which of the following statements is true about correctional officers?

Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Correctional Officer Duties & Responsibilites | CorrectionalOfficer.org The United States correctional system consists of local and tribal jails, state prisons, federal prisons, military and immigration facilities, and community correctional facilities, which includes probation and parole programs. Utilitarian ethics is a normative ethical system that is primarily concerned with the consequences of ethical decisions; therefore it can be described as a. teleological theory or consequentialist theory. A penal institution to which especially young or first-time offenders are committed for training and reformation is called? Captain Maconochie would have preferred an _________ sentencing model. that an officer had to run to a squad car for a chain cutter. Which of the following statements is true? [6], In the United States, during the years 1991-2015 the annual number of persons with diagnosed HIV in state or federal prisons ranged from a high of 25,976 in 1998 to a low of 17,146 in 2015; from 1998 to 2015 the number and rate of persons with HIV in state or federal prisons declined (Figure 8). The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution are known as the ? [70,71] Several studies have shown that women have an increased risk of acquiring HIV when they have sex with a male partner with HIV who is released from prison; this appears to be particularly problematic for black women in the South. For this analysis, undetectable HIV RNA was defined as HIV RNA level of less than 500 copies/mL. At the end of 2012, about ________ percent of the security staff in state correctional agencies were male. Some terms may not be used. At the end of 2012, approximately ________ percent of the people who were employed in adult correctional agencies in the United States were security staff. Cultural restrictions on behavior that forbid serious violations of group's values---such as murder, rape and robbery are called? To this end, we subscribe to the following principles. D. Some officers adopt a human-services orientation toward their work. Crime in the United States has continued to increase over the last decade despite our best efforts to control it. Members shall respect and protect the civil and legal rights of all individuals. After release drop offs occur at every step of the HIV care cascade; linkage to HIV care and programs for reentry into HIV care are very important. Those officers who are responsible for supervising inmates in housing areas are called __________. According to the philosopher, the duration of a 'second' is precise. the right to vote, the right to hold public office, the right to serve on a grand or petit jury, or the right to get married. In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court hold that inmates skilled in legal matters must be permitted to assist other inmates in preparing cases unless the government provides a reasonable alternative? ___________ officers are experienced correctional officers who know and can perform almost any custody role in the institution. Having the inmate talk to a provider, a nurse, or a counselor at the follow-up clinic may help with concrete linkage to services. Which of the following is usually not a characteristic of women's prisons? [4,5] According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, at the end of 2016 the United States had approximately 2,162,400 adults in correctional facilities. Which of the following statements is true? Correction Officer I Exam Prep Practice Booklet - Massachusetts Brutality is normally construed as a tort rather than a constitutional issue. All of these infection control strategies would also provide an opportunity to address prevention of infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV), which is important given that as many as 41% of inmates have chronic HCV. In the case ofWolff v. McDonnell(1974), the Supreme Court ruled that inmates facing a loss of good time for a rule infraction are entitled to certain due process protections. The term ________ is defined as the reduction of the original sentence given by executive authority, usually a state's governor. Since individuals often engage in activities that may increase risk for HIV acquisition following release from the correctional setting, secondary prevention is a critical component of transitional care planning. Adult offenders have trials; juvenile offenders have? The support received from other officers is the result of shared values within the culture. True or False? Correctional Institutions. The field of corrections is improving. What is defined as the conditional release of prisoners before they have served their full sentences? The first written laws of Rome were called? your answer. If a prosecutor drops charges after filing them, it is called? An act that is a law violation only for juveniles but not for adults is referred to as a? The author of On Crimes and Punishments was? Revocation hearings usually begin with a violation report prepared by the probation officer. What is defined as the process by which an inmate becomes socialized into the customs and principles of the inmate society? Prisoners who were sent to Australia, and then committed further felonies, were sent to __________. The set of norms and values among prison inmates is called? [10] Unfortunately, few correctional facilities currently offer medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction, and many inmates continue to use illicit drugs while incarcerated