ammunition, armour, vehicles and war ships that any such force will require. It is said that the Disciples of Caliban, a Dark Angels Successor, were created following the direct appeal of the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels. Chapters such as the Black Consuls, Genesis Chapter, Hammers of Dorn, Novamarines, and the Red Scorpions are strong examples of those Chapters that vehemently follow the dictates of Guilliman's treatise to the letter. The Imperium of Mankind .a fan-based community that is about the tabletop game Warhammer 40,000 produced by Games Workshop. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners. Unless conducted with swift, overwhelming efficiency, a purge may soon become a war of attrition. Sometimes the flaw is linked to a nigh-catastrophic genetic malfunction, The unique gene-seed of the Space Wolves, altered as it was by the inclusion of what is known as the Canis Helix, had both its advantages and disadvantages, making them at once more animalistic than their fellow Astartes -- a factor which made them uncommonly talented hunters and ferocious killers -- but also more readily prey to the power of their own instincts and drives. You can have your Chapter not know its gene-seed origin and hint at the idea of Traitor origins, but at no point do you want to outright say it. Codex Supplement: Ultramarines - The Goonhammer Review This mysterious band of seemingly wraith-like Space Marines appear unbidden, only when all hope seems lost, striding forth from its hidden netherworld to bring retribution to the Imperium's foes, and then just as mysteriously, disappearing as quickly as they arrived. Therefore, it would be impossible to have such a Chapter exist, ten millennia later, in the modern 41st Millennium. Some Chapters have become a little too skilled in this tactic for their own good, and are so willing to bring about such devastation that their aid is not sought in the liberation of captured cities. Every Chapter has its founding fathers the heroes that wrote the opening passages of its glorious history. Many First Founding Chapters maintain close links with Chapters created using their own gene-seed stocks, and the Chapter Masters might have a hand in planning future foundings. There was only ever one produced. No homebrew Chapter shall have a home world on a Cardinal World, Forge World (or any other world governed by the Adeptus Mechanicus) or a Daemon World. However, this has not prevented the Inquisition from trying to reveal the hidden size of the Black Templars. Mad-Spy/40kHomeBrew: Battlescribe Files for 40k Homebrew Codexes - GitHub 6th Edition was released June 2012. Taking the target alive is perhaps the hardest of Trials, for the Aspirant must keep the foe restrained on a return journey that might prove every bit as arduous as the hunt itself. How to make a fanon Space Marine Chapter - Warhammer 40,000 Wiki When fighting in defence, the Space Marines identify the point the enemy is most likely to assault, and hold it come what may. Imperial Armour is a series of official rules supplements to Warhammer 40,000 Codices produced by Forge World, a subsidiary company of Games Workshop. For instance, it is not uncommon for a Salamander to serve as a clan leader among the Nocturneans and live with them when Chapter business does not require him to remain at the Chapter's Fortress-Monastery on Nocturne's moon of Prometheus. Many relate to the Chapter's home world or its Primarch, while others recall some great victory the memory of which drives the Battle-Brothers onwards into the fury of battle. The solution to the affliction of the Darkness is to create a spiritual darkness of his own within the stasis sarcophagus. In all likelihood, all but the world's ruling classes are unaware of the Imperium at large. It should be noted that these Demeanours are on the whole not as "extreme" or detailed as those presented as part of a full set of Chapter rules. Such Trials carried out in an icy waste could involve the Aspirant travelling from one point to another, with countless hundreds of kilometres of trackless snow-blasted plains separating the two. Their homeworld is the volcanic Death World of Nocturne. Psycho-organically, initiates are noted to display increased aggression, as is to be expected, but also a marked tendency towards cohesion and the adoption of hierarchy, alongside an almost pathological dedication to the achievement of an assigned goal, particularly when compared against the psychological profiles of certain other Chapters, who demonstrate more markedly heightened individualistic and fractious tendencies post-implantation, such as the White Scars or Space Wolves. As any squad type can be deployed in this manner such tactics rarely dictate a major change in organisation, though the Chapters forges may focus on creating drop pods over other types of vehicle, and as heavy support vehicles are slower to deploy they will focus on infantry assaults over armoured ones. Whatever the cause, the end result is a strong distrust in allies fostered by many Red Scorpions which can become more acute over time until many of the Chapter come to believe that none among the followers or children of the Emperor share their own purity and strength of loyalty, and can never be fully trusted. Established GW canon does not permit you to expand upon the Grey Knights. Despite this, some Chapters have historically excelled at such a form, or are temperamentally suited a type of war that is a unique mix of science and murder. Such Chapters may appear superficially to follow the organisational doctrines of the Codex, yet focus on close combats when it comes to delivering victory, or they may actually field an increased proportion of Assault Squads over Tactical or Devastator Squads. Mighty statues of the Primarch grace the Chapters halls and his words are taught and read by every Battle-Brother. Every Chapter has its own traditions, histories and battle-honours, but the Ultramarines are the standard by which many others, especially those of their genetic lineage, judge themselves and their peers, whether they acknowledge it or not. Just because there is a GW chapter that has something, doesn't mean it's a good thing to do for your chapter 'just because'. Most Chapters that adhere to this particular form of belief worship one of their founding fathers, often the very first Chapter Master but sometimes another figure who performed some deed that sealed his place in the Chapter's history for all time. Viable planets are an invaluable asset to the Imperium, and ones with large amounts of natural and desirable resources are ruthlessly exploited. 3rd Edition was released in 1998. Sometimes the flaw is linked to a nigh-catastrophic genetic malfunction, but just as often it is tied to the essential nature of the Progenitors Primarch, the stock from which they recruit or to some other, inexplicable factor. This has bred an inherent distrust of anything NOT human. Death Worlds are often thought of as deadly jungles, but might just as easily be ocean-bound planets. Your Chapter CANNOT be allies of the mysterious Legion of the Damned, as they are a separate entity whose purpose and deployment are unknown to the wider Imperium, and who deploy in accordance to the Emperor's will. Astartes are always male, even from the time of the Great Crusade when they could turn anyone into a marine. Space Marine Chapters with a home world are its ultimate masters, with total control over their domain and any peoples living there. A tiny proportion have been settled, but life there is a daily, even hourly struggle for survival where one false step spells death at the slavering maw of some hideous Death World predator. Entire regiments attack over a front of a few hundred metres, thousand laying down their lives in exchange for taking a position that will almost certainly be retaken within hours. Such worlds might have been reported by itinerant rogue traders, and earmarked centuries before as potential Space Marine home worlds. Rules as written: These are the latest 40K 9th edition codexes Orikan the Diviner A Chronomancer of most prodigious skill, Orikan is a prophet who has not forgiven Szarekh for submitting to the will of the C'tan. Boosts blood supply, maintains life functions if primary heart destroyed. Purges are brutal affairs, and often trigger a full-scale uprising. The Primaris Marines, however originally engineered by the Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl on the orders of Roboute Guilliman are implanted with a further three additional organs. Perhaps a Chapter stood alongside a particular Imperial Guard regiment during an especially gruelling campaign, and witnessed the sacrifice and nobility of the common Imperial Guard trooper. Because they tend to recruit from a variety of sources, Fleet-based Chapters are more unlikely than any other type to inherit the ways of the communities it recruits from. Established GW canon has already made this clear - there are NO Space Wolves Successor Chapters! Amongst the undercities, lawless gangs fight for control, and from their numbers new Space Marine Aspirants are often recruited (typically forcibly). They are unmoved by the challenge of crossing mountains, wading through sucking swamps, plunging into snow storms and many other such environmental hazards. The type of terrain in which a Chapter builds its Fortress-Monastery might have little bearing on its character, but may have plenty, especially if that terrain has shaped the qualities of the peoples from which it recruits. For true aggression and nigh-psychotic killer-instinct, however, few recruits can best the murderous city-scum that roam the darkest pits of the Imperium's many Hive Worlds. A Space Wolf will drink and make merry, for tomorrow, he may die. Codex Supplements have their parent faction noted in brackets. A Sergeant's badge of rank is a skull and is often displayed on the left shoulder pauldron. Others make a point of seeking out new societies to recruit from, ever vigilant for promising recruits. If he is a native of such a hellish place, the Aspirant will have some knowledge of how to survive, yet is shorn of all aid and divested of all but the most basic of survival equipment. This occurred only once in Imperial history, during the Second Founding, when the First Founding Loyalist Legions were sundered into multiple Chapters, with one retaining the original heraldry, livery and honours of the original Legion. Most Chapter names have two such elements, broadly speaking an adjective and a noun, but a huge scope for variation exists. The format of the codices has varied somewhat over the years. This comes with the added danger that much of the sort of lore the Blood Ravens seek is dangerous in and of itself, either as proscribed texts or things touched and tainted by the Warp. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Occasionally a Space Marine Chapter will establish its Fortress-Monastery in such a place, often due to its position or because the Chapter wishes to maintain its privacy and isolation. To pique one's interest, when writing about your own potential rivalry for your Space Marine Chapter, listed below are some sample feuds and rivalries. Therefore, you cannot say your Chapter is an ally of such enigmatic Astartes. In earlier editions: a bestiary (descriptions of units, characters and vehicles with special rules and background information), alongside an army list (providing options and points costs for units in the bestiary). The first thing when writing about your Chapter is to determine why and when were they created? The White Scars are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter and one of the First Founding Legions of the Adeptus Astartes. Even the psycho-conditioning every Neophyte endures cannot totally erase the notion that the Battle-Brother is equal in skill, if not rank, to his superiors and he is never afraid to question their orders if he feels they are ill-judged. As there were 20 existing Space Marine Legions, there would be no need for any such 'secret' Chapter. Codices for particular armies were introduced for the second edition of the game. When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests itself in an affected battle-brother, it comes on in three stages: When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests itself in an affected Battle-Brother, it comes on in three stages: The Carcharodons are an insular and taciturn bunch, and this only becomes more pronounced when they are amongst other Space Marines. After the invasion of their icy death world of Fenris, the First Battle of the Fang occurred between the two rival forces. They make ideal Space Marine recruits, and whole gangs of city-scum are sometimes hunted down and made to undergo the Trials. Warhammer 40K Meta Hotness: Invictor Warsuit. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. The horrors that a Space Marine will witness during his service to the Emperor are sufficient to destroy a normal man's sanity and those witnessed by the Battle-Brothers who serve in the special Astartes units like the Grey Knights and the Deathwatch are more horrifying still. This also goes for having a Chapter aligned with any other xenos species or empire. Please join us as we raffle off a novel written by Gav Thorpe and a chance to ask a question!!! For thousands of standard years, across thousands of worlds, they have continued to stalk the enemies of the Imperium as shadows of death, waiting for the perfect moment to deliver the killing blow before melting back into the darkness once more. Statues of their Primarch Roboute Guilliman and their greatest heroes rear high above countless plazas and city gates, and images of their myriad victories glow from stained glass windows in the mightiest basilica imperialis. The dour and resolute battle-brothers of the Iron Hands Chapter. Being a canon chapter. It is unclear from where this fear may originate, though many in the Adeptus Mechanicus believe that the source is a flaw in the gene-seed of the Chapter that originated some time after the death of their Primarch on Istvaan V. This flaw seems to be controlled or at the very least made moot by the increasing mechanical augmentations Iron Hands Astartes undergo. Inevitably, in such an environment large sections of the population fall to destitution and anarchy, and while the forges and manufactoria are ruthlessly managed, vast areas of these cities are often abandoned to misrule and neglect as new ones are built. Therefore, it is highly advisable not to imply that your Chapter has somehow miraculously found the cure. Planets once blessed by verdant forests are reduced to ashes, enemies clashing amidst the skeletal remains of the trees. A map of the 40k galaxy I created as a commission for a friend's personal Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum Regiment Codex, which the planet callout box in the bottom left relates too. Upon discovering a singularly valuable recruiting source, some Fleet-based Chapters may even abandon their itinerant existence, claim the world and establish a Fortress-Monastery. In other cultures, the Aspirants fight for the honour to be judged worthy, knowing that a great reward awaits the victors. The rulers of the Imperium care nothing for the quality of their workers lives, only that quotas are met and output remains constant. Codex - Spyrer Hunting Party | Warhammer 40.000 (Homebrew Codex) At first, this hatred is indistinguishable from that of a normal member of the Adeptus Astartes, forming only the staunch disdain required to face them in combat and turn away their insidious advances against the domain of the Emperor. The lightning strike is often precluded by a stealthily inserted scout mission, the Neophytes led by grizzled scout sergeants who themselves the veterans of a hundred missions. It is only those Civilised Worlds that maintain the most rigid military traditions that are likely to appeal to the Adeptus Astartes as s source for Aspirants. Older variant symbols utilise an upside down delta (triangle) or an explosion symbol instead. Other Challenge Trials involve contests of strength, stamina, speed, skill or mental strength. All 7th Edition expansions