if they are able to access the drugs. The power, right or authority of a court to interpret and apply the law is called? Prisons, or institutions in which large numbers of convicted offenders spend time as punishment for crimes, are over a thousand years old. [2,7,8] The prevalence of HIV among inmates in state prisons varies significantly by geographic region, with New York, Louisiana, and Florida having the highest prevalence (3.0% or greater) (Figure 10). The ________ is a theory that states that the inmate society arises as a response to the prison environment and the painful conditions of confinement. The use of___________in corrections and public policy is now considered the gold standard for policy and program development. Many of the barriers to successful antiretroviral therapy within prison are similar to those outside the correctional system. The imprisonment rate for the United States is approximately_______per 100,000 citizens. The usual strategy is to intentionally foul the other team's worst free-throw shooter. Which of the following statements best describes the term parole? The HIV care cascade model has been applied to the correctional system in order to identify disparities and improve performance at every stage along the HIV care continuum, from HIV diagnosis to linkage and retention in care to antiretroviral therapy and virologic suppression (Figure 15). Court will convene at 9:30 a.m. A particularly mean device for whipping, called the Russian Knout, had fishhooks in it. Until the middle of the twentieth century, courts followed a(n) ________ philosophy toward prison matters. The Supreme Court ruled in__________that it was unconstitutional and a violation of the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment to execute people for crimes that were committed before turning age 18. The religious group________sometimes burned witches and unruly slaves; made wide use of the stocks, the pillory and ducking stool; branded criminal offenders; and forced women convicted of adultery to wear "scarlet letters". "America is the land of the second chance and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life", was said by_______________. C J 101 part ONE Flashcards | Chegg.com Punishment options for initial sentences more restrictive than traditional probation but less restrictive than jail or prisons are called? A. a type of sentence in which the offender must submit to intensive supervision in lieu of imprisonment, A. an opportunity to confront and cross-examine people who testify against them. What Latin term is defined as a court order requiring that a confined person be brought to court so that his or her claims can be heard? A correctional officer who provides commodities to the inmate population is a called a ________. The typical offender has been convicted of? A slower tempo can be experienced by a person who mentally stretches the duration of time. "The taking on of the ways, mores, customs and general culture of the penitentiary" is known as? ET for the sentencing for Alex Murdaugh. Serious crime in the United States continues to go down but the prison poplation continues to go up. Restorative justice is especially concerned with repairing the harm to the offender. Board of Governors and Delegates Assembly 1994. In the case of In re Gault, Gerald Gault was charged with? The country of_______was known for burning people alive. In a study of CDC-funded HIV tests conducted in adult correctional facilities the percentage of persons newly diagnosed with HIV who were linked to HIV medical care within 90 days improved from 37.8% in 2009 to 67.5% in 2013 (Figure 14).[38]. You seem to have a popup blocker enabled. Some correctional systems have arranged partnerships to allow processing of Social Security Administration (SSA) and Medicare applications before release, as recommended by the SSA and the Centers for Medicare and Medical Services. Cognitive Psychology Overview of Theory. The buyer has always had more power than the seller. [41] Fear of interpersonal violence, stigma, and lack of safety and privacy were cited as key reasons for HIV non-disclosure. A ________ is an institutional setting in which people are cut off from the wider society and are expected to live according to institutional rules and procedures. The belief that inmate subcultures develop in response to the deprivations in prison life is called? Which of the following statements are true? - Brainly.com More recent studies show that whites generally see misconduct as episodic and confined to individual officers, while blacks tend to see misconduct as a more entrenched aspect of . officer's supervisor. As of year-end 2016, the United States had approximately 2.2 million persons housed in correctional facilities and had an incarcerated population that exceeded that of all other countries, in large part due to the justice system's approach to illegal drugs. A jury found Murdaugh guilty of murdering his wife and son. Pseudofamilies exist in men's prisons in the same manner they exists in women's prisons. The majority of inmates in the Federal Bureau of Prisons have been convicted of _____. The Auburn system was also known as the __________. The punishment device that held the prisoner in a sitting position, with feet and hands locked in a frame, was called the stocks. answer choices Home confinement [22], Many have called for a comprehensive strategy to help stop HIV transmission within the correctional system, through interventions such as voluntary counseling and testing, disease prevention education, and treatment for substance use disorders. The Panopticon was designed to allow prison staff to observe inside each______. Stress to inmates the importance of attending their first scheduled appointment in the community, and the appointment should be as early as possible after release. Prisoners in 2018. There are many common personality types that have been identified in correctional officers. [72,73] Therefore, in this setting, it is important to utilize a range of HIV prevention strategies that include keeping released prisoners engaged in medical care, assisting them in taking antiretroviral therapy consistently achieving suppressed HIV RNA levels, identifying and treating sexually transmitted infections (since sexually transmitted infections can increase the risk of HIV transmission to partners), and facilitating the use of preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for community serodifferent partners. Persons with HIV who have incarceration periods for fewer than 7 days have the highest risk of treatment interruption; this is likely due to the chaotic nature of the jail setting, with rapid turnover, unpredictable lengths of stay, and lack of communication with regular care providers. In the United States, the average ratio of correctional officers to inmates across all states in 2012 was ________. Provide the inmate with a copy of the relevant medical record or clinical summary free of charge. Indeed, for some individuals, the structured environment of incarceration may lead to better adherence to antiretroviral treatment than with their adherence in a community setting, regardless of how the medications are dispensed. Race, ethnicity and sex are all aspects of? Show transcribed image text. Since you've received 80% or better on this quiz, you may claim continuing education credit. A message will be sent to your email address with instructions. [67] Programs that enhance linkage and entry into HIV care are crucial. Which of the following statements is true? - Weegy [11,26] For some inmates with HIV, the correctional setting may be their first engagement in HIV care, and during incarceration substantial gains may be made along all steps in the HIV care cascade, including increasing the percentages of persons taking antiretroviral therapy and achieving virologic suppression. Source: Seth P, Figueroa A, Wang G, Reid L, Belcher L. HIV Testing, HIV Positivity, and Linkage and Referral Services in Correctional Facilities in the United States, 2009-2013. Q. The scale developed from a risk-screening instrument used to predict parole outcome is the _________________. Penitentiaries are relatively modern social institutions and their development is distinctly American. [11] For many inmates, the greater ability to achieve viral suppression in prison is likely influenced by access to HIV care and mental health services, a structured daily routine, and decreased use of alcohol and illicit drugs. [50] In this setting, however, the use of universal precautions should negate the need for correctional staff outside of health services to know the HIV status of any individual patient. Prisons have long had the right to provide only the minimal conditions necessary for human survival. Living in prison is fundamentally different from living in the free community in several ways. B. Majors, captains and correctional officers charged with maintaining order and security are called_____________. [7], The higher prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) within correctional facilities can partially be explained by the high percentage of inmates with a history of injection drug use. Court litigation is a very slow, expensive, and piecemeal way to reform prisons. Evidence based corrections have shown very strong evidence that drug courts_______the future criminal activities of offenders. The most frequent penalty in the Twelve Tables was? The _______ likes to give orders and seems to enjoy the feeling of power that comes from ordering inmates around. Psychology - The Biological Perspective, Communication - Writing Negative Messages Quiz level 3, Pre Exam Quiz 5; Human Development and Family Studies, Quiz Preview 10/ Psychology - Principles of Social Psychology, Quiz Facts 7' Psychology - Cognitive Functioning, Quiz Lot 2. This graphic represents systematic review and data synthesis compiled up to January 13, 2015. "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted" is part of the____Amendment? Currently, the predominant method of execution in the United States is? In the correctional context the relationship between inmate privacy and institutional right-to-know remains contested, since correctional institutions are not alwasy considered covered entities under HIPAA. Easy Quiz 2. Criminologists Richard Hawkins and Geoffrey Alpert observe that the work of correctional officers is characterized by both ________. Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of the inmate society in many women's prisons? These officers are an underutilized resource, perhaps because of the public's misunderstanding of their role. The historical policy of American courts not intervening in the affairs of prison management was called? True or False? Question: Which of the following statements is true? A contract process that shifts public functions, responsibilties, and capital assets, in whole or in part, from the public sector to the private sector is called? a) They have considerable discretion in discharing their duties within the constraints of rules, regulations, and policies. This is called__________. A national survey of a parole board members said that the most important factors in the decision to grant or deny parole was the _________. The ability of correctional facilities to successfully provide antiretroviral treatment for inmates is variable. [20] The immediate clinical management issues that should be addressed include HIV prevention counseling, referral for mental health treatment if needed, initial evaluation and staging of HIV, and referral for HIV treatment (Table 1). This graphic illustrates the concept that on any given day in the United States, there are significantly more individuals incarcerated in prisons than in jails. The period of Western social thought that began in the 17th century and lasted until the dawn of the 19th century is known as? Because of limited access to HIV specialists, some prison systems have attempted to cohort persons with HIV in one or two facilities that have the easiest access to the specialists they needed. Bureau of Justice Statistics: Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. [54,55,56] Inmates with HIV have a very high rate of HCV coinfection, mental illness, and illiteracy: Incarcerated persons with HIV often present complex management challenges to prison medical staff who lack HIV expertise. Some officers become intrusive and pry into the personal lives of inmates. 1 officer for every 6.35 inmates. To deal with the growing prison population England used floating prion ships called hulks. [7] The relatively high HIV seropositivity rates among incarcerated women has been associated with higher rates of specific HIV risk factors, including past sexual abuse, exchange of sex for drugs or money, multiple sex partners, low rates of condom use, and injection drug use. The "Founder of Probation" is John Augustus. Emergency release options for special docket offenders, generally used to relieve prison overcrowding are called? [31,32,33], Studies have shown that HIV testing within the structured environment of corrections is effective and feasible; the cost-effectiveness of testing incarcerated populations varies with the prevalence of undiagnosed HIV among inmates in any given testing area, but, overall, is on par with the cost of testing in the non-correctional setting. They can replace any officer who is absent. As noted earlier, other non-HIV-related chronic medical conditions may also complicate care. With severe correctional budget cuts, prisons struggle to obtain money for? Expedited HIV care may be necessary for special clinical circumstances including acute HIV,an acute opportunistic infection, and HIV during pregnancy. The _________ would be most involved in encouraging prisoners to participate in educational, vocational and treatment programs. A person's race is a simple biological fact, and not a social construct. [24] Other strategies include access to condoms, regulated tattoo parlors in prison, and facility-based needle exchange programs. Which of the following is NOT a civil right commonly forfeited by convicted felons? ___________are locally operated correctional facilities that confine people before and after conviction. The numbers for each year represent a sample taken at one point in time. Because individuals with HIV in the correctional system often perceive that accessing HIV care may increase their risk of being subjected to violence due to stigma or homophobia, maintaining adequate privacy measures within the correctional system is of paramount importance. Which of the following states paid its correctional officers the highest median annual wage in 2014? Values such as supportiveness, teamwork, perseverance, empathy, and caring enable officers to cope with post-traumatic stress; they are part of team of colleagues who care for their coworkers. In 2006 the State of __________ had the highest incidence of AIDS related deaths in its prison population? [26]Althoughthe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended in 2006 that correctional facilities perform routine opt-out HIV testing, the HIV testing practices and policies in correctional setting continue to vary from state to state. They have considerable discretion in discharging their duties within the constraints of rules, regulations, and policies. Source: Carson EA. The most common sexually transmitted disease, one which affects the eyes and lungs, is? Added 11/4/2021 7:21:03 PM. The parole concept has its roots in an 18th century English penal practice of __________. [4] Among all persons in prisons, the state prisons account for nearly 90% of those in prison and the majority are males (Figure 6). [26] Fewer than 30% of persons with HIV in the United States who enter the correctional system do so with an undetectable HIV RNA level. poor, a high school dropout, unmarried, with children. This system called for solitary confinement at labor, with instruction in labor, morals and religion. [14,15], In the United States, the absolute number of men with HIV in state or federal prisons is consistently greater than the number of women by a ratio of more than 10 to 1, which is not surprising given the prison population is predominantly male. According to your authors, the Three-State Recidivism Study concluded? Fails when it's ill conceived and/or not implemented as designed. [19,20] Although the overall rate of AIDS-related deaths in prison has declined since 2001, the rate of AIDS-related deaths among Black inmates has remained higher than in White or Hispanic inmates.

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which of the following statements is true about correctional officers?

which of the following statements is true about correctional officers?