were superseded by 8th Edition. a homebrew WH40k 9e Army Book for the Astra Militarum: Elysian Drop Troops. While Space Marines are extremely long-lived, the vast majority die in battle and this Chapter embraces the fact. Technologically, most of the inhabitants are ignorant of advanced machinery, but may utilise basic firearms manufactured locally. It has already been established that the only likely Successor Chapter Founded from their gene-seed (Without the Grey Knights permission of course!) A Battle-Brother of the Dark Angels Chapter. Rules for models no longer supported by codices and supplements can be found in Warhammer Legends on the Warhammer Community website. Finally, there are a small number of Chapters whose organisation and methods bears little resemblance to those prescribed in the Codex Astartes. Many Chapters lay claim to a particular home world, yet are rules in name only. Others have no interest in the actual process, only the outcome. Some Chapters concentrate their efforts in and around one region, particularly those based near the Eye of Terror. Mighty bastions are constructed along the defence lines, each an impenetrable redoubt armed with fearsome arrays of anti-personnel weapons able to cut down entire waves of enemy attackers. While Rogal Dorn was lost to the Imperium in the years following the Horus Heresy, his legacy remains amongst the strongest of all of the Primarchs', and thus, next to the valiant Ultramarines, possess some of the most Successor Chapters to carry on Dorn's legacy of courage, valour and supreme sacrifice. If your Chapter is an Ultramarines Successor it should follow the Codex Combat Doctrine, unless you have a strong reason for them not to and a good background idea to support it. Ice-bound Fenris, the home world of the Space Wolves Chapter, is a frozen waste riddled with active volcanoes, and produces some of the hardiest Aspirants in the Imperium. [1a] Those Beastmen who have been introduced into the Imperial cult possess a simple but fierce devotion to the Emperor, regarding him as a vengeful god which demands tribute in the form of the blood of his enemies. Not long-term alliances are allowed, as Eldar are notoriously fickle and opportunistic, and will turn on their allies should an opportunity present itself. Many simply awaken in an induction-cell, with no knowledge of how they got there or what awaits them. Many worlds with thick forest growth also qualify. Keeping the story moving forward and advancing the overall storyline makes for an engaging and exciting read. Coming from a dnd background which has homebrew galore, I'm surprised that 9 months into this hobby and I have yet to see a homebrewed codex. Fresh-Faced New User I've always wanted to make a pony army for Warhammer 40k since I became a brony (as I'm an avid Warhammer 40k player, and I love the blending of passions), and after watching "Ponyville Confidential" and seeing Twilight's forcefield, the final pieces of said army . A battle-brother of the noble Blood Angels Chapter. This is achieved by means of hypnotic suggestion, prolonged meditation, psychological and spiritual testing, and gradual initiation into the rites and traditions of the Chapter. This is an attitude that developed as a consequence of the Salamanders' own unusually close connections to the Nocturnean people, as they are one of the only Chapters of Astartes who continue to interact with their families and the people of their homeworld after their transformation into Space Marines. When the Chapter has less need of new material, the Trials may continue until only one battered and bloody challenger remains, the corpses of his enemies carpeting the ground before him. Planetary assaults are a common type of warfare in the Imperium. Codex: Drop Troops is a fan-made work of passion, created by nearly 350 like-minded players and hobbyists from all over the world. Even once the process is underway, it is likely to be at least a century before the new Chapters are ready to take to the field. Younger worlds where Mankind's dominion is not yet fully established, are often host to all manner of hostile lifeforms, including predatory beasts, carnivorous plants and virulent microbes. Once the most numerous and powerful of the Space Marine Legions, their numbers would be depleted and primacy ended by decades of savage warfare, particularly in the wars of the Rangdan Xenocides, one of the most apocalyptic campaigns of the Great Crusade. Though established GW canon has confirmed that there are such possible Successors, such as the Death Eagles Chapter, which might be the remnant of the Emperor's Children 34th Millennial, that remained loyal to the Emperor, and fought their own traitorous kin during the Horus Heresy. The Ultramarines themselves follow the codex to the letter, and this is true of other Ultramarines Successors who strive to follow their example. combined with the categories previously described, some are mutually exclusive. Other planets might have been transformed into wastelands by war, accident, stellar phenomena or deliberate policy. These are merely a fraction of the possibilities you can create: With all the turmoil and problems that each Chapter's beliefs and dogmas can bring, the ability to overcome these things in the service of the Imperium is where your Chapter can really shine.

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warhammer 40k homebrew